Missouri retracts “militia” threat report

McClatchy News reports from Missouri that Missouri’s report to the highway patrol warning of militia and third-party threats of violence has been retracted. MIssouri Governor Kinder has suggested putting the director of Missouri’s public safety on administrative leave and investigating how the report was written. Missouri’s director of public safety has apologized to the offended parties.

NWOU puts this report in the context of the new administration, which we view as a reorganized form of the Clinton administrations. President Obama has surrounded himself with former Clinton administration pit bulls–Rahm Emmanuel, James Carville, Hillary Clinton, and other merchants of slander. It is now obvious that Obama is committed to a “permanent campaign” model of socialist governance rather than responsible government, and his surrogates are engaged in a permanent campaign of slander against conservative politicians and media personalities.

What is the purpose of this campaign? To deflect attention away from the Democrats’ big-spending, big-deficit policies. The spending program so far is projected to result in deficits of over $1 trillion annually for the next ten years. This level of deficit spending is unprecedented, and the staggering looting of the Treasury is crystallizing resistance. The Democratic strategy line seems to be, Bush and the Republicans ran up deficits before we came into office, and the credit crisis is not the fault of the Democrats. NWOU readers can see through this posturing. The Democrats also hope to marginalize any potential Republican candidate before his campaign can get started. Within this broader context, the Missouri report was simply an attempt to marginalize dissent and criticism by labeling conservative dissent as radical and violent. Kind of humorous, isn’t it, with the Left’s history of radical violence and the historical passivity of the conservatives?

At the same time, the administration has ended the “War on Terror” language of the Bush administration and substituted vague language encompassing a variety of potential threats. This is in line with Obama’s outreach to Moslem nations, which was the first act of his administration. It would be a great trick, wouldn’t it, if the Democrats could deflect attention away from Islamic terrorism to “conservative terrorism”? Behind Obama’s vague idealistic language of outreach lies a policy shift accommodating socialism to radical Islam, but it remains to be seen how successful a radical secular Left/radical Moslem alliance will turn out to be.

It is encouraging that a state governor has some influence over Fusion Centers. Several state governors have refused to accept “stimulus” funds, and many banks are proposing giving back the TARP aid money as soon as possible. It is possible to resist the socialist takeover, and it is encouraging to see resistance at the state level to smear politics.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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