Mexican president invites whites to immigrate

Mexican President Felipe Calderon issued an invitation to white Americans to immigrate to Mexico yesterday in a major speech. President Calderon said that “It is time for Mexico to return the favor the United States has shown to Mexicans during the past 15 years. White citizens of the United States should consider Mexico’s borders open. The welcome mat is out.”

President Calderon said that he would particularly like poor young males to immigrate to Mexico. “We have a lot of crops that need harvesting right now. And, we have many positions open for workers at multinational corporations that have relocated to Mexico.” President Calderon admitted that the jobs don’t pay very well, but he noted the high rate of unemployment in the United States. “There are jobs in Mexico,” he said, and “Mexico is not discriminating against whites as the United States is.”

A reporter asked Mr. Calderon after the speech whether Mr. Calderon wouldn’t prefer having Mexican citizens return to Mexico rather than white citizens of the United States. Mr. Calderon replied that his invitation was in the spirit of the North American Union. “We recognize no national boundaries anymore,” he said. “We’ll take the white men. It’s all the same to us. There aren’t going to be separate races much longer, anyway.”

Mr. Calderon added that “White men coming to Mexico should feel free to rape Mexican women and get involved in the drug trade. We want young American men to feel as free to ignore our laws as our Mexican citizens did when they emigrated to the United States. We know there are not many white gangs in the United States, but whites should feel free to form gangs once they come to Mexico. The Mexican police will protect them, just as your police protected our gangs in your sanctuary cities.” Also, Mr. Calderon added that U.S. citizens would be free to grow marijuana in Mexico’s national forests, as long as they don’t interfere with Mexico’s existing gangs.

A reporter asked Mr. Calderon if bankrupt farmers and farm workers from the United States would be encouraged to bring their families with them. He answered, “We don’t really care. They can marry Mexican women if they want to. We want to mix the races so the white race disappears, at least among the working classes. It’s easier to control people if they don’t have a race, a culture, a nation, or a religion. Then they lose any sense of history. They lose their identity. We want everyone to be equal under the New World Order.”

Mr. Calderon was then asked whether Mexicans in the United States would feel jealous if large numbers of whites went to Mexico. He answered, “We don’t really care. The people are all just cattle to the leaders of the North American Union.” He added, “U.S. citizens should not expect to support a corporate oligarchy inside Mexico. Our administration is just as committed as the Obama administration is to socialist control over every organization and every person. In fact, one should not believe there is any difference among the administrations of Canada, the United States, or Mexico. These governments are essentially the same.”

When asked whether he thought U.S. men would want to emigrate to Mexico, Mr. Calderon replied, “Yes, it is cheap to live here. Many gringos can’t afford to live in the United States anymore. Very soon the standard of living of the two countries will be about the same.” Mr. Calderon then added, “U.S. citizens will be allowed to vote in Mexican elections, just as Mexican citizens may now vote in the United States. Who votes doesn’t really matter to us because the integration is so far along. Anyway, we count the ballots and announce the results.”

Mr. Calderon also announced that border guards would no longer be posted at the Mexico-U.S. border. “Guards are just a waste of money,” he said. “People can bring in whatever they want. We have all the drugs and guns you could want, right here in Mexico, at very good prices. We also have all the latest consumer goods from Communist China at very cheap prices. But we would like the gringos to leave their books at home. They can watch Mexican TV and get all the New World Order culture they need from our global programs.” He added, “My administration and the Obama administration are committed to working together to make Mexico and the United States as similar as possible. U.S. citizens should feel right at home in Mexico. We are erasing the differences very rapidly now.”

“In fact, he added, “Whites should feel free to run for office in Mexico, as long as they are Democrats and support globalism and equality. It doesn’t really matter who holds office to us because we control all the national, state, and local governments anyway.”

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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