Measuring America’s decline

You might notice that we avoid posting about the national debt and the projected bankruptcy of the Treasury, or the decline of the dollar, though we have informed you that the rest of the world is organizing against the dollar as the preferred world currency. You can find these stories, and other predictions of financial ruin, at ZeroHedge, Market Ticker, PrisonPlanet, MaxKeiser, The Economic Collapse, or other such sites. The financial bloggers have figured out that running up debt to infinity is unsustainable, even though they might not understand the history and plans for the New World Order.

There is another measure of America’s decline, and today we are passing on a couple of unusual stories we have come across. We are not familiar with returnofkings or roosh, but roosh has posted a photoessay entitled 40 Pictures That Show the Decline of American Women. A nice piece of work. You younger guys might be too young to remember when American women were worthy of respect. If you have been educated by feminists in the public schools, and if your idea of culture is the TV and movie pseudoculture, you have probably never even seen a feminine woman of high moral standards. They are shockingly attractive. Yes, it was feminism that ruined American women, together with the Satanist anti-culture. America isn’t coming back until all the good people shun feminists and repeal feminist laws discriminating against men.

Our advice: go abroad.

W.F. Price offers A Millennial’s Take on Gender Politics at The Spearhead. Read all the comments for a nice overview of how millennials are thinking about how they got screwed by feminism. Old guys like us are simply not capable of expressing such fresh material because we experienced feminist betrayal decades ago.

Kevin MacDonald at the Occidental Observer opines on the current state of racial politics and implications for the Republican Party.

How white people’s sense of moral capital gets shifted to universalism at The West’s Darkest Hour.


The moral argument against universalism can be difficult to make. But what is obvious is the moral degradation that comes with universalism. Michael Snyder has put together a piece that strings together anecdotal reportage building to a solid conclusion about America’s degraded moral state. We prefer the anecdotal reportage to statistics — makes a stronger impression, no?

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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