March on Washington

The March on Washington will take place on September 12. Get information at 9.12.09Washington, The Tea Party Movement Goes to Capitol Hill.

Links at this website will take you to the groups organizing conservative resistance.

After 9/12 we should have an organized resistance. Militia recruiting is way up in Midwestern and Southern states. Opposition organizations are forming and growing. This march will further separate the phony conservatives from the real conservatives. That will be a big step forward.

Kudos to the tea party protesters and the health care town hall meeting protesters. But these are just baby steps in forming conservative resistance.

It is of high interest that the corruption of the bankers and the congressional mandate to banks to write cheap loans, the causes of the global financial crisis, are largely forgotten today. The opposition is not to Wall Street and Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd, it began with the pork stimulus bill and the omnibus budget bill and then crystallized around the threat of the health care bill to seniors. We expect seniors to lead this opposition as they are the most threatened by the population reduction agenda of the Democrats.

The Democrats will respond to the town hall protesters by measuring what they can get away with and trying to pass a bill that omits the most objectionable clauses. They will just bide their time, then amend the bill in the dark of night when they can get away with it. They won’t quit trying to impose their agenda. Any health care bill that passes will be the beginning of the end for seniors, and a large penalty for small businesses as they are forced to buy insurance.

Resistance is mainly symbolic at this point as the controllers aren’t really listening at the town hall meetings. They are just measuring resistance. But even symbolic resistance helps delay their agenda for the short run.

Putting big numbers into the Washington march will help the symbolic resistance. The real value of these protests for conservatives is identifying allies you can work with in the future.

To have a real resistance you have to imitate the organizational genius of the Left.

We won’t win because the Left has the international organizations, the big corporations, the schools, TV, the labor unions, massive funding, and networked organizations that appear and disappear and transfer money to each other if anyone gets on their trail. They have Green propaganda, feminism, racial identity politics, the psychologists and psychiatrists, the foundations, the leading professional organizations, lawyers up the wazoo, the courts, the immigrants, the global techies, the teachers, and all the brainwashed middle of the roaders who believe in integration and tolerance. Most big cities are headed by corrupt black mayors. They have Chicago, the West Coast, the East Coast, every place but a strip running from Montana down to Texas. They have the teenagers, the drug addicts, the criminals, the gangsters, the gangstas, the gays, the lesbians, the sanctuary cities, and everyone who draws a government paycheck. And, most importantly, they have the Federal Reserve system counterfeiting money so they don’t have to cut their spending to their favored groups.

If you can match that lineup, you might have a chance. But really you don’t, so the protest is really an exercise in nobility. We’re noble, so we’re behind it. The only strategies are to flee, resist, or submit. While you are resisting, think about finding a safer haven. They also have the FEMA camps, the police, the military, and the Canadian military running population control maneuvers to clamp down on any real resistance. Keep it symbolic. Have a nice day.

Oh, and by the way, don’t pay any attention to those Republicans who come out and talk about how they are going to reform the system and repair the damage. The damage is total. When they put Robert Rubin, Henry Paulson, Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, and the Bushes on trial, we’ll have a chance at getting a square deal. Until then, it’s just corruption as usual, government by treason.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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