Manly men resisting the takeover

While we have been preoccupied with researches into the mysteries of ancient history, others have forged a new focus on promoting resistance. We have focused on the New Right parties in Europe and the Traditionalism expressed in blogs such as Counter-Currents as the mainstream of dissent. Now an alternative version of resistance has emerged in the states calling itself neoreaction. Let’s catch up with their thinking.

What is Dark Enlightenment? An unfortunate term, as is the Cathedral, but I guess they’re stuck with them.

The Legionnaire offers A Schema for Understanding the Reaction. Legionnaire notes a split between the New Right and neoreaction. Legionnaire believes neoreaction arises from Dark Enlightenment, the writings of Nick Land, Nick Steves, Foseti, Mencius Moldbug, and several others.

More Right offers twelve points of neoreaction.

 Radish provides an overview and links. Radish is the reincarnation of AltRight. 2013 month by month. Very informative.

Matt Parrott’s The Dark Enlightenment is New Right Lite. Parrott defines Dark Enlightenment as a criticism of Enlightenment thinking and the present socialist set-up (the Cathedral) without tribal whitism or criticism of the Jewish agenda in anti-white multiculturalism. Yep, right on. Dark Enlightenment also is missing the history of secret societies described in The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World. Arguing against Enlightenment thought is not enough, one needs to understand the history and aims of the Illuminati and their predecessors.

AnarchoPapist offers a “taxonomy” (blogroll) if you want to visit new sites. No high theory here. We have not read anything on his Reading List, further reinforcing our opinion that the neoreactionaries haven’t read enough history.

Free Northerner has a weird reading list. His Free Man’s Reading List is questionable. Geez, don’t follow these guys. They aren’t smart.

Habitable Worlds visualizes neoreaction and finds the faultlines.

Outside In decides Edmund Burke is the point of reference. We do prefer Burke as the conservative point of reference rather than “monarchy,” but we don’t have the time to explain why. You can catch up with the Burkean conservative tradition in a recent book, The Great Debate by Yuvit Levin.

More Right offers a definition, then a better list of definitions, but displays blazing naivete about how the “Cathedral” got that way, i.e, how we got to our present dilemma. Needs to study history.

A discussion on Darkest Enlightenment. The idea of replacing one system with another is absurd, the point is to thwart the totalitarian project of turning everything into a system. Religion appears to be the solution for some reactionaries, but we believe a better solution is a common ethics. A retreat to pure religiosity spooks us, as does a total embrace of secularism. The main problem is to get rid of the occultist elites.

Not being Catholic, we are unenthusiastic about Catholic reaction, especially since the Catholics are leading agents in the New World Order takeover. But Nick Steves reports real news and we think his value-set echoes most of ours. We are aware that many Catholics are unaware of the horrific history of the leadership of the Catholic church and are trying to be good people. But we wish they would wake up.

Catholic conservative James Kalb defines the problem of modernism as technology replacing society, and we agree, but we cannot bring ourselves to support his conclusions, especially since the Catholic church supports illegal immigration. “Christiandom” is permanently fractured, America is a failed multicultural experiment, and Communism/liberalism can last forever, even after the governments default on their debt. They have the weapons to enforce their will on us.

Foseti introduces Moldbug. We are guessing Moldbug makes the leap from Puritan Christianity to Progressivism because he has missed the Illuminati and the infiltration of the New England colonies by European occultists.  However, Marxist Illuminism dominates liberal/progressive/socialist/communist thinking, and the Protestant types are merely useful idealistic idiots. There is much too much Moldbug for us to read as we have other priorities. We are sure you can find some nuggets there, however, if you’re willing to put in the time.

 Anomaly UK makes the case for monarchy. Democracy has driven us all insane. Sorry, the European monarchs formed a kind of secret society devoted to Babylonian/Egyptian mind control methods and are not our reference point for good government.


Amos and Gromar present a relativist justification for various forms of government, meaning there is no single model the neoreaction can advocate. Human development has a way of working out themes in a modified, sabotaged, and compromised form rather than from philosophical first principles, so these youthful musings might indicate how things will play out in the future.

The Reactionary Thinker


Occam’s Razor. Young guys caught up in the institutions of political correctness and desperate for a way out.

Hat Tip to Chateau Hartiste. We don’t care for “game,” but he entertains us.


About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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