The “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” hoax

“In ancient times we were the first to put the words ‘Liberty’, ‘Equality’ and ‘Fraternity’ into the mouths of the masses … words repeated to this day by stupid pollparrots; words which the would-be wise men of the Goyim could make nothing of in their abstractness, and did not note the contradiction of their meaning and inter-relation.” He claimed the words brought under their directions and control ‘legions’ “Who bore our banners with enthusiasm.” He reasoned that there is no place in nature for ‘Equality’, ‘Liberty’ or ‘Fraternity’. He said “On the ruins of the natural and genealogical aristocracy of the Goyim we have set up the aristocracy of MONEY. The qualification for this aristocracy is WEALTH which is dependent upon us.”

Mayer Rothschild

From Pawns in the Game, William Guy Carr,


Having established in our previous posts that Illuminism, the doctrine of worldwide revolution to form a one-world government, was the plan of Frankist Rothschild Jews, the question naturally arises, who put together the propaganda campaign to turn people’s loyalties toward this project? The Illuminati propaganda relied on an appeal to abstractions, most notably “liberty, equality, fraternity,” as a promise of a better life under the governments of the revolutionary republics. To round out this propaganda campaign, the monarchs of Europe, and most notably of France, had to be made out to be tyrannical despots, whereas the constitutional republics were portrayed as reflecting “the will of the people.”

Obviously this propaganda was quite effective, for it drove revolutions in France, the United States, Europe, Mexico, and South America, all planned within the lodges of illuminated Freemasonry. The slogan continues to inspire the globalist socialists who intend to unite humanity in their Universal Republic, erasing class differences, cultural differences, national differences, gender differences, religious differences, and probably many other differences as well, thereby ending human evolution by enforced sameness or similarity. For this project to succeed, “the people” must first be formed into the blindly obedient brainwashed masses. This has already happened through control over media and education.

We wonder why this project seems appealing? One must break one’s identity with one’s race and culture to embrace an impossible uniformity among the peoples of the world. The real program, rule by satanic Jews from Jerusalem with the rest of the world their slaves, is even less appealing. We’re not too keen on rebuilding the Temple at Jerusalem and reestablishing the practice of animal sacrifices, either. But the true objectives of Illuminati globalism remain hidden from the masses behind a veil of propaganda and lies.

So, who invented the appeal to bloody revolution, murder of the king, and the elimination of Christianity as liberty, equality, and fraternity? And why did people think the revolutionaries would make better rulers than the kings?

Here we begin our search. William Guy Carr’s book Pawns in the Game is a great source for understanding the campaign of propaganda and deception and the role of the Jewish leaders in establishing the propaganda front.

Next, we briefly stop by Living in the Langudoc, where they tell us the motto was invented by Francois Fenelon and was associated with the Enlightenment. After the revolution, Parisians wrote this on their houses:

“Unity, indivisibility of the Republic; liberty, equality or death.”

This slogan reminds us that the revolutionaries were bent on genocide of the Catholics and death to opponents of the revolution. The first manifestation of the revolution was to split the population into pro-revolution and anti-revolution factions and institute the Terror of mass murder against the opponents of the revolution. Notice also in this slogan there is no possibility of escape from the republic.

Dwight Longnecker at the Imaginative Conservative reminds us that the slogan replaced earlier slogans, such as “faith, hope, and charity.” We would add, the pursuit of “the good, the true, and the beautiful.” Longnecker analyzes the shortcomings of the terms “liberty, equality, fraternity” in the ways the modern Left defines them, but these terms had different meanings to the early revolutionaries.

To Thomas Jefferson and the slaveholders of Virginia, the word “liberty” meant the liberty to own slaves. For all of the early revolutionaries in France, “liberty” meant anti-Catholicism. See our book The Illuminati and Thomas Jefferson for documentation of these points.

Let us recall that the slogan was taken up by the Freemasons, and the Freemasons have their own definitions of words. Here is a quote from the Grand Lodge of Universal Mysteries website:

“The Liberty of soul and conscience; the Equality of divine origin; and the Fraternity of that true fellowship which characterises humanity’s eternal purpose, which is ‘to love one another,’ and that to secure these essential Rights of Freedom in the spiritual life of all peoples and their quest in the pursuit of Wisdom and of Truth, the Ancient and Honourable Institution of Masonry (Free-Masonry) has been established upon the Earth by The Most High (and the Grand Lodge on High) to be a custodian of the Ancient Mysteries (and therefore a custodian of the divine Plan) within the bosom of Humanity, in order to secure and establish these Mysteries within the program of human living, and to guide the members of the Craft in their Lodges at Labour upon the Earth to assist in and cooperate with the divine Plans of The Most High and His Lodge—the Grand Lodge on High—in building and raising the Temple of Humanity (as a Temple of Light) to the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe for the welfare and betterment of all peoples; that through establishing the perpetuation of these Mysteries (pertaining to humanity’s divine purpose), the divine rights and spiritual life of mankind may be protected and preserved.”

This interpretation of the slogan may be understood within the framework of Freemasonry’s ideas about its own divine founding and its project of building the Temple of Humanity in order to preserve the ancient Mysteries. But this idealistic interpretation is itself a propaganda cover for the true objective, rebuilding the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and rule by elite Jews over all of humanity. Notice, at this website, the logo gives prominence to the slogan “As Above, So, Below.” So, for the Freemasons, the purpose of revolutionary liberty, equality, and fraternity is to build a united humanity that is guided by ancient superstitious magic. Seems far removed from the Age of Reason, doesn’t it? In fact the spiritual belief system justifying revolution and a new world order is the Cabala, which is associated with worship of Lucifer. That high-level Freemasons worship Lucifer has been well documented in many books and at many websites.

The phrase “As above, so below” refers to the belief among the ancients that temples, pyramids, and other symbolic structures were built upon the earth directly under particular constellations or stars. Some of the ancient Mystery schools considered these stars to be the locations our human ancestors traveled from to arrive at earth and teach certain humans the arts of civilization. These “secrets of the Mystery schools” provide foundational beliefs of Freemasonry and similar occult organizations that they are the proper, authorized guides to humanity. But there is nothing in the early Mystery schools about liberty, equality, fraternity, and nothing in Freemasonry about liberty, equality, fraternity until the time of the French Revolution. The slogan was a late injection into masonry by the Illuminati, and it caused endless squabbling among the masons as the ideal of equality conflicted with the established hierarchical grades of initiation.

Among the French revolutionaries, the idea of liberty meant liberation from villages, guilds, monasteries, and large families. Equality meant the abolition of the privileges of the clergy and the aristocracy and the end of serfdom for the peasants. Merchant guilds were banned. Workers were collectivized and forbidden to form associations. Charities were banned as it was the responsibility of the government to provide employment and charity for the needy.

“There is no longer any association inside the state, there is nothing else than the individuals’ interests and the General Will.”

General Will meaning, the will of the leaders of the Illuminati. So the idea of “fraternity” does not mean a right of free association, it means the requirement that associations be banished so there is no other location for the loyalty of the individual to deflect from his required loyalty to the state and to Freemasonry.

The General Will is another of those meaningless abstractions. There is no general will, or will of the people. The “people” are the revolutionary party; for the revolutionaries, the will of the faction in power is the will of the people. The General Will in practice is the will of the leader of the Illuminati, and everyone must conform to it or face death.

The revolutionaries promoted government schools to provide a uniform indoctrination in republicanism.

A new religion was established, worship of nature, but this quickly faltered. Next they tried worship of the leaders of the revolution, which disappeared after the Restoration in France. Finally the revolutionaries settled on worship of the state as their religion for the masses. For the upper-level Freemasons and the Frankist Jews who guided them, worship of Lucifer was their religion.

According to the propaganda of revolution, by definition all other systems are an intolerable tyranny, and so wars of liberation are necessary to bring the benefits of mandatory uniform individualism to the entire world. How extreme French nationalism is supposed to translate to other countries is a problem that is never addressed in the public propaganda of revolution. But out of necessity the culture shift from nationalism to international government must be addressed in the secret councils of Jews and Freemasons guiding the world to its uniform slavery under the rule of Jerusalem. We see this shift in propaganda after many republics were formed with the formation of the Communist International and the current propaganda promoting globalism and the New World Order. The early republican revolutions directed loyalty toward the state; after the revolutions had achieved a world of republics, loyalty is directed toward international organizations devoted to abolishing the sovereignty of the state.

At Humanity in Action we find a post that describes the present state of France with regard to its slogan. France is quite insistent on inculcating the revolutionary values in its schoolchildren, as long as they are interpreted as the values of the French state and its citizens, with no room for any gap between the two. The French republic cannot have its people using its revolutionary rhetoric against the French republic. Every republic must pose as the single defender of the revolutionary values, with no alternative and no secession possible.

A sample of public opinion in France reveals widely differing interpretations. Some believe that liberty, equality, fraternity has been achieved with the constitution of 1958. Some believe the revolutionary ideals have yet to be achieved and are a work in progress. Interestingly, many immigrant groups have fastened on the slogan as a way of gaining more political power for immigrants, as a way of shaming the French for exclusionist ideas and practices. Immigrants to France use the slogan to support multiculturalism and affirmative action programs. The widespread immigrant Muslim violence is interpreted as the voiceless symbolizing their desire to be integrated into France with violence rather than through education and employment. It never seems to occur to the French that the Muslims aren’t going to integrate and will take them over and force them to convert to Islam.

“The revolutionary symbols are hung onto so badly precisely due to the emptiness of their meanings. This proves to be an interesting safety mechanism, as the more disaffected people become, and the more the gap grows, the more people will cling to these symbols and hence feel more a part of French society.”

So it turns out that the French law that makes immigrants and natives equal under the law is bolstered by the empty slogan of liberty, equality, fraternity, now stripped of its terrorist and socialist connotations and appealing to a nonexistent national unity while the Muslims form their separate communities and gangs, ruling under sharia law, and their Jewish masters roll ahead with their plan to eliminate the white race.

From Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952, comes the following quote:

“The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born.

“Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people.

“… This war will end for all time the struggle against the Gentiles… Our race will rule undisputed over the world… And so, with vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israel will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World.”

It was the international satanic Jew who invented the slogan “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” to fool the goyim with a false philosophy while they built their empire on the ruins of Western civilization.

We all have our individual interpretations of freedom and equality, but hundreds of years of legislation have overridden and limited whatever values our individual ideals might uphold. One cannot make a coherent politics out of contradictory abstractions that had peculiar meanings to our revolutionary Jewish overlords and was designed to ensure white genocide. We badly need a different slogan that represents true Western values and a direction toward formation of white enthostates.

The Truth About “All Men Are Created Equal”

Jared Taylor, from American Renaissance

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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