Libertarians get over on the tea party

We omitted the Libertarians from our neocon/tea party/new right analysis. Today we are giving the Libertarians their due. But not because they won the debate shown above. The debate is fixed in favor of the Libertarians. We could easily defeat the Libertarians in debate. We could easily defeat anybody in debate because our worldview is superior to everybody else’s. When we say superior, we don’t just mean our knowledge base, we also mean because of our superior values, because we are not leading the world into degenerate techno-slavery.

A few years ago we investigated libertarianism, briefly, by visiting libertarian websites. We came away confused, and we have a degree in political science, so there is little in politics that we find confusing. The variety of intellectual justifications for libertarianism is staggering. We can’t make any sense of libertarianism. The reason is because, it is very individualistic and freedom-centered.

Building a philosophy around a slogan of revolutionary Freemasonry based on contradictory abstractions seems like a bad idea to us. There is no such thing as freedom. The idea is too general and vague to serve as a building block of a philosophy. The “freedoms” written in the Bill of Rights can all be taken away by specific congressional legislation. And have been.

Freedom often defaults to individual choice, but then you have to ask, what is the individual’s choice based on, and who is supplying the alternatives? And what happens after the choices? Are the outcomes always good? Freedom is not a high, absolute value, it is a means to another, higher end.

Philosophers have analyzed freedom in terms of “freedom from” and “freedom to.” If you’re not working at this level, you are vulnerable to taking freedom as a slogan without thinking.

Individualistic freedom is a recipe for social destruction. We understand wanting to be free from political oppression, but the U.S. Congress is more oppressive than King George was. No one abroad believes that Americans are free under democratic socialism. They are cogs in a machine.

If you really want freedom, you’ll have to find it outside of any political arrangement.

Doing things your own way is a kind of luxurious self-indulgence. All power lies in group action.

Not thinking about other people seems like a blind spot to us. Putting freedom at the top of the list of values and trying to build something around it seems off balance to us. But that’s just us. Libertarians can thrive because the masonic slogans about liberty, equality, and happiness are unquestioned building blocks of political culture. This self-contradictory little slogan is the basis of the modern worldview. In a previous post we quoted a famous occultist to the point, the pursuit of happiness is really a Satanic agenda. Liberty and equality cannot coexist with each other. That these ideas are the basis for the U.S. Constitution and the worldwide system of republics strikes us as extremely odd. And unstable.

And, by the way, “We the People” didn’t write the Constitution or ratify it.

Libertarianism can flourish because it starts with where people already are. No adjustment necessary. Just keep going down the same path. Freedom = Progress is their simple formula. Progress = Wasteland is ours.

Libertarianism builds upon where we are now, with socialism, complex technology and systems development, and asks why all this system-building can’t be a little more flexible and open to individual whims. Libertarianism is practical. Intellectually it is very limited, but practically it avoids the worst of the ideologies and has some appeal for everyone.

We don’t dismiss the libertarians as just dope-smokers or reformed Trotskyites or New World Order free trade dupes. (But we will point out that they are vulnerable to anything built around the word “free.” That is why they never question “free” trade, which definitely is not free. And, they never question “free” enterprise, or “free” markets, which have never been free. Just say “free” and you have them. They won’t bother to think further.)

The variety of intellectual justifications for libertarianism keeps us from generalizing, and we recognize the appeal. But we do dismiss them for their corrupt bargains with the socialists and their love of corporate capitalism. Having said that, we believe the libertarians are going to win. By win, we mean survive the longest.

Libertarians want to create a less corrupt secular nation so that many viewpoints can coexist. They want to maximize pleasure and freedom. This appeal is pretty much irresistible to the “average American” because, since the advent of the modern era, people define themselves as individuals. Oh, and everybody else is an individual, too. What about society? What about culture? They don’t care about that stuff because what they really care about is self-interest. The world is just individuals. Or it ought to be. So go out and get yours.

A society based on competition and salesmanship is not a society.

The tea party (stereotype) wants to cut government spending and turn the law toward Christian ideals and principles. This will never happen. Tea party Christians are (stereotypically) ignorant about history: America was founded by Freemasons, not Christians. Accepting the secular framework of “liberty” and “tolerance” was their error. Logically, to us, the tea party should be successionist and separatist, not part of the Republican party. Christians really want theocracy, so go for theocracy. But it ain’t going to happen in Marxist America.

The tea party patriot movement will decline. They need to escape from America to survive. The libertarians will take their place as producer of daily political talking points, and may even become a majority.

LIbertarians can easily coexist with Marxists because they are both secular worldviews. Libertarians can easily support the New World Order because “free trade creates wealth.” There’s no need to talk about capitalism in Chinese or Mexican factories or how international treaties subvert democracy and national sovereignty as long as imported goods are cheap. Libertarians are interested in getting along with everybody, and the low price. Libertarians are the smartest dupes.

We are way past getting along. The New World Order is a Marxist war against humanity, and there isn’t any framework for preserving peace, even under their treaty enslavement. As the socialists play out their “bankrupt and de-industrialize America and Europe” scenario while building up Communist China, the pressures are driving people to extreme separatism and random acts of violence. The libertarians will emerge as the (temporary) peacemakers. They will try to nudge the Democratic control system toward easing up and slowing down. While doing nothing to destroy the control system. (Though they might try to get rid of those airport scanners because that is something the libertarians can see and touch, and it inconveniences them.) Libertarians are on board with the techno-future. They think it’s all great, and they think it comes out of corporate America, so what we need is more funding for science education. They’ve never heard of DARPA.

They definitely are not worried about the New World Order because economic theory tells them it will be very very good. Libertarians love economic theory, especially macroeconomics and statistical studies. They love markets, all markets, any kind of markets. These focuses make them blind to what is going on in the world. But, if they become aware of a problem, they have an answer: make a market.

Libertarian thought can thrive in this era for one simple reason: the markets have all worked in their favor because the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. When that is no longer the case, the markets will have a bias, an edge, against Americans, against all dollar-holders. Then they won’t be so eager to talk about market solutions.

We are not libertarian, but we are going to explain why they are coming to the fore.

This is the big organizing principle of the modern world:

Since the beginning of the modern era, man has been redefined in terms of materialism, individualism, and the pursuit of self-interest.

The pursuit-of-self-interest people are going to have a turn in the driver’s seat now that the Democrats have exposed themselves as incompetent criminals in public.

However, Libertarians are not operating in an open market with the idealized individuals of their economic man. They are operating under socialist control, with a dumbed-down population that cannot be rescued, within the framework of treaties that take away democracy and rights. They are unaware of the big challenge to undoing all the slavery the global socialists have created.

Libertarians were also educated under the main conditioning institutions, the schools and the media, but they haven’t done the intellectual exploration necessary to reveal the conspiracy and throw off false beliefs. Most Libertarians are older and were educated before feminism, collectivism, homoism, media slavery, and political correctness were shoved down all the kids’ throats. Today every institution has a psychological or marketing control bureaucracy that is oriented both externally and internally. Libertarians never talk about how to undo mass socialist conditioning. They don’t have a strategy for overcoming Cultural Marxism because they believe bad ideas should be allowed to coexist with good ideas. Think, for a moment, how stupid that is.

The media induce virtual reality trances, that is, they make internal representation of the controlled stimulus more important than actual reality. Control of images and symbols, control of information flow, plus the stimulus of crisis producing anxiety is how they hold you in psychological slavery.

The average teenager in America consumes over 10 hours of media every day. What are the Libertarians going to do about that? Nothing, because their orientation to rights and freedoms won’t let them. The Libertarian worldview is inadequate to even face the biggest problems. Libertarians are too tolerant. But that’s exactly what every pervert subversive wants, more tolerance.

We are more interested in the people who have gotten past conditioning, media, anxiety, and self-interest as the organizing principles of their lives. We are more interested in the real individuals, not the managers and programmers who are profiting while they build up Communist China. We like beautiful losers, but we really want to produce warriors.

The libertarians have not escaped the conditioning. They remain enslaved is what looks to them like an open space rather than a prison. They are not open to the themes we present. They never imagine there is anything wrong with them. Their internal self-image is rational and initiating rather than controlled because not one of them is familiar with the history of psychological conditioning and mind control. They are also very naive about the history of the Enlightenment. They think it was all good. Libertarians aren’t interested in history because for them history is simply the “evolution” of man up from ignorance and poverty to knowledge and wealth. And that’s all there is to it. This is called scientific history, and scientific history was discredited many decades ago, but not one libertarian knows this. Because, if they aren’t interested in history, they definitely are not interested in the history of history.

They’re a little arrogant. But, we hasten to add, not horrible people by any means. Just narrow, smug, and very sure of themselves.

We’ll illustrate the libertarian versus tea party conservative faultline by referring to the FOX News mix of worldviews.

You can see the libertarian winning strategy play out if you watch the blonde newsbunnies on FOX. The future is theirs. They have the structural set-up, the advantages of feminist hiring preferences and the privileges given to women under divorce and family law. They aren’t smart, and we wouldn’t care to talk to any of them, but they have a certain enthusiasm based on the promotion of their self-interest and the belief that they have a pleasurable and wealthy future. Everything has been handed to them, so they have no basis for believing that it will all be taken away. No one has ever said no to them, corrected them, or questioned their whims. They have only gotten positive reinforcement. They believe in the “empowerment” slogan and the “equality” con job. Everything is working out great for them. In fact, people seem interested in their opinions.

They aren’t journalists, the news comes to them. They mostly deal in statistics or factiods, so everything real is mediated to the far distance. When individual tragedy breaks news, they know how to respond with the right emotions. No one expects them to be bright. If you want to know what is going on, you can interview a man. Analysis is not their strong point.

They’re a little bit socialist sometimes, definitely big corporatist most of the time. They can switch around on any issue, they’re flexible. They’re feminist without believing that feminism is Communism. It’s about “rights,” you see? They take their cues from their girlfriend network, probably even Oprah. They are involved in corporate media messages 24/7 and can master the appliances designed to trap them in the corporate media pseudo-culture.

Gosh, what else is there?

They still believe in the American Dream as long as they are young and making money. They are secular atheist or lukewarm Christian or secular Jewish. They are not interested in knowledge or virtue or beauty or history or religion or technology or anything complicated, really they aren’t interested in anything that is too far removed from themselves.

Most importantly, they have a nose for money and know how to look out for number one. Libertarian will fit them like a new dress, and they won’t have to go on a diet. Go along and get along.

Not all libertarians are privileged princesses, but we chose this one example because it’s easy to understand. They are on TV every day, probably on Facebook and Twitter, in the schools and corporations and political parties. Their male counterparts are in media or sports or corporate innovation or finance or one of the privileged professions. They are sort of influential, so why shouldn’t they have political power? They went to college and go to work, so of course they should be well paid. All of these global problems and financial crises can be put behind us because the smarter guys will work it all out. Anyway, they never lost their job or their savings or their house, so they can continue to believe in the special goodness of America. The special goodness of America is that people can make money here.

We’re taking the girls as our example and ignoring the boys because the boys do not have a good future. They are all under feminist trance conditioning, so they think everything is normal and they can negotiate their way through the maze.

Libertarians are already a little upside-down, so they are well suited for making their way through an upside-down world. Tolerance is how they do it.

Another stereotype of the libertarian versus tea party orientation is Glenn Beck versus Bill O’Reilly. Beck is a tragic Christian, O’Reilly is an arrogant and shallow libertarian. Beck is actually giving out New World Order history on TV without mentioning the New World Order or acknowledging that there is any such thing as conspiracy. Beck knows more and is deeper, but O’Reilly will survive longer even though his show is just empty junk food. O’Reilly’s secular orientation and ignorance of history work in his favor as he negotiates around minor issues. Being shallow and dumb has survival value. Naming names and telling the true history is how you get eliminated.

O’Reilly disses Beck as “crazy” or “dangerous” on his show all the time. Beck takes it. Beck has the better history, but O’Reilly libertarians don’t care about history, they already have enough history. Libertarians are future-oriented, like the Marxists, the past is just meaningless. They cannot imagine that anybody could get together and plan a New World Order takeover and have its tentacles extend to so many areas of life. Remember, they believe that everything happens by free individuals, not elite planning at secret conferences. Libertarians don’t believe there are any secrets.

Talk on FOX News of the “libertarian tea party movement” is misleading. These are two separate worldviews. The libertarians will cooperate with the socialists and push the tea party off the bus. Libertarians haven’t figured out that all societies are religious. They like the secular pseudo-society, not religion. Religion is a challenge to their ego, so they reject it.

Libertarians understand that religion is incompatible with modernism. They choose modernism and dump all religion as primitive superstition. The tea party people haven’t figured that they are a surviving remnant of pre-modern thinking in a modern world. They haven’t figured this out yet because they are wedded to the false idea that liberty, equality, fraternity, natural rights, democracy, and republics are Jewish ideas or Christian ideas. That’s strange because otherwise they do know a lot about the Bible.

Tea party Christians imagine that they are Judeo-Christian, or sort of Jewish, or Zionist, or something. They get this from the Puritans and the neocons, not from Martin Luther.

While the Christian Right swirls around in the traps created by secular politicians, the Libertarians will emerge as charming survivors. They’re problem-solvers, innovators, can-do individualists. Global conspiracy just doesn’t sound right to them. They are confident that they can tinker with things a bit and get along to a brighter future.

We’re not envious, we’re just pointing out who is going to prevail in this era. And with that, we can leave the libertarians alone and move on to more interesting topics.

Our students are in the garden of forking paths, hoping to find a way out of global socialism and corrupt global capitalism. They are better read than Libertarians but not as self-oriented. They have done identity cleansing and shucked away all the false ideas of liberalism, modernism, and scientism. They are no longer hypnotized by Martin Luther King into forced integration. They understand that techno-futurism is a robotic horror show, anti-human. They are against all trends.

The immediate future is Libertarian because big government and big corporations aren’t going away, and Democrats are too stupid and corrupt to govern. Libertarians can navigate the liberal pervert culture and the multicult role reversal institutional set-up with their present freedom and tolerance trances, but we say the hell with it. We don’t tolerate evil.

“They spoke much of tolerance, because they needed the very same for themselves, but already at that time there was no-one more intolerant than they against all those who gainsaid their opinions.” [1]

“To the extent society becomes liberal it becomes inhuman, and as the process approaches completion the society becomes unable to function or survive.” [2] The Joy of Curmudgeonry

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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