Liberal states and big banks

We’ve been hoping that congressional watchdogs charged with tracking the TARP bailouts would uncover enough evidence to prove that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson engaged in criminal behavior by loaning our money to his friends. TARP Inspector General Neil Barofsky released an audit on Monday reporting that Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson lied about the financial health of some of the banks that received TARP funds. This revelation doesn’t amount to evidence of a criminal conspiracy. It could be dismissed as “faulty judgment” or something similar. Story at The Washington Times.

Washington has a long piece on the big banks that comes pretty close to explaining why they are not being broken up.

While the largest 20 banks that received bailout money were laying off 160,000 employees, the top executives were given millions of dollars worth of stock options. That is why banker compensation needs to stay in the public’s awareness. As time goes by, all of these scandals can be swept under the rug and forgotten. Congress is participating in the cover-up.

You need to frame further economic developments upon these basic building blocks: (1) The TARP money was misspent, and the big banks did not resume lending as promised. The top executives profited while the employees and the taxpayers got the shaft. (2) The Democrats had the opportunity to target job creation and enlarge the welfare support system when they came into office, but they funded the Left, built up the federal bureaucracy, and spent money on low-priority projects instead. The federal government has been wasting money instead of helping the economy. The big liberal states have continued spending rather than cutting jobs and salaries to align with tax revenues. All economic developments are occurring within this paradigm.

The State of Illinois has cracked. It’s really a bad idea to go to work for the government. The welfare state programs are underfunded both at the federal and state levels. When government workers get laid off, they naturally turn to the government for help. You need to break this sort of socialist dependency psychology to survive the crash. The government is the problem, not the solution. The government is supporting the wealthiest bankers, the biggest corporations, the illegal immigrants, and the most radical Marxists, not you. Liberal governments are the enemy of the people. Don’t make us explain this to you again. Declare your independence from government and move on to an honest future. You don’t need to waste any time on “reform” proposals and movements, just get away from the government whirlpool and don’t look back.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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