Liberal death culture moves to internet, TV

The liberal death culture has generally operated behind environmental and feminist front groups promoting birth control, abortion, sterilization, sex education, and family planning. In Europe a euthenasia movement has been promoting the “right to die” by assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is now legal in Europe.

Appeals to suicide are now appearing in news stories, on the web, and on TV. Here are a few of the latest developments:

The Australian Broadcast Corporation has set up a web site so that children can track their personal contribution to greenhouse gases. At the end of the quiz, children are told at what age they should die. See the story at the Register. A related story at WorldNetDaily.

In December 2008 the first assisted suicide was broadcast on British television. See the story at the Guardian. The prominent British ethical arbiter Lady Warnocke believes that elderly British have a duty to die to stop wasting the resources of the National Health Service. See the story at the Telegraph.

NWOU has repeatedly warned you that the Left promotes socialized medicine so that they can carry out their depopulation agenda inside hospitals. Cost savings will become the argument for promoting suicide among the elderly.

The Optimum Population Trust is calling for a Royal Commission to set a population limit for Britain that is “environmentally sustainable.” See the story at the Mail. The irony of this environmental appeal is that Britain’s population is declining and is only maintained through immigration.

NWOU notes that the environmental population control movement was greatly bolstered by false UN world population statistics that were published in the 1980s. The Carter administration also published these statistics. They have been rebutted by many responsible economists, but they serve to scare people into believing that the world population is growing when in fact it is declining in almost every nation.

NWOU is aware that Satanism is flourishing in South America. Columbia Reports has a story on satanic groups active in schools encouraging children to commit suicide. The practice of “self-cutting” is now spreading among young people. It is a symptom of this satanic culture and may be a predictor of suicide.

The environmentalists worship Gaia because the earth mother goddess requires child sacrifices.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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