Letter to the White Race

In previous posts we’ve sent you over to Centurean2 for reporting on British resistance to the New World Order. Centurean picked up and reprinted our post on Destroying Europe. We clicked over to Centurean and then followed a few links. What did we find? Resistance is popping up all over the place.

We started with Meet the Fockers, a brief summary of NWO history. How Common Purpose developed out of the Fabian Society.

Then over to Political Correctness Kills Whites. Being a big picture thinker, we have tended to ignore individual stories about black on white crime and, more generally, immigrant on native crime. No more. The victims are piling up. The Fallen List is devoted to stories about white victims of immigration and multicultural policies.

By carefully controlling and managing the schools, universities, media, and press, this “out group” has managed to convince the great bulk of your racial kinsmen that not only is resistance futile, but that it is immoral, barbaric, depraved, and unworthy of a “thinking” individual. By promoting the stereotype of a “racist redneck resistance”, they have made the idea of a struggle for White Identity a veritable sin in the minds of nearly every White person. In short: they have convinced European-derived peoples that a prolonged suicide is preferable to the unmitigated evil of “racism”.

How the British working class gets the shaft from their liberal controllers. From this survey we can conclude that consciousness of the New World Order anti-European agenda has not reached critical mass in Britain. It has, however, reached Edmund Connelly, who has also noted the displacement of white males by unqualified women and minorities in media advertising. Minority rocket scientists?

More important is Connelly’s post on the Letter to the White Race. Required reading.

The Green Arrow is a pro-BNP website that reports on anti-white crime and political corruption in the New World Order. Everything on this site is worth a read. The Green Arrow has put up a website devoted to reporting the crimes of politicians and public officials, Liars, Buggers, and Thieves.

We need a site like that for the United States. We tend to overlook the criminal behavior of the elite criminal class as a series of unrelated incidents.

Christopher Donovan has a short piece on the standard white family tree over time and notices degeneracy linked to feminism and homosexuality.

Over to South Africa, where Sarah, Maid of Albion watches the black takeover and its white victims. Sarah offers deep historical analysis of the tactics of South Africa’s black power industry and treatment of whites in South Africa. Don’t miss her post on Geert Wilders speaking in New York. Sarah’s reporting on race crimes and race crime statistics leads us to understand how successful the media blackout of racial identity of criminals has been. All of Sarah is worth reading. We have discovered a major voice. Search for her series, From Titans to Lemmings, on this site.

Finally, over to Freedom14, a new organization in Southern California. Southern California has gone from the sweet spot of the California dream to the racial takeover nightmare of multiculturalism in about 15 years. It doesn’t take long to destroy civilization when it’s directed from the top of the pyramid. It’s nice to see websites promoting awareness of the Marxist agenda of white destruction popping up.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Letter to the White Race”

  1. John says:

    I liked it. So much useful material. I read with great interest.

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