Letter from Russia

The following comes to us from L. Lebed in Russia:

“In a nutshell, Russia has not ceased to be subordinate to Wall Street ever since the revolution. Might I add, Imperial Russia was Masonic as well, and not that nice of a place to live in. (But that’s a story for another time).

When the empire was overthrown, Wall Street now had a huge plot of land that they could not immediately devour. Like a large steak, it had to be cut into segments, and digested piecemeal. The creation of all the Republics within the USSR was the groundwork. The territory of Imperial Russia would be separated into republics, built up and industrialized at the expense of ethnic Russians. Small, miniscule ethnicities like the Kazakhs would be awarded large swaths of Russian land, large funds, and engineering projects, and over time, their population grew tenfold, thanks to the efforts of Russians who were laboring during this construction. The dissolution of the USSR was planned very far in advance.

If we take Kazakhstan for an example, it was a desolate land, populated by a small amount of Kazakh (Turkic) tribesmen, who frankly were very backwards. For Wall Street predators, there was nothing to seize here. So, they had to build it up into something worth stealing. All the republics were organized along ethnic lines (Uzbekistan for Uzbeks, and etc.). The purpose of that was to make it easier for these republics to break off during the future Soviet collapse. If they could spread racial hatred amongst these Central Asians, they’d be more likely to break it off with Russia. This is exactly what happened post-1991. The authorities of these newly created republics (i.e., pawns of American Jews) made sure the newspapers spun anti-Russian propaganda around the clock, arrogantly claiming that Kazakhstan had suffered under an “evil Russian colonial occupation.” Which, if you consider the history I have just outlined, sounds preposterous. But, most people are sheep. Whatever the shepard says, goes. So, within a short amount of time these republics became significantly anti-Russian, and over the years have become even more anti-Russian.

The Russian Federation, (formerly RSFSR) is also going through the same blueprint the Soviet Union went through. It has many republics of its own, such as Udmurtia, Bashkortostan, etc. These are “autonomous” but are still a part of the R.F. In the future, they will break away from Russia and become devoured by U.S. colonists in due time. Right now, the colonists are feasting on Ukraine; they have not finished their meal yet. There are still more republics to swallow up, like Belarus. By the way, there is even talk of a fictional “Siberian Russian” ethnicity that apparently is separate from the “main” Russian ethnicity. This is bullshit, concocted to further divide Russia for the Wall Street predators. They have to go as far as dividing the Russians themselves into various ethnicities, because otherwise these lands would be too big to consume.

Meanwhile, what of the Russian cabinet?

As I said, Russia has not ceased to be a Masonic entity, curated by Wall Street. When the USSR collapsed in 1991, power was taken by Yeltsin, a Jew, who was completely beneath Wall Street. All the state industries became privatized, and priced at rock-bottom rates. This was intentionally done, to allow Jew businessmen (formerly bigwigs in the Soviet administration) to easily “swallow” Russia. As Baruch Yeltsin liked to say, “Swallow as much sovereignty as possible.” Even (Jewish) Harvard professors of economics were given a crack at Russian industries, stealing millions. The biggest thief during the 90s was Vladimir Gusinsky, who was also the president of the Russian Jewish Congress. How ironic!! The 1990s also featured the very first Hannukah and Passover celebrations inside the Kremlin.

At the end of the 90s entered “Putin,” real name Shalomov. From the Hebrew word “Shalom.” His history as a protégé of Yeltsin is well documented. With these two facts in mind, it’s already clear that a man like this was up to no good. He did slightly raise Russia from the dumps, but only because they needed to build more things to eventually steal in the future. Large cities like Moscow became full of rich people, due to this economic upturn in the 2000s decade, but many other cities and the countryside remained rather poor. The mafia crime of the past still continued unabated, and penetrated every institution. Furthermore, as part of the Jewish NWO plan to exterminate whites worldwide, Shalomov allowed gigantic quantities of Central Asians and Caucasians to enter Russia, steal jobs, perpetrate organized crime, and overall have a rampage across Russia that continues to this day. And he outlawed any White Nationalist resistance to this flood – with draconian federal laws that resulted in many trials of innocent WN political activists.

So what is Shalomov doing these days? Many things, none of them good. In a nutshell, he is keeping Russia on ice until the United States has digested all of the former republics. While the US is busy, he and his Jewish elites loot Russia for themselves. His main objective is to enact economic reforms which will devastate Russia, while portraying only “upliftment” on the television screens. (State television). He is doing nothing to stop the advance of the US, doing nothing to prepare the military for a confrontation with them, although the television screens say otherwise. They exaggerate like hell, showing clips of alleged “powerful technology” and the ilk. This is easily deduced when you actually take a look at military statistics, and see that some of these “new unveiled weapons” are indeed new creations, but are being produced at the rate of 3 per year. Such as the “new and powerful” T-14 tank, which had only 20 units built over the course of several years. In other words, he’s tricking his stupid supporters into thinking all they need to do is vote for him – and he will take care of them. He’ll save them from the “Western aggressors”—in whose banks his stolen funds are kept. Average morons look at fancy military expos on TV, but not at the facts. As the Russian population idly sits by, America is already building up massive forces in Poland in order to take away Kaliningrad.

He is controlled opposition, and absolutely poisonous to Russia.

As we speak, Shalomov is intentionally allowing American NGOs to operate across Russia. These are literally nothing more than a civilian auxiliary of the CIA. As an idea of how far they’ve progressed – in 2004 the Moscow Gay Parade was 25 people, in 2014 it was 30,000. Furthermore, he allows Western colonist media to freely operate in Russia. One of the most popular channels, rivaling “Pro-Putin” channels, is Echo of Moscow. A deliberately anti-Russian, pro-Wall Street colonist channel. You can compare this arrangement to Fox News vs CNN — one “Right wing”, one “Left wing” but all in all both have the same result and trajectory which is a continued Jew World Order.

Russian state universities show American films, peddle American propaganda and “culture.” They show students music videos from degenerate American musicians, softening up their mentality and making them more prone to supporting the US. They constantly tell them lies about “how good everything is over there, in the land of milk and honey.” Basically, the Russian government under Shalomov is the main driving force behind the brain drain. They educate students in rigorous and advanced Russian universities, while shoving American propaganda down their throats and providing advice on how to emigrate. Does this sound like a sovereign nation or a colony of Wall Street/America?

More facts:

He’s allowing the navy to completely rust. The army, still somewhat strong, is not improving as it should. It cannot even organize a mass maneuver beyond a couple miles. Right now, he’s allowing his American curators to take over the Arctic Sea. He stood by, idly, as AmeriKKKa swallowed Ukraine. His children, as well as the children of Lavrov and many other cabinet members, all reside in either America or Western Europe. Lavrov’s son, for example, graduated from a US Military Academy. Now does this sound like someone who is “against” the United States? Does this sound like someone who is sovereign, not a pawn of Wall Street? He is allowing Halliburton to operate in Russia. All of the Ukrainian oligarchs who are “at war” with him have banks and factories of theirs operating in Russia. Shalomov forgave multi-million Ukrainian gas debts. In fact, he forgave nearly every single debt that any foreign debtor has to Russia. Isn’t that nice? The Russian government pays Jewish pensioners 5 times more than gentile pensioners. Everytime Shalomov meets with Chabad officials, he always has a submissive demeanor, has supplicative body language, and allows Chabad officials to sit in his personal chair. There are more in-depth articles on all this stuff, but in short he is absolutely not who he portrays himself to be. Anti-NWO fanatics needn’t count on him.”

Also see the interview with the founder of Our Fatherland, Yevgeny Shchekatikhin, at the Radio Islam website.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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