Leaving California

Callifornia has been experiencing outmigration for the past five years. Reports about people leaving California are a bit difficult to come by because nobody stands at the border and gives them an exit questionnaire. So we’ll have to rely on anecdotal information.

One Sacramento Bee reporter traveled to Oklahoma to interview refugees from California. Philip Reese’ article has a metaphor, the reverse Dust Bowl migration. He thinks the outmigration is about economic opportunity, and much of it may well be. But remember, Reese works for the SACRAMENTO BEE, a liberal newspaper. He’s not going to give you the real reason people are leaving California. He’s going to give you liberal cotton candy.

Actually, we believe there are two main reasons for California’s outmigration. The Democrats have held a majority in the California legislature for as long as we remember, and Democratic overspending has thrown the state into a financial crisis. But we don’t believe California residents are leaving because the state has a financial crisis. We believe people are leaving because the Democrats have been in power about as long as we can remember, and they have made the state an unlivable mess. Is that two reasons? Don’t worry, you’ll know the reasons by the end of this post.

Let’s continue the reverse Dust Bowl theme for a minute. There actually is a study showing that poor people are more likely to leave Calfiornia than rich people, even though California has one of the highest income tax rates in the nation. OK, the people with incomes under $20,000 probably are leaving to find a job and a cheaper place to live. Common sense. We don’t expect people to read NewWorldOrderUniversity and decide to leave California because the Democrats are ruining the state. Notice that California has 37 million people, and the outmigration is less than the birth rate plus Hispanic migration into California. This means more poor people are entering California than are leaving California. Are you with me here, camera guy?

If reverse Dust Bowl were the correct metaphor, the migrant workers would be leaving the state. But that isn’t what is happening. There isn’t a Dust Bowl famine in California. California’s agriculture is fine. What did you expect from a liberal reporter, accuracy? No, no, Dust Bowl metaphors are just for the liberal masses.

Let’s visit a website that’s a little more intelligent than your average liberal reporter. That shouldn’t be difficult to find. Donald Collins at VDARE believes California is dying, and California’s woes are about to spread across the nation. Collins notes that California’s population was around 20 million in the 1970s. 40 years later, the population has nearly doubled. Collins estimates 3 million illegal immigrants in California. We’ve heard figures around 7 million. It’s difficult to know because nobody is exactly keeping track, and of course there’s lots of movement over that border.

California isn’t dying. We’re here to let you know that California is being taken over by Communism, and there will be enough meat left on the carcass for the Commies to pick over regardless of how many good people leave. Of course, it won’t ever be a Golden state again, but hey, power is power. California is a big prize for the Communists. It ranks right up there with Germany in the 1920s. That’s why the Democrats in the legislature are stubbornly holding on to their spending plans, even though it hurts all the residents in California. The stakes are high, and they are playing to win. They don’t care if they take over a broken economy. It’s still a rich prize.

Is California the canary in the coal mine? Well, it is for the soutwestern states, but we think the federal government can continue to ummm function (sort of) as long as the Federal Reserve buys U.S. Treasury bonds. Well, it can’t go on to infinity, but it can go on long enough for the takeover to be irreversible. The canary metaphor is a little better than the Dust Bowl metaphor, but California isn’t going to die, it’s going to be taken over.

Here is a postcard to California from a former resident. This post looks at Lodi, in the central valley. A previous post, from 2005, has it about right. One more good post on what California’s growth boom was like. California’s central valley now has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.

Central valley towns such as Livermore, Tracy, Lodi, and Stockton became suburban boom towns in the 1980s because housing prices are very high in the Bay Area. Bay Area commuters bought cheaper valley houses. Today there aren’t as many commuters making the three-hour drive to Silicon Valley, and housing prices in those new suburbs have fallen by about half. Meanwhile Mexicans flooded into the central valley to work on the farms. The valley was a Wild West boomtown in the 80s and 90s. Today it’s more like the land of broken dreams.

The Wall Street Journal has a personal story about a business leaving LA. Sure, LA politics is a little crooked, what did you expect? Do the Democrats care if small businesses leave California? Nope, and we’ll tell you why. The Communists have never supported small businesses, they have tried to outlaw small businesses and replace them with state-controlled monopolies. Small businesses breed “bourgeois” values, and bourgeois values are to be eliminated under Communist control. They don’t want small businesses making money and creating jobs so that people can live lives independent of state control. Communists don’t want any creativity or innovation, they want uniform opinion. That’s why everyone in California seems really dumb.

One good reason to leave LA: the chief of police is cooking the crime statistics, underreporting crime by 40%, according to the LA Times. This isn’t the first time we’ve come across reports of police departments underreporting crime. OK, you knew LA was corrupt, but honestly, had you put it all together, the police in California’s cities are in the bag for the Communist takeover?

“If you don’t like it, leave the state.” LA Police Chief William Bratton

One more local story on crime in LA. Of interest: Bill O’Reilly criticized LA Mayor Villagrosa for not protecting the people from gang crime. Newsflash to Bill O’Reilly: Villagrosa is protecting the people. You and I are not “the people” because we are not on board with the Marxist takeover. We are enemies of the revolution. Your error was in reinterpreting a Communist concept in some vague liberal, democratic terms. The people are the revolution. The immigrants are the people. If you don’t like it, leave.

Joe Guzzardi has a scenario by which California will be taken over by 2014. We don’t want to debate with Joe, he’s figured it out, we like him, and we’re sure he’s got good reasons for his prediction, but we predict the takeover will occur in 1996.

OK, now you know why people are leaving California. Economic opportunity elsewhere, according to the liberal journalists. Big New World Order immigration takeover, according to us.

Remember, there are more poor Mexicans moving into California than there are poor whites moving out. Every day California gets a little dumber and a little poorer. It’s not a recipe for success. It’s a recipe for takeover.

Nobody needs a reason to leave California. What we need is a reason to stay. We’d like at least one honest person to stay and send out continuing reports to the rest of us on the progress of the takeover. We don’t want to rely on liberal reporters to let us know what is happening, and you shouldn’t have to, either. It’s the least they could do for us, let one honest person stay. After all, they got our state.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “Leaving California”

  1. Interesting and very really true. Bookmarked.

  2. Andrew Pelt says:

    Very informative article… Looking forward for more articles on your blog

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