July 4 tea parties

Rick Moran at The American Thinker has a round-up report on the July 4 tea party events. Moran estimates “hundreds of thousands” attending over 700 tea parties.

Daria DiGiovanni attended two tea parties in Florida. Her report is at Canada Free Press.

Rick Moran admits the tea party crowd remains scattered and unfocused. They are even recasting the tea party movement as an anti-tax movement. Daria seems way too cheerful, as if outsider status were a temporary fad. We the people are not going to prevail. They are going to prevail.

Conservatives who are wondering about how to energize the Republican party and build on the tea party movement are wondering about the wrong thing. The question is not how to win the next election. The question is how to survive the permanent socialist takeover.

Paul Williams at Canada Free Press has another report on a different sort of July 4 tea party, this one in Los Angeles. The theme was not celebration of America’s independence but preparation for America’s takeover.

While white conservatives are waving the flag and remembering New England in 1776, the southern Hispanics are invading the southwest and looking forward to taking it over in the name of Aztlan. White conservatives are so unprepared to combat the Left. They vote, they canvas, they contribute money. It’s all very civilized, and very weak. While the Right is celebrating America’s military in Iraq and Afghanistan and playing patriotic songs, the Left has put bodies on the ground, millions of bodies. They have taken over cities and counties. Their gangs run entire neighborhoods and small towns. They are very powerful in the Democratic party, and they have gotten funding for education, health care, and other state services. Illegals vote in California elections.

In our small town on July 4 the Hispanics crowd into the public parks. You won’t find a white person there. There is so much hostility against whites that no white person would go near a public park on a holiday. Liberal talk about peaceful multicultural mixing is just talk, to fool you while they prepare for the takeover.

If you live outside the southwest and are unfamiliar with the Reconquista agenda, tune in and find out what we are up against. This is not a normal or natural mixing of the races, it is a controlled Communist program to take over and eliminate white people.

What are the conservatives going to do about that? Answer: nothing. They are going to get kicked in the teeth and wonder what happened to them. Here is their future:


About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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