Is Undoing the same as progress?

If technological progress culminates in the project of the global grid control system, and if free trade agreements subvert national constitutions and laws in favor of the three-region global control model, should we interpret every setback or Undoing of this global control system as genuine progress? If the global financial system spreads unpayable debt obligations around the globe and crashes the stock markets, should we interpret the global economic crash as progress? If the United Nations were to suddenly become unfunded and could not spread population control programs around the world, would that be progress? Is Undoing progress?

The answer is, of course, yes, Undoing is progress, but these questions bring into focus the key question of how to interpret events. We are suggesting that the Left versus Right framework won’t be sufficient for you to interpret things correctly, you need the New World Order history and framework. Beyond that simple point, the general lack of a framework of interpretation and an alternative vision for the future of humanity is one of the most important issues in anti-New World Order studies. If any Undoing, delay, or disruption of the New World Order machine is progress, what goal should we be hoping that this “backward progress” will achieve? These are powerful questions you should be asking yourself. You should not be relying entirely on NWOU for answers.

But we have a few thoughts to offer on the subject, so let’s get started. First, the New World Order cannot be dismantled until the free trade treaties, and other mutually entangling treaties, are repealed and repudiated. At the level of politics, the New World Order can’t be undone until the EU, the UN, and the various regional cooperation agreements are discredited and undone. At the economic level, the NWO can’t be undone until corporations are limited to one country, monopolies and oligopolies are broken up, and countries restructure their economies around local needs rather than producing for export. The countries that are currently experiencing the largest drops in GDP and trade are those that structured their economies for export. For local peoples to flourish economically, we need to outlaw franchising and break up the globalist “Wal-Mart” system.

At present, these systems remain in place. They have less financing and less demand, but the channels remain open for revival. If the global economy revives sufficiently, progress toward the New World Order can continue, and this period will be seen as an inconvenient blip. If the global economy does not recover quickly, we can hope for a stronger movement toward economic nationalism.

Next, institutions at all levels need to be inoculated against Marxist takeover. Communist governments need to be brought down, exposed, and discredited so that no tragedy like this can ever happen to humanity again. This goal requires a massive educational effort to enable people to understand how their societies and institutions got infiltrated and taken over. It means outlawing all forms of Communist propaganda. This is a big job. If you are looking for a way to get involved, here is a great place to make a contribution.

This program of Undoing would itself provide instant relief for untold millions of victims of the Left, and a better world, all by itself. But these proposals fall short of a positive vision of how we should live. We are happy to allow nations and local peoples to decide this for themselves, in a variety of ways. Let a hundred flowers bloom. Humanity possesses a great creativity that is presently stifled by Leftist thinking and control systems.

NWOU realizes that this “localization” program relies on individual and social identity. For people to escape from the Iron Cage of socialism and realize their true identities, the Left’s program of identity politics must be undone, exposed as false, broken and crushed. Without real people with real identities, no program of Undoing can succeed.

So let’s examine how the Left assigns a false identity to people so that we can break this curse. The program of the Left is to subvert societies, cultures, and religions simultaneously and create a pseudosociety, a pseudoculture, and a pseudoreligion as substitutes. Very clever, very insidious. Cultural subversion is achieved largely through various modern and postmodern art strategies and the creation of a sterile secular progressive culture. This project has been successful as, for most people, a genuine cultural heritage belongs to their ancestors. It’s easy to grasp that popular culture is debased, vulgar, and Leftist, so we won’t dwell on it.

Religious subversion occurs through the creation of Marxist Liberation Theology, which was then pumped into various Christian denominations. Another subversive program was the injection of Eastern religious beliefs and practices, such as yoga, into Christian denominations. Marxist history and anthropology attack belief in the Bible as history and portray Christians as cruel exploiters of native peoples. The Dan Brown occultist line of speculative history substitutes Gnosticism as the genuine Christianity. Other strategies include Jefferson’s tactic of separating church from state, the Communist ACLU assault against laws, slanders and defamations, secular media control over religious news, etc. The formation of the new world religion under UN-sponsored nongovernmental institutions is a Marxist strategy to colonize the world’s religions under Stalinist control.

Social destabilization naturally occurs under secular thinking. Feminism and multiculturalism are the Communist fronts designed to accelerate social decay. The Left first seeks to produce an isolated individual, then gathers its victims in a mass pseudosociety that it can control. The identity politics of the Left seeks to create purely rhetorical imaginary terms, such as “the black community,” “the homosexual community,” etc. as signs of its control. There aren’t any such communities, but the Left uses these imaginary categories as coalition building blocks of subversion, seduction, and cooperation. The rhetorical device itself is sufficient to separate individuals from genuine societies and orient them to subversion. These individuals then are mopped up by “community organizers”–Communist agents who foment grievances and promise big-government solutions.

The Right has nothing as powerful as this set of techniques and rhetorical devices, which is why the Right is badly losing.

This false identity scheme of the Left eventually breaks down into competing factions, as we saw during the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution and during the 2008 Democratic party primary campaign. Although neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton was qualified to run for president, they were the two top vote-getters during the Democratic primary battle. Why? Because one was blackish and the other was a feminist, and both had close connections with radical Communists. For the Left, radicalism is itself a qualification for office, even though the candidate possesses no skills or experience. Experience and skills don’t matter to the Left because they aren’t going to fix any problems anyway, they are just going to seize power and distribute the spoils. Blacks are led to believe that a black candidate will distribute the spoils to blacks first, and feminists are led to believe that Hillary Clinton would distribute the spoils to feminists first, so the Democratic party split into the black versus feminist factions. What about the others, whites, males, Latinos, Asians, etc.? They chose, but they probably were satisfied with either one. The Latinos and Asians are already controlled by organizations such as La Rasa and Communist China’s overseas networks.

We have already explained that women voting for women, blacks voting for blacks, etc. undermines democracy. If feminists are going to represent feminists, what about the other people in the district? They go unrepresented, so the representative isn’t really representing the people of the district. Gerrymandering districts further puts representative democracy on a party basis rather than a community basis. That’s one reason why you really aren’t getting “represented” in Congress.

We believe Hillary lost the primary election simply because she told too many whopper lies that were easily exposed as lies, whereas Obama was a smoother liar whose lies were not adequately exposed. Hillary didn’t need to make this error of misrepresenting her experience because the Left doesn’t care about experience, it cares about speaking the talking points that will cover the theft and promote happy feelings about the future.

This game got a little rough when the Obama supporters accused the feminist bloc of racism. This was enough to reduce Geraldine Ferraro to tears on national TV, and to further protest that she wasn’t a racist. Feminists got a little dose of hardball identity politics applied to a Leftist constituency. Ferraro had the opportunity to withdraw from the Democratic party identity game and expose the whole fraud, but instead she folded, and the feminists ended up voting for Obama. The Left feels it has nowhere else to go under the iron cage of identity politics, and Democratic politicians count on this when they make their calculus.

We weren’t holding our breath waiting for identity politics to blow up when Ferraro shed her tears at being unfairly labeled a racist. The Left always devolves into power struggles among factions. The “black community” is thrilled to share power with the feminist bloc as they are not powerful enough yet to conduct show trials and conduct executions of dissidents as racists. Once colonized under Marxist identity politics, leftist groups aren’t smart enough to seek other alternatives. The same phenomenon occurred during the French and Russian revolutions, and under Stalin’s purges. Leading Communist officials in the Soviet Union who were purged under Stalin confessed to crimes they did not commit and endured unbelievable humiliations before being executed, but none of them criticized Stalin or Stalinism for its cruelty.

As we move toward a discussion of alternative futures, we want to help the Leftist victims of identity politics break free of their conditioning and to at least image the possibility of having a genuine identity within a real community with a real culture. That is why we are covering so much retro material now. Once we move on, the opportunity will be lost. Without a genuine identity, you have no real future, just a promise of a piece of the pie under the coming Communist global tyranny, and what is that promise worth? There are lots of people on the Left you could have asked about the Left’s false promises, but unfortunately most of them are now dead.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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