Is swine flu vaccine dangerous?

A lot of stories are popping up on the net warning that swine flu vaccinations are dangerous. The World Health Organization appears to be acting strangely at this moment. The plans for vaccination in various countries are being handled in strange ways. The story of the development of the vaccine has shady and conspiratorial aspects.

Barbara Minton at Natural News covers the swine flu story as a story of bioterrorism initiated by drug companies Baxter and Novartis, aided by the World Health Organization, the UN, and NATO. Jane Burgermeister has filed a suit against the World Health Organization and various co-conspirators on charges of attempting to commit mass murder. Burgermeister’s evidence may be found here.

The crucial point of the story is the charge that the World Health Organization is misleading the world about the dangers of swine flu. Burgermeister believes the swine flu is no more dangerous than other flu strains, but its danger has been exaggerated to prepare for use of a “weaponized vaccine” that will be fatal for large numbers of people who get vaccinated. Burgermeister believes the swine flu vaccine has been “weaponized.”

WiseUpJournal reports that the swine flu vaccine is worse than the flu. Unfortunately, every country is under World Health Organization vaccination mandates. No democracy anymore, it’s all governance from above. Another article reports that flu vaccinations do not prevent flu, and vaccine makers have been exempted by law from lawsuit damages. The present rate of death from swine flu is .03 percent. Avoid being stampeded by fear into swine flu vaccination. More stories here, or do your own search.

There are plans for the U.S. military to aid FEMA in controlling the population if the government assesses swine flu as a national security threat.

A June story in the British Independent spreads swine flu fear. Question media reporting. Be safe.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “Is swine flu vaccine dangerous?”

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