Is breaking off hard to do?

The global financial crash and the Obama administration’s response (big bank bailouts and deficit spending that doesn’t target job creation) have created a new constituency for anti-New World Order studies. For the moment let’s characterize this constituency as “Angry Men” (and women of course) who are becoming suddenly awake to the con game of the New World Order. Mark Crovelli has given voice to this anger at

We are not so much interested in fanning the anger as we are in discussing alternative futures. We welcome the efforts of those devoted to making a new “political science” that dissents from the boring and vapid futurism supporting global homogenization and takeover. We are casting a wide net in this project of looking for alternative futures.

A few weeks ago we came across an article, “Crisis and Discontent in Russia’s Regions” in We were interested in Andrei Starodubtsev’s analysis of Russian regions, not just because it reveals a cultural map but also because it showed that Russia’s single-industry towns were hit hardest by the global economic recession. The office support workers and government bureaucrats were the first to be laid off. Note that declining tax revenues lead to declining welfare payments, threatening “social stability.” This “social stability” is not genuine social stability, it is the socialist control of individuals stripped of social supports and genuine culture lured into working for a wage. There is no reason to fear this “threat to social stability” as it is the first sign of control crumbling that allows people to escape from the bureaucratized future.

Starodubtsev notes “the power of the weak,” the superior survival value of those firms that did not engage with the global production and financial system. Notice that the big protest over tariffs on foreign cars were led by the new class of car salesmen who had profited greatly from the car import industry. The police dealt with these protesters harshly. The government’s rhetoric put the idea of seccession into play, hence the regional map indicating cultural faultlines if Russia breaks apart.


Take a look at this map. This is what Russia really is, minus the federal government. More or less ethnically and culturally homogeneous regions disrupted by industrial globalism. We are not suggesting that Russia is about to break apart, but the reality of the present situation is, the central planning apparatus is only being held together by newly issued credit.

Related read: “Can Russia Be Saved?”

We can learn a lot of lessons from this analysis. First, if you are considering entering the socialist school system to get a job as a bureaucrat or office support, you are making a bad career choice. Second, if you are embracing some global trade trend, it’s probably temporary and you will need to find other employment soon. If you are angry and disillusioned because you are now laid off, you made a bad career choice. There is no promise of permanence in socialism or global capitalism. You hitched your wagon to the wrong vehicle.

For an enduring career, you want to gain skills that contribute to the local economy of a real people and a real culture. Let’s review the article “Multiculturalism as a Tool to Divide and Conquer” by Louis Beam. There is no such thing as a natural multicultural society. Multiculturalism is a Marxist control mechanism that can only take hold when genuine cultures are in decay. Your job as a real person of conscience is to separate yourself from globalism and put your support into a genuine culture and a genuine society.

In March, a top Russian diplomat predicted that the United States would split apart in 2010. See the article at Is this Russian propaganda, or could the United States really split apart? In March the odds of a U.S. breakup didn’t look so great, but we know a little more today. The United States government is being propped up by unprecedented deficit spending, and we have the first shoots of a seccesion movement forming. Whether this scenario seems probable or improbable to you, you should tuck it away in your alternative futures file.

Let’s briefly review the European Union takeover of the nations of Europe. See “The End of the Nation States of Europe” by Philip Jones for an analysis of the deception involved in this power-grab. Notice the unreasonable laws regulating every detail of human behavior emanating from the EU. How could anyone possibly imagine that a European superstate devoted to eradicating national customs and identities could be desirable? Now apply this same analysis to Russia and the United States and ask yourself whether humanity wouldn’t be better off if we could abolish the governments that are enslaving us.

Brent Jessop has more on the role of UNESCO as the global homogenizer of cultures at Global Research. The “socialist ethics” that Jessop refers to are being reformulated as universal human rights. These new socialist rights are completely different from the rights in the U.S. Bill of Rights.

While we’re on the subject of predictions, let’s have a look at the CIA report predicting the end of Israel within 20 years. This scenario has nothing to do with the desires of the people of Israel but is coming from the outside, using the failure of the two-state solution as an excuse. It proposes widespread forced outmigration from Israel.

Nation states are small things for the global controllers to manipulate. Forced migration is one of their favorite strategies for reshaping the world to their convenience.

And, just for fun, take a look at the prediction of the collapse of evangelical Christianity within 10 years. The important message in this article is that Christian culture could not forestall the subversion of secularism and Marxism. Without a cultural firewall, every culture collapses from Marxist infiltration.

If you need a little background on Marxist infiltration, have a look at the Bukovsky Soviet Archives site.

Srdja Trifkovic has been thinking about this problem in terms of Third World opposition to white culture. Her article “The North Worth Saving” is a brief proposal to merge Russia, Europe, and the United States into a nordic alliance that preserves Western civilization from takeover and destruction. The problem, of course, is that Russia, Europe, and the United States are preoccupied with New World Order integration, not cultural preservation. But we’ll give her points for thinking.

Those who are thinking in terms of the preservation of nations must recognize that the Left’s war against sovereignty is very well organized and financed. The few figures who do stand up for national sovereignty are quickly taken down using multicultural slogans, racism, and hate speech. The plans for speech control, including radio and internet, are well developed and just months away from being implemented.

Let’s put today’s post into a formula for the future: The future is a race between global economic and political collapse, and the corresponding widespread disillusionment with all New World Order plans, leading to a vast diversion of energies from globalism to localism, versus the ability of the controllers to keep their corrupt governments and corporations functioning and cooperating while they build the integrated systems of the global police state to squash all dissent. OK, maybe this isn’t a math formula, but it’s a political formula you can use to measure how much time the “Angry Men” have left. We are not in the business of making predictions, but we do believe that there is little time left before the New World Order machine ramps up to full production and pulls more dupes into its slavery. Maybe we are wrong, but we are guessing that millions of people are going through a crisis of decision making about their futures right now. Rest assured, this dynamic of being fooled by globalism, investing in its false values, and then awakening to the falsehood of its promises is being repeated over and over again, around the world. You’re in good company. We’re betting you’ll make the right choice. Wrenching yourself away from a planned global tyranny to a genuine life with genuine values should be easy for a good dancer like you.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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