Internet censorship coming soon

The Telegraph reports that Communist China will require internet censorship software on all computers starting in July. Porn and anti-revolutionary conversation will be censored. The program will be built in to all computers sold in China. Dell and Hewlett-Packard are considering whether to comply with China’s regulations. Not to pick on Dell or Hewlett-Packard, but most global tech companies are cooperating with China’s internet censorship and their spy network, the Golden Shield.

Australia has joined China in requiring this censorship software. Australia’s Communications Minister is part of something called The Global Network Initiative that is bringing tech companies into the censorship fold. The Global Network Initiative is going to set “international standards,” which will then be used as leverage on free-speech holdouts. Yahoo, Microsoft, Cisco, and Google are cooperating with the censorship plans.

“The internet is the greatest threat to national security…it should never have existed.” Jay Rockefeller

Senator Jay Rockefeller supports internet censorship. Story by Paul Bondarovski at WarIsCrime. Bondarovski believes the global controllers have been working on this project, which he calls Internet 2, since 1996 and are now ready to implement.

President Obama’s cybersecurity czar will be cooperating with the global controllers to phase in Internet 2. Obama is now authorized to shut down the internet for national security reasons. The bill also gives the Secretary of Commerce access to all internet networks in the event of a “cybersecurity” event. Reporting at WebProNews.

“The Rockefeller family should never have existed…it is the greatest threat to our national security.” NWOU

Rupert Murdock of Fox News and the Wall Street Journal weighs in with his opinions on a changing internet model. Murdock believes the days of free access to corporate web sites is over. He is considering a for-pay access model. Murdock lets on that corporate profits are part of the reason corporations are supporting Internet 2.

The internet has served as a great destroyer of copyrights and media business profits. The music industry and the newspaper industry have been virtually destroyed by the power of the internet to deliver music and news very cheaply. Publishing companies are in trouble. Bookstores are disappearing. We have to expect business leaders to want to change the model to save their businesses. The big social networking internet sites are also in financial trouble. We should not expect the current model of the internet to survive in its present form. Global leaders are letting us know big changes are right around the corner.

NWOU adds that small blogs such as this one are essentially charity work and cannot continue indefinitely. We notice calls for financial support on many New World Order sites. The free internet model is not really sustainable. The conclusion we would like you to draw from this post is, free information may not be around much longer. As you make decisions about your future, consider taking with you books and printed articles that preserve the knowledge you have received for free. Future generations may not have access to real knowledge. However we gather or disperse, there is a need for librarians to preserve essential knowledge from the New World Order controllers and pass it on to future generations. Give a little thought to your future with a censored, for-pay internet.

It was naive to believe you could get all this stuff for free into the indefinite future. The world can’t really work on a model of destroying businesses and having people work for nothing. Intellectual work has value, that value is protected by copyright, and when you work around a for-pay model of delivery, you eventually will dry up the sources of good art and good information.

The internet may soon become a wasteland like TV. Dissent from globalism and socialism is going to be criminalized. Time is running out on free speech. Take the gifts you have gotten and preserve them for others. We are near the end of the era of free anti-New World Order information. The era of noble gestures is drawing to a close, and the era of censorship is soon upon us.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Internet censorship coming soon”

  1. Thank you for a great post

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