Immigrants terrorize schools

How would you like to be a student at a German public school? The Germans are “always alone” and “terrified.” The immigrant gangsters control the school grounds. The teachers are gagged into silence. The liberal elites have abandoned the German people in favor of gangster immigrants. That is because, the liberals are gangsters.

This is your future under socialism.

You must never participate in any of the liberal institutions or you will just become a slave. It is better to seize your freedom, become a counterrevolutionary, and take your chances. Even if you have a short life, you will at least have your honor. You will be a person.

Notice the cowardice of the German teacher, smiling as he waves his order not to speak. This man is not a teacher, he is a baby-sitter and a tool of the Left control system. Why would a German teacher continue to teach in such a school unless he had been utterly degraded? They would all be better off walking away from their jobs.

If the teachers walked off their jobs, the school system could not function. This is the best thing that could happen. Abandoning all liberal institutions is a moral imperative.

Schools are disinformation and control sources for the police state.

The elites believe that you are all their cattle. They are right. They win with illegal laws and intimidation. You lose because you are the cows, the cowards. Why would you think that you have a good future as a cow in their system?

The immigrant kids know the score. They aren’t in school to learn anything. Their future is robbing you and beating you. You are their cows, too. These immigrants aren’t going to get jobs and produce anything, they are going to live off of your cowardice by bullying you.

The socialist elites said it was OK for them to exploit you. They will get a few more votes from the immigrants for betraying the whites. This criminal strategy of the Left is so naked that we wonder why anyone puts up with present conditions.

At the very least we should be in the streets fighting back.

We can’t keep writing posts for cowards. What is your plan for resistance?

Hat tip to Centurean2, the best British website.

Of interest:

Protests in Greece over school reorganization. As usual, the Left is protesting against the wrong thing.

How much influence do anti-American foreigners have on government immigration policies?

The Luz Robles case. You see, the Democrats don’t play by our rules. Why would you want to play by theirs?

Please don’t be surprised that the immigrant gangsters herd the white cows. You only exist to serve them. It won’t get better when whites are a minority.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


4 Responses to “Immigrants terrorize schools”

  1. A White guy says:

    If I may be so bold as to deviate from the topic of conversation for a while, I have a question. This will probably sound quite ignorant of me, but, please bear with me, as I am quite new to all of this.

    I have heard that Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP were part of the New World Order plan, and that they were in communication with, and had the support of the Rockefellers. The NSDAP was also saturated with Occult and Freemasonic symbolism.

    Now, if you look at the figures involved in the New World Order today, there is little denying that, disproportionately, they are Jewish. In fact, all of the major banking families are Jewish. I’ve heard that the Rockefellers are Sephradic Jews… so why would they help the NSDAP?

    It doesn’t really make sense. What would have happened had the NSDAP managed to win the War? If Hitler and the National-Socialists were victorious, how would the world be different?

    Because Stalin won WWII and was able to control postwar international planning, we give primary attention to Stalin’s plan for the postwar New World Order. We don’t believe Hitler was part of the Communist plan for the NWO, and he did break with Stalin. We discount any postwar Nazi influence on the formation of the UN, etc. Rockefellers were not “directing everything according to a grand plan.” Postwar global capitalism + cold war anti-communism was a separate and competing party to global Communism, even though they used the NWO phrase to describe their goal. Stalin abandoned the formality of the Communist International while maintaining a shadowy global Communist apparatus. Cooperation between the two main parties, Communist and capitalist, came later and may be a temporary phase. The U.S. and Britain were not able to purge Communist infiltration, hence the rise of Communitarian, “third way,” etc. politicians and organizations. We have no idea how the world would be different if Hitler had won. Falling into the “Jews control everything from the top” line of thinking is the source of your error. The British initiated a counter-NWO to the Communist International after WWI and then were forced to cooperate with Stalin because of their weak position during WWII.

  2. A White guy says:

    As I believe you have correctly claimed, this is a global takeover. I am in fiduciary difficulties at the moment, and definitely could not support myself without my parents, and, subsequently, I have had to go along with their decisions, which, suffice it to say, are not always the best. I try to educate them on various topics, mainly concerning the New World Order, with varying degrees of success… but they are, unfortunately, stupid, cowardly, and (metaphorically) blind.

    I cannot help but feel that these are indeed the End Times. Communism by stealth has proven to be far more ‘successful’ than Communism by direct, overt revolution. People are very selfish nowadays, to an almost psychopathic degree. They are narcissists. They cannot think outside of a dimension of self-interest. As long as they can continue to live their own lives, and reside within ‘their’ construct of reality, they don’t care about anything else. We are living within a prison without bars, that is controlled by those that, collectively, must be some of the most evil men ( or perhaps, more appropriately, ‘entities’…) that have ever existed.

    I apologize for the rather generalized tone of this post, but i’ve always been a ‘big picture’ guy.

    Where exactly is this ‘God’ that I keep hearing about?

    Goodbye humanity, you have had a good run.
    We’ve been studying Eastern European organized resistance to Communism as a model. Many brave people were killed and tortured. We don’t even know their names. How they continued under hopeless odds is the measure of their courage and nobility. Due to your circumstances, you will have to learn patience, and the value of life right where you are. Avoid thinking about God or humanity or making great generalizations about the future just because things aren’t working out the way you want them to. Organize your inner life around superior values, find friends, and look for your opportunities. Be sharp and prepare for your moment. Life always changes.

  3. A White guy says:

    I am a White Nationalist… though, in the U.K, the only Nationalist party with a slim chance is the BNP, and I am led to believe that Nick Griffin is in fact working for MI5. He has single-handedly destroyed the party from above. UKIP is an anti-EU controlled dissent party, and the National Front is far too small, and is subject to the most horrendous smear campaigns.

    Our so-called ‘democracy’ is a farce. Illegal immigrants voting, trickery with polling papers, brainwashing media propaganda, inadequate resources to accommodate voters within the time limit… it is quite literally like something out of the Congo.

    Funnily enough, Germany actually strikes me as one of the better countries of the EU. Italy isn’t too bad either.

    Orwell was wrong on one thing. The Big-Brother State hasn’t arisen from the ranks of the supposed ‘far-Right’, it has come about via the facade of ‘equality’, ‘harmony’, ‘Socialism’, or one of those other annoying, false buzzwords.

    What really frightens me is the Scientific Technocracy and Population Reduction aspect of the New World Order. Microwave-emitters, electro-magnetic mind disruption, RFID chips, and the like. The tainted vaccines, the Fluoride content of our water, the carcinogens and dangerous chemicals in our food (Aspartame, Glucose-Fructose Syrup etc), the blatant chemtrailing of our skies, the murderous, ‘incompetent’ doctors from other countries… the list goes on. The Satanic stuff, and the MK-ULTRA, Monarch Programming is also very disturbing.

    Is this Hell?
    It’s anti-white socialism. Wondering if you have any thoughts about life in Eastern European countries?

  4. A White guy says:

    In England, it feels as if the takeover is already complete. The White British are, for the most part, liberal idiots and degenerates that have just totally given in to the ‘multikulti’ lie, and to the insidious, creeping Left, and the new ‘Red Terror’. People just don’t seem ‘right’ anymore, they are like zombies shuffling along in a daze, and it isn’t just the young MTV generation, either, it is almost everybody, from the school children to the elderly (that are being culled by stealth through socialized healthcare).

    The native White British population are going to be a minority within two decades, if that. The absolutely obscene immigration policies of the Left here, the miscegenation propaganda, and the birth rates of the indigenous population will see to that.

    I would love to be able to fight this, but I can’t help but think that the damage has been done. You cannot open your mouth in public, let alone take any genuine action. The protests and riots that you may see taking place here are almost exclusively by the Reds and the legions of poorly-educated, ADD, Cultural Marxism drones. Any degree of Nationalism has practically been criminalized, the major parties are all tools of our EUSSR overlords.

    I’ve only recently left my teenage years, but I cannot help but feel that my life is already over.

    Normal life is over. Resistance life is just beginning. Join your white nationalist party. Or migrate, and do the same elsewhere.

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