Human trafficking in the Midwest

The Guardian has a controversial article on forced labour and rape in the American Midwest. Leading to the question, are organized criminal gangs engaged in large-scale human trafficking in the United States?

Related story: Child trafficking in India.

We are convinced there is a lot of trafficking going on around the world, but we don’t believe we have a good grasp of its scope.

The Guardian’s reporting can be viewed as a sort of follow-up to its reports on trafficking in underage prostitution in Britain.

“Current and former ministers have claimed that thousands of women have been imported into the UK and forced to work as sex slaves, but most of these statements were either based on distortions of quoted sources or fabrications without any source at all.”

However, in a rebuttal story, The Guardian found no evidence of anyone being forced into prostitution. The controversy is now mired in charge and counter-charge, with official statistics called into question.

On the difficulty of knowing whether individual reports of trafficking are truthful. Why police efforts and new institutions to aid victims of immigration may not work well.

Britain is initiating a campaign to crack down on “teenage domestic violence.”

Conservative leader David Cameron has taken a leadership role in reeducation of young people with regard to flirting and unwanted teenage sex. He equates a more casual attitude toward rape with “moral collapse.”

Redefining dating as rape.

Comments at the end of this post reflect the variety of public opinion.

We are not interested in weighing in with any opinion on these reports, we would just like to opine about why this topic matters more in the age of the New World Order. As the New World Order forces migrations across national borders as if the borders don’t exist, crime, and organized crime, will inevitably follow. Of course, there will be an official response by law enforcement if people complain about trafficking.

The Left has a twin approach to sex relations. The “traditional Left” encouraged prostitution and sexual promiscuity. The original centers of radical propaganda and activism were the red-light districts of Europe’s major cities. The Left loves legalized prostitution and sexual anarchy because the Left doesn’t believe in impulse control and the Left worships the Marquis de Sade. The Marquis de Sade believed that he should be able to rape any woman and kill any woman without any legal punishment. This mix of sexual violence is modeled every day on TV crime shows under the umbrella theme of “crime doesn’t pay.” Wink wink. If you are wondering why TV is filled with perverts, vampires, and satanists, it is because the Left controls the culture.The Left models satanism and perversion to destroy your kids.

But the feminist desire to control dating behavior and define acceptable male behavior leads to speech codes, behavior codes, and turning the burden of proof in disputed cases to the male. The Communist feminist Simone de Beauvoir, the source of Western feminism, actually wrote a book criticizing the libertinism and immorality of the Marquis de Sade, thereby setting herself against the broad trend of Leftist criminal exploitation of women. Feminism has since split into various factions which argue with each other about whether prostitution is a liberating choice or a forced degredation, etc. There is no need for us to follow feminist arguments as the superior morality is well encoded in conservatism preserving family, marriage, childbirth, and protection of the innocent. But this superior morality exists only in a now-lost society. The law has been taken over by feminism, and the traditional protections have been lost.

Feminist power and illegal immigration combine to bring the focus of the government onto male/female social interactions. That is, these issues and controversies work to place social life under the control of Marxism and New World Order politics. This new focus on law enforcement as the arbiter of domestic disputes and dating disputes removes power from the family and community. Traditional law enforcement protocols are seen as insufficient to deal with these new problems, so more new commissions and task forces are invented and funded. Statistics are gathered. Lawsuits and criminal prosecutions flourish. The Marxist New World Order gets stronger as it attempts to solve the problems it causes with its open border policies.

We sent you to these stories because we found them of interest, not because we have some grand solution to the issues raised by reports of human trafficking. We believe controversies will continue, and laws will be vague and contested. Police forces do not do much to prevent crime, they just clean up after the event. Spying and monitoring then become their preferred policies, along with sheltering chosen groups and reporting false statistics. We want to get you familiar with this pattern because it is really the final nail in the coffin of any legitimate social life.

As long as you participate in the phony institutions created to replace genuine society–public schools, secular marriages, public transportation, state and federal governments setting policies, the endless reams of laws spewed out by the various legislatures to regulate us, regional and global governance, free access to markets dictated by free trade agreements, etc. etc.–you really have no authority in your family or neighborhood. You cannot prevent your daughter from being raped, and you have no control over whether foreigners traffic others into your neighborhood.

Diversity and multiculturalism are weapons of mass social destruction. Unless you gather together to resist the Beast and re-form genuine societies with Marxists expelled, the New World Order will devour you. And everyone you care about. Meanwhile, the Marxists will prattle on about “society” as if it continued to exist. “Society” only exists now in the mass Marxist form, which they totally control. And they are devoted to grinding you under their heel of socialism while they allow the weakest among us to be exploited for their sick pleasure.

Imagine the difficulty of going to the streets of any large city in the Western world and gathering the broken victims of prostitution and immigration into a functioning society. The task is impossible, and the institutions the Left creates to deal with these problems are not going to be effective because the Left really doesn’t believe in society, they believe in destroying society. You will be faced with the same difficulty if you don’t escape from the New World Order and the crud culture of socialism and feminism. A little prevention might work, but there is no long-term cure for the destruction the Left causes once it takes power.

Ignore the politicians, the laws, and the commissions, and protect your own by enforcing the higher standards, the great heritage of Western morality. If you allow yourself to participate in the socialist version of daily life, you will be dumbed down, victimized, and destroyed.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


5 Responses to “Human trafficking in the Midwest”

  1. Lisa Benson says:

    One thing I do know is that no matter how far we come it almost always seems like we are going to be fighting this fight. People still wonder who killed Jesus , yet so few care about who killed womans rights in all its forms before mans saviour even came along. Keep fighting girls, this is a fight that is thousands of years old and I just hope it wont be thousands of years before we are given the god damned equality we deserve.

    You’re poorly informed. Women have far more than equality, they have special rights under law. Feminism is Communism. No one wonders who killed Jesus, it was the Romans.

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