How to save GM, dump Ford

General Motors was a key to the U.S. victory in World War II as GM manufactured most of our fighting vehicles. Ford, on the other hand, has been a source of radical disinformation through the Ford Foundation. NWOU would be delighted to see Ford bankrupted and the Ford Foundation defunded, and we encourage everyone to boycott Ford products. Saving GM is relatively simple. The Congress merely needs to repeal the free trade agreements that prevent the U.S. from imposing tariffs on foreign cars. By establishing a tariff on imported cars, GM gains time to restructure itself. GM needs to survive for about a year, until the Volt is ready for sale. The tariff would also bring revenue into the U.S. Treasury. In the nineteenth century, before the income tax, the U.S. budget consisted almost entirely of revenues raised through tariffs.

The evil caused by free trade agreements can be undone by rejecting free trade agreements. Patriotic American companies can be protected by tariffs. No bailout is needed. GM should, however, be nudged toward withdrawing from foreign countries where it competes with foreign automakers. Other countries would also presumably establish tariffs against American autos if the U.S. acted first, and this tax would naturally cut GM’s sales abroad and thus mitigate the damage a global GM does to other nations. The next step is for Congress to control multinational corporations, force them to act in America’s interest, and restrict the damage they do to other economies.

If Congress insists on maintaining these evil free trade agreements, America cannot survive the combined assault of foreign competition, radical politics at home, and the export of American jobs overseas by the outsourcing policies of multinational corporations. The destruction of the U.S. manufacturing base is the destruction of America.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “How to save GM, dump Ford”

  1. RYErnest says:

    Nice post u have here 😀 Added to my RSS reader

  2. the dude says:

    I thought GM was the one that is evil? there all evil…

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