How to interpret trends

Economic observers are split into two camps, doomsday prophets and cheerful global recoverists. We expect an unpredictable middle path with surprises, some ugly. We are less certain about the economy than we are about the global socialist takeover, which appears inevitable. Orient your thinking toward both scenarios and weigh your options from your unique position. Note that most economists agree that the recession is over, but the long-term financial trends appear ominous.

It will be helpful to recognize the differences among the real productive economy, the private financial economy, and the socialist economy of the governments. Also, economic scenarios will play out differently in different countries.

The Washington Post reports on the increasing poverty rate and falling average income.

The cost of the bank bailouts, according to Paul Joseph Watson, is $24 trillion, or $80,000 per U.S. citizen. But these bank bailouts and increasing the reserve requirements have not secured the banks against future losses.

The U.S. Federal Reserve reports on large loan losses at big banks. The IMF warns of further losses at U.S. and British banks. The IMF mentions high unemployment as a reason.

Background on IMF gold sales and the battle between gold and paper money. The falling dollar trend is the big story of the moment.

The big banks oppose auditing the Fed. We support a Federal Reserve audit. We think Tyler Durden generally gets it right.

Zero Hedge follows bank lending and notices that lending is contracting.

Another report from Zero Hedge on the underfunded FDIC and the increase in estimated bank failures. YahooNews has a follow-up story.

The New York Times explains the problems in the debt markets.

AsiaTimes has a nice article explaining why the G20 financial policies are misguided.

Andrew Marshall reports on why the Bank for International Settlements is worried about the debt crisis. The World Bank has weighed in with criticism of Obama’s plan to give the Federal Reserve more regulatory power. This may signal a split between the New World Order manipulators. This development took us by surprise.

The rate of housing foreclosures is increasing.

Bob Chapman has collected recent economic news and offers frank trend analysis.

Webster Tarpley updates the politics of debt in Iceland. Iceland’s debt moratorium and rebellion against the IMF is a crucial model for other nations on the verge of bankruptcy. We expect to see further proposals for debt moratoriums and debt repudiation in Europe and America.

We don’t want to give you links to stories about the economy without helping you understand what the stories mean. We are trying to give you a very realistic picture of the present state of the world economy, the motives of the important actors, and help in identifying the trends that matter. NWOU will not always be with you. We want you to have the ability to interpret news stories about the economy without our guidance.

Television reporting is going to focus on “good news” stories supporting the economic recovery scenario. Good reporting on the battles and maneuvers behind the scenes is hard to come by. You can only remain in the “good news” groove if you have already carved out a solid economic position and expect to profit further from the recovery. If this is your situation, your temptation is to align yourself with the criminals who have achieved positions of privilege and corruption near the top of the New World Order pyramid and who are orchestrating the global socialist takeover. You are the enemy of the people.

If you are still under the propaganda of liberalism or are working in a bureaucracy or corporation, you have no say in your future and you are controlled by Communist identity stereotyping. You will be tempted to root for “more tax revenue” or “more deficit spending” to support more bureaucrats controlling the productive folks. Your future is shaky and you are living a meaningless life. Wake up and jump out of it now. Even if you achieve your dream of controlling people, the vicious factionalism of the Left could pull you down at any moment. The big gap between revenues and spending may send your petty bureaucratic job into oblivion, where it belongs.

If you are unemployed or without savings or assets, you need to adopt survival strategies, orient your life around low need for money, gain real productive skills, and move toward job opportunities in states that reject liberalism.

If you are a senior citizen with some property or savings, you need to conserve assets by seeking investment in the better-off foreign countries. You also need to escape socialized medicine, which will take your life early. You will have to decide between self-preservation and a more noble approach to helping others by financing organized political activism. Your dilemma is, no one wins the battle of old age. Don’t fall into the Rush Limbaugh trap of wanting to own more meaningless assets. The noble path is, use your wealth to finance the resistance.

In hard times the capitalist con men come out of the weeds with appealing proposals about how to get rich fast. Turn them off and walk away. Once capitalism moves away from a simple village market model to a big business model, the capitalist marketplace becomes contaminated with marketing propaganda. The emergence of marketing departments and sales forces means that many people become caught up in false personalities that prey upon the weak and the naive. Try to avoid marketing and sales and live an honest life producing real goods and services for an honest market.

If you are a tech expert, you are working for the global police state and the crap mass culture hive mind. Go through a moral crisis and come out the other side clean.

If you are calculating when to make a jump, watch the negative trends. We don’t want you to read negative news stories and imagine a totally black future based on fear. Each news story is part of a bigger trend. Recognize that the particular trend is continuing or is reversing, against the background of a real economy and a world full of real people.

Martin Weiss is a longtime “safe money” investment adviser. He offers a short article citing three ominous trends leading to financial doomsday. Watch these trends. Remember, the financial trends can operate independently of the economic trends, but ultimately the financial trends get felt.

Our commentary: Trend 1, increasing budget deficits, measures Democrats’ overspending on our credit card. Ignore any rhetoric from the Left about “sustainable economics.” The Left always engages in unsustainable economics. The Left will take the United States into unprecedented debt levels. The average taxpayer has to work over 5 months per year just to pay the interest on the national debt. This trend is accelerating ominously. Offsetting trends include the ability of the Federal Reserve to hold interest rates low and a flow of investment capital into the United States as rich foreigners take advantage of a weaker dollar to buy assets here. The gradual effect of this trend is rolling budget crises through the liberal states and lower economic growth, but this trend can culminate suddenly in a massive economic crash.

Trend 2, limited availability of credit due to government crowding out private borrowing, is keeping the economy from a robust recovery. Notice that all the government programs designed to hold up prices and forestall foreclosures and bank failures simply dry up the capital needed for economic recovery. The stupidity of Democrat policies is so obvious, you have to ask if they are ruining the economy on purpose. We believe they are. Lack of economic investment will eventually result in shortages, and the Democrats will respond to shortages with rationing based on their Communist identity preferences. The “shortage of health care” model they use to justify higher taxes and health care rationing will be applied to the entire economy.

Trend 3, U.S. debt owed to foreigners, is potentially very ominous, but it is difficult to put a timetable on when foreigners might withdraw wholesale from the dollar. Negative events along this trendline over time, signifying foreign withdrawal from the dollar, should send mini-shockwaves through financial markets. If it happens all at once, the Fed would step in short-term to buy Treasury debt, but people would abandon dollars, essentially crippling the ability of the governments to buy and hire.

If you are living on a tight budget, you need to face the reality of a shrinking dollar and higher taxes ahead. You need to watch these trends. If they don’t reverse soon, you will need to jump to some more sustainable alternative before the trends swamp your purchasing power. All of these trendlines are pretty far along now.

Folks with few assets and shaky employment prospects should not be counting on a “recovery” scenario, a rising economic tide of job creation and wealth creation that will propel them into the middle class. They should be thinking about how to find a relatively safe haven where their prospects for survival are better than the future for the brainwashed socialist masses.

If unemployment remains high for a prolonged period, we will see a bigger gap between the well off and those struggling for survival. During such times, compassion falters and social life becomes more cruel as people adopt a “me first” attitude. The Marxist bureaucrats will also become more ruthless and cruel as they perceive themselves riding the crest of history and beyond reprisals. Think about making a move toward an independent future before these trends mature and you lose your faith in humanity. Save your righteous anger and noble hatred for the criminal politicians, the central bankers, the feminists, the racial integration con artists, and the anti-white multicultural propagandists.

We are not supplying you with “doomsday details.” Others will do that. Without falling into panic or allowing your imagination to take over, consider that things could be much worse a few years from now as these trends continue. Consider that the Democrats have total power, and their control means accelerating the trend of wealth destruction and personal control over you. Where would you like to be a few years from now in a more controlled, poorer police state?

On the horizon: You will be totally controlled through Green policies tied to carbon emissions. If you are thinking of starting a family or having a child, consider this proposal from Australia first. The world controllers want population reduction. They will achieve it through socialized medicine and Green taxes. All of your personal habits will be tracked in the name of the carbon footprint, you will be chipped at the first opportunity, and you will be constantly monitored in the spy society. Acts of freedom and nobility will not be tolerated. They probably won’t even be reported. You will become the slave of the Left if you don’t find a way out.

The police state takeover is going to occur regardless of whether the economic recovery scenario or the doomsday scenario plays out. Consider flight. But avoid allowing your imagination to take over. Remain grounded in the facts. Measure events against the financial trendlines and the socialist takeover trendlines. If they reverse, you will have a genuine “recovery” to be happy about and the possibility of a positive future for humanity.

Finally, a word to the entrepreneurs. The financial trendlines are so ominous that they may serve to prevent you from carrying out your good idea. You may imagine that it is no longer possible to create something new that will make the world better. Avoid this sort of negative thinking. Just make sure you are benefiting the real people and the real community, not the phony Marxist black, feminist, gay pseudo-communities that Marxists have peeled away from genuine society and are now collectivizing under socialism.

Remember that the original goal of the French revolutionaries was, one people, one politics, one religion, one opinion. Today this goal of uniformity is called “the party line,” and the people who believe in the party line are called “the people.” These are not the people. Create for the real people, not the phony Marxist “communities.” The real people need innovation in culture, in economy, in media, in self-defense, in mutual cooperation, in genuine education, in every one of the arts that builds civilization. You are needed. Get busy.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “How to interpret trends”

  1. Jeff says:

    How’s the housing disaster, and free fall in home prices, gonna be remedied if people are unable locate a job? There are an incredible number of individuals which have lost their houses to foreclosure and millions more will unless America starts generating something more then excuses. It is time to adjust the free trade policies with China. For heavens sake, our primary trade partner is communist!

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