How they will take your kids

Michael Vail at Blacklisted News provides background research on how Pavlovian conditioning techniques took over American education. Unless you are able to break out of Marxist and capitalist conditioning, you are working for your own takeover.

Our little formula for this situation is, Clueless People Have No Clue That They Are Clueless.

That’s why we are here, to give you a clue and help you to break your conditioning. There is no shame in it, all of us who were educated in public schools got brainwashed. It’s possible to escape and find your genuine identity.

Bill Sizemore exposes the education racket and its priorities, constantly increased taxpayer subsidies for education in a vicious circle with no spending limit. Notice that the Left never suggests when enough is enough, they just keep going like cancer. Sizemore exposes health and pension benefits for teachers as the excessive spending that is breaking many state budgets. FreedomArizona has an article on the 46 states facing bankruptcy.

Why does America overspend on education? Because it’s the easiest way for the Marxists to get control of your kids. But three generations of Marxist indoctrination aren’t enough to control your kids to the satisfaction of the controllers. They don’t trust parents, even heavily indoctrinated feminists, environmentalists, and multiculturals, to maintain efficient Marxist indoctrination. Some kids might discover the New World Order planning and slip out of their control. The Left may not have a long enough attention span to pass on their indoctrination to their kids.

Further reading and videos on the education takeover at KickThemAllOut. Corporations have now adopted Marxist personnel policies, but the leading education programs are formulated by Communists at the UN and then are passed to the U.S. Department of Education. That’s why the controllers want federal control over a universal curriculum in the U.S. public schools. If you think this is about bringing low-achieving students up to high standards, begin reading this article again.

What’s next? Your kids are going to be chipped. The Toronto Star outlined the steps the controllers will take to make implanting microchips acceptable to the public. It starts with implanting chips to monitor and control various types of criminals, then the military will chip its soldiers. Security guards and police will be chipped to control their access to secure areas and monitor their movements. Chip implants will be sold to the public as a cost-saving measure and then as a safety measure to track wandering or kidnapped children. You will be offered a discount on mass transit rates if you will allow a chip to be inserted under your skin. Patients in hospitals will be chipped as a means of efficiently monitoring their care.

But the real benefit to chipping will be modeled by elites as fast access to restricted areas and fast access to information. When children are shown to be superachievers or superathletes due to their chips, everyone will want one.

Chip implants will create a physical dividing line between old generations and the next generation. The emerging science of transgenetics will alter individual DNA to make “designer people.” This will be sold to children using Superman and other superheroes. The cartoons on TV have already prepared the demand. The feminist slogan of “empowerment” diverts little girls into deviants who crave more power. The witchcraft movies further stimulate this craving. If your little girl doesn’t become a witch through TV conditioning, she will want a chip to become empowered.

The more areas of life the socialists take control of, the easier it will be for them to demand a chip implant for compliance.

If you need assistance or encouragement to take your kids out of public schools, the Alliance for Separation of School and State website may help.

While we’re at it: Why children should not have cell phones.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “How they will take your kids”

  1. very cool journal. Filled me with a better idea of the exact overall economy. Cheers mate

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