How the politicians steal your money

If you are able to get past the distractions–partisan politics, the current economic stimulus plan, whatever is being said on TV–then you can prepare yourself to go inside the government/military/financial complex to understand how everyone is being swindled. There is a cooperative framework of government agencies and private corporations that transfers money out of the U.S. Treasury into private pockets. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Department of Housing and Urban Development are at the center of this massive fraud. The inside story is that many mortgages are simply nonexistent frauds, and multiple mortgages have been written on the same house. The Fed and the Treasury are not going to “unbundle” the mortgage bundles because inside those bundles are evidence of massive mortgage fraud.

“We are in the process of merging all outstanding mortgage fraud with existing U.S. government securities and collateral fraud.” (in the name of cleaning them from bank balance sheets)

Catherine Austin Fitts served as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner in the first Bush Administration. From inside the federal bureaucracy at HUD she was able to observe first-hand how government agencies cooperate with Wall Street firms to loot the Treasury. Fitts has been censored and harrassed for telling the truth about the criminal activities of top government officials. Her article at Solari is required reading.

“I realized that it was more economic—on a risk-adjusted basis—for a young person to learn how to build a home than to manage dealing with the current homebuilding and mortgage finance industry.”

The daunting task we all face is how to remove the criminals from both parties from Washington, D.C. We’ll have to begin by understanding the inside story of how the government-Wall Street criminal syndicate works. Fitts explains where the missing money went, how the politicians arranged the money transfers, who benefits, why the same insiders keep getting appointed to public office, how they cover up the theft of taxpayer dollars, and why transparency is often promised but never delivered.

“The average person could not believe that the largest, most prestigious Wall Street banks and investment houses were engaged with Washington in managing the largest capital market in the world—the U.S. mortgage markets—on a criminal basis.”

“For some temporary period of time, the price of everything that has no inherent value is rising and the price of anything that has tangible value is falling. This, however, is temporary. As someone wrote recently about the additional write-offs that one of the large banks was taking, whatever money you put into these things, it just disappears. They will be back for more. They can’t create wealth, they just consume it.”

The looting of the U.S. Treasury is out in the open now, if you can get past the misleading rhetoric to understand how the insiders do it.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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