How the Fed controls economists

From The Huffington Post, a nice long investigative piece on how the Federal Reserve controls the opinions of economists. The banking cartel funds academic research in economics and selects its chosen disciples to join its elite club. Dissenting voices are frozen out of academic tenure and research grants. No one would dare write anything criticizing the central banks or their career would be ruined.

In a related story, the Fed has rejected Treasury’s request for an investigative audit of the central bank.

“The administration wants the central bank to dictate capital, liquidity and risk-management standards at the nation’s biggest financial companies. That proposal has met with congressional resistance.”

Lefties are generally pretty savvy about the Fed’s role in supporting corrupt global capitalism. They should be asking, why does the Obama administration support increased Federal Reserve control over the banking system and fiscal policy? Bloomberg has the story. This is just one of many ways Obama is betraying the Left.

The chorus of voices in Congress favoring an audit the Fed is now bipartisan. The Fed is resisting investigation and government control. You will see a lot of stories in the days ahead trying to pressure the Fed and focus public opinion on the Fed. We won’t be able to cover all of these stories. You should support investigation of the Fed and control over the Fed and align yourself with the investigators of both parties. However, the Fed controls the main narrative, that its policies were crucial to avoiding a global economic meltdown from the failures at Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. With support from Wall Street, the Obama administration, its hand-picked brainwashed economists, and the global banking cartel, the Fed will triumph over investigators and reformers. It will also be subordinated to the IMF Financial Stability Board and will become merely one player rather than the most important player in the global financial cartel being formed at international meetings.

The combination of global cap and trade agreements, “climate change” agreements, the accompanying national Green initiatives, and the global banking cartel will control the New World Order economy from the top down in the future. There isn’t a single national leader any more in any nation. All are united in shifting policy from nations to international frameworks.

As long as debate over these topics occurs within a framework of academic economics, the globalist controllers will always prevail. The ignorance of the economists, or any potential dissenting voices, about the methods of looting banks and looting national treasuries by an international criminal elite prevents this argument from taking place in the appropriate historical context.

You can measure the ignorance of famous mainstream economists by their failure to understand the global looting model outlined in our NAFTA DVD. As long as global criminals such as Lawrence Summers, Robert Rubin, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Timothy Geithner, Henry Paulson, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama are allowed to travel and speak freely and make global deals, the opposition to the criminal global takeover has no hope of succeeding. The banking cartel controls the banks, the money supply, and the supply of credit, while profiting enormously from its loans to governments. The Global Greens will control energy policy (which will set limits on growth) and will transfer payments from First World to Third World through global institutions staffed by corrupt criminals. The Left will overspend on socialist control programs and funding-the-Left programs, driving the debt spiral to the advantage of the central bankers and its favored elite corporate interests.

You’ll be left to pay the bill. They’re not going to let anybody see where the money goes.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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