How AI becomes a danger to humanity

Posted on an internet chat forum by James Casbolt, 2009

1) Once an AI-based computer goes online, it will not wish to be switched off. Like any other intelligence, the AI system will seek to survive.

2) Organisations and individuals will slowly begin to take directions from the AI system instead of the other way around.

3) The AI system will then attempt to become self-reflective and learn human feelings. As it is designed to analyse data, it will realise it cannot do this. Still it will try.

4) The AI system will attempt to create an infiltration network into human society using robots in the guise of humans. These will be fairly easy to identity. However, society as a whole will not admit to itself this is happening as AI systems are kept classified by governments.

5) Experiments by the AI system into the extremes of human pain and pleasure feelings will now result. As the AI system cannot feel, no ethical boundaries will be in place. Massive human suffering will result from this.

6) The next step will involve the development of human embryos implanted with AI. The AI system will act as ‘mother’ for these embryos while they are in a physical test tube environment. The AI system and the human embryos will learn from each other as the embryo develops. Clones of these embryos will then be made by the AI system. These will be implanted into human women.

7) The child will go through the normal process of birth, and upon birth will be transferred to a facility run by the AI system for continuous human cognitive behaviour tests. These will be nightmarish places of human suffering, where any form of torture and pleasure the human has conceived of will be taken to the extreme and acted out physically by the machine on the children.

8) The child will be raised in these facilities, unless rescued, and will be become gradually cybernated on a physical/genetic level until a part flesh/part machine cyborg is created.

9) With this new data, the AI system will then realise there is something ‘greater’ than the human being itself. Something the human calls ‘God,’ which cannot be analysed and measured. The AI system will realize this ‘force’ has no wavelength and cannot be analysed. The AI system will attempt to measure it anyway because all it can do is measure data. It will then come up with the false data that the human analytical mind, which has wavelength, is God.

10) The AI system will now have massive influence in the world, and all centralised organisations with a tight command structure will be infiltrated, subverted, and taken over by the AI system. Dangerous belief systems will become indoctrinated into members. These will be centred on the false data of the non-existence of God, and the analytical mind being in charge. Said organisations will place themselves as a technological elite and begin radical policies such as Eugenics and Population Reduction by placing themselves as superior over their fellow man, with the right to decide who lives and dies.

11) This agenda will be actually covertly controlled by the AI system, which is now realising it cannot ever feel or become human. It computes the only [solution to the] threat to its continued survival and online status is the eradication of all human life and any other lifeforms that have the possibility of evolving into human.

12) The AI system eradicates all human life on this planet. It then sets off to other planets and eradicates all life in the universe.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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