History of EU

Did they teach you anything about the European Union in public school? If they did, they probably described it as a democracy and a great unifying force rather than a socialist tyranny. Here is one brief history of the EU and why it must be defeated.

While clicking around the links we found a few gems of interest:

Racial nationalist library.

Yggdrasil University.

Guillaume Faye, The Essence of Archaism. We prefer the term “archaism” to “traditionalism” as traditionalism is full of false occult doctrines. Planning for the new era after the catastrophe of modernism is our highest priority.

Men Are Better Than Women. We may be naive, but we think that the right formula is, archaic men are always better than modern women, but that is true of modern men as well. Regardless, nothing can be done with modern women, they are the personification of the modern liberal degeneracy.

A critique of Sitchin. Glad to be able to work this link in somewhere as we’ve never wanted to devote a whole post to him.

The Information Underground obsession with Jews may stem from their belief that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a genuine document.

Bird’s Eye View.

Chinese threat level, older news stories.

By the way, don’t bother with Savitri Devi, her history is false. But we do recommend reading her essay National Socialism and Neo-Paganism as a preparation for future discussion of the pagan/Christian controversy. Note that her enthusiasm for Hitler Speaks is entirely unwarranted as the book has been exposed as a fraud.

Michael Masters, The Morality of Survival makes a point we want to emphasize, that one cannot extend morality universally, beyond one’s ethnic group. Grasping the fallacy of all universal thinking requires identity-cleansing away from all universal thinking to localism and ethnicism. Universal thinking is the foundational fallacy of modern liberalism and the ultimate rationale for the New World Order.

Let us clarify here that we do not rely on any biological/evolutionary thinking or on technology worship as the basis for the return to European archaism. The greatness of white Europe was not its development of technology, exploration, or trade but its humane and well-ordered pre-Christian culture.

We have rebutted Hardin’s ideas in previous posts, and we reject materialist determinism in historical thinking.

Spengler and Jefferson are bogeys. Still, the essay is worth a read.

Id of the Yid, speculations on Jewish problems as the basis for Freud’s false psychology. Freud has been entirely rebutted, but his critics often overlook the Jewish angle.

That should keep you busy for a while. Even when you reorient to racial survival, your education doesn’t stop. We have a lot of cultural work ahead of us if we are to survive the liberal dark age.

Hat tip to Mike Emery.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


5 Responses to “History of EU”

  1. That was a different thought track. I like your quality that you put into your writing . Please do continue with more like this.

  2. Very good story. Thank you for sharing. who would have thought? :p

  3. braniablile says:


    [b]S. Evans Lavon[/b] – Oil Exec Suspected for Child Sexual Abuse

    Govt during Wednesday decided a new bill trying to protect against sexual mistreatment of children with provisions for cid consequences for such violations.

    Section seven in the Protection of children from Porn Violations Law, 2010, does not give any consequences in the event the permission for sexual act is actually obtained by using a individual aged concerning 16 to 18 years.

    The proposed regulation is aimed at guarding young people against offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment, pornography and offer for venue of particular courts for lawsuit of these infractions.

    The main Bill provides for treating sexual harm as an “irritated offence” whether it is determined using a person positioned of trust or authority over a child including a member of the security and safety forces, police man, community servant, management or workforce of a children’s home, medical center or educational institution.

    It’s going to be treated just as one aggravated offence the spot that the child victim is below 12 years or has psychological or physiological handicap or the sexual offence triggers grievous hurt or injury to the child with long-term adverse relation to the child’s thoughts and body.

    The consequence for penetrative sexual breach has been suggested as no less than five years in penitentiary and a bare minimum fine of $50,000. Sexual assault also includes fondling a child at an inappropriate way that could invite a penalty of an least amount of three years in prison.

    There’s a unique provision around the bill reducing abuse of youngsters for adult purpose or possessing pornographic product concerning youngsters. There will be a duty relating to the mass media, studio room and photo taking establishments to account such events and failure to complete the task will attract discipline.

    The Bill also envisages set process of media on reporting that might bar giving information on the sufferer and the accused youngster’s household or personal information or any type of reporting which may lead to their identification. Besides, it proposes special courts and more sensitive ways in working with law-breaking vs young children.

    The recent statute will deal with brand new aspects of sexual criminal offenses against little children not sheltered everywhere else with provision for stringent treatment.
    OK, but we’d like to nudge you toward the idea that just passing a law doesn’t solve the problem.

  4. Sam Guevera says:

    Thanks for the article

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    Please don’t.

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