Helping the West commit suicide

Reuters is the vehicle for pro-euthenasia propaganda from Britain, where doctor-assisted suicide is supposedly gaining in popularity. The article gets into the financial aspect of socialized medicine part way through:

“It is good holistic palliative care, not medical killing which is the answer to the real distresses of so many people when contemplating natural death,” Watt said.

However, funding is an issue. Palliative care for people with terminal illness relies on nearly 50 percent of its funding from grants and charities, according to the National Council for Palliative Care.

Hospice nurses say donations are drying up, and, with the National Health Service (NHS) facing budget cuts, funds are likely to be squeezed further.

The government has pledged to spend an additional 88 million pounds ($146.5 million) on end-of-life care in 2009/10, but it remains too expensive for many individuals.

As the funding for palliative care dries up, the government will promote assisted suicide as a noble option. You will be helping the government with its debt problems, which were caused by underfunded welfare programs in the first place. It’s a neat circle. We hope you can appreciate the irony of supporting socialized medicine that is underfunded, then committing suicide so the program can maintain its viability for a while. Maybe they’ll put your names on a plaque honoring socialist heroes. Maybe not.

The Obama healthcare agenda is not primarily about promoting assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. That will be one eventual outcome, but it is not the primary goal. The primary goal is to weaken America and control America. The goal is to help America commit suicide by weakening its society and building up socialist institutions to replace society. Once imprisoned under socialism, everyone will be totally controlled. Total socialist control is the precondition for the suicide of the West. What a few elderly people choose to do at the end of their lives is not the suicide of the West. The energy takeover, the police state, and the medical care takeover will complement socialist education, the socialist military, and socialist control over the economy to form a total socialist system. How many people actually commit suicide after the takeover is a relatively minor matter as compared with poisoning the main systems.

To the Left, America is like a rich, healthy, frisky dog that needs to be put down. America has too much energy. It has been too effective in blocking and undoing Communist takeovers in countries around the world. But the Left doesn’t want to just give the American Dog a dose of Nembutal. First, it wants to take its wealth, and then it wants to control its energy. It wants a pacified pet that it can parade before the Chinese, the North Koreans, Chavez and Castro. We foresee a big, worldwide holiday organized by the United Nations celebrating America’s socialist takeover. Dancing in the streets, socialist anthems, fireworks, speeches, a little spontaneous looting of churches, corporations, and the bigger homes. Everyone will be wearing their Mao and Che t-shirts. People will be volunteering for the work camps at card tables. Obama can then carry out his final goal, transferring America’s remaining wealth to the rest of the world.

Unless, of course, the Left elite gets too greedy and falls into factionalism. Then they bring out the guillotines and have their assisted suicide population reduction quickly. How many times has this scenario already played out in history? We count 10 socialist genocides, but there may have been more.

Here’s your new word for today, from socialist Britain: medical killing. In our mind’s eye, we can already see the TV ads with the soft music. Maybe they’ll have a medical killing month, like black history month and Hispanic history month. You know, to help make you more … aware … of what you’ve been missing.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “Helping the West commit suicide”

  1. Thank you very much for that great article

  2. Floost says:

    Are you a professional journalist? You write very well.

    I’m a historian. The blog is commentary on the news, based on the history in The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World. There isn’t any journalism here, in the sense of original reporting. I take you to more news stories than you will get from U.S. TV and U.S. newspapers, and then let you know what they mean. You could call it opinion, but it’s based on superior knowledge of history to the histories you get in universities, so it’s more than opinion backed up with facts, it’s a superior worldview as well. Most journalists are liberals. By definition a liberal is someone with a very poor education. I help people get past liberalism and journalism to superior knowledge of history. There is much more going on in the NWO than we report here. Think of it as an introductory class in undoing your bad education. The journalists, the universities, and the politicians are manipulating you into a bad future. There is a long history behind these current events.

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