Governments and doctors

We know you are interested in the final form of the Democrats’ healthcare bill and what it will mean for you, but we don’t have any insight into the final insider negotiations. Instead we have some background reading of general interest.

Dick Morris has been all over the healthcare debate. Morris explains why care must be rationed under socialized medicine and why this rationing always serves as a death sentence for some people.

Arlanjio has a brief summary of various government schemes and how they have failed.

John Ray’s Socialized Medicine blog discusses many of the issues in detail. Ray focuses on the fallacies and deceptions in the Democrats’ various proposals. We don’t have the patience to follow every twist and turn of this story, Ray has done it for us.

Brett Skinner examines the claim that socialized medicine helps individuals avoid bankruptcy due to large medical bills and finds that very few bankruptcies are caused by medical bills.

NWOU recognizes the role of the Rockefeller family and its foundations in shaping our public institutions. Some of this deep history is discussed in Rockefeller Medicine Men by Richard Brown.

More Rockefeller background here.

Jacob Hornberger has a fundamentally sound analysis of why government intervention makes health care worse. Understanding this larger perspective makes any of the current debates look like a trap. As long as liberals can get you to debate the fine points of their proposals, they have taken your eye off the ball. The ball is, no socialist programs work. The first legislation is merely fodder for later tinkering. Democrats always expand coverage and funding for their programs. They don’t care if the programs “work,” they are happy simply to get the money. They prefer to spend other people’s money, but they don’t hesitate to go into debt to fund their takeover.

There is no need for ordinary folks to debate liberals. The guys in Congress are paid to do it, so let them. All you need to know is that socialism never works and socialism is legalized theft. Those are your talking points.

Although the Democrats’ rollout of the healthcare takeover appears to be the worst-organized program in the history of socialism, do not be complacent. Democrats are good at taking criticism into account. Having deleted the most objectionable parts of the program, they will then insist that you support the rest of it. Democrats squabble and then regroup, cut deals, twist arms, and bribe congressmen and senators to get what they want. Much of this occurs behind the scenes, so you never really know what is going on. Despite spirited opposition, the Democrats will likely pass a bill that will be the basis for a permanent takeover. Sorry. They have the majority now, and they have been wanting to control you for a long long long long time.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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