Going white

whitesgetout.jpgHave you figured out yet that Europe and America are being invaded by radical Moslems and radical Hispanics under the control of the Social Democrats? Are you ready to defend yourself in this race war? Are you ready to develop white nationalist consciousness? Or would you rather grab a bag of Cheetos, sit on the couch, go into trance, and watch multicultural programming that pretends that the Left coalition of clean gays and friendly Negroes and Communist professors is your friend while their government picks your pocket and discriminates against you?

We know there are a lot of young people out there who are colonized under politically correct (Communist) slogans emphasizing race mixing and equality under multiculturalism. Even most conservatives are fooled into believing that forced racial integration has something to do with “civil rights.” Isn’t it funny that whites don’t have any rights in corporations, universities, and bureaucracies, where feminists hire feminists, gays hire gays, and white guys are shown the door? Thanks, Martin Luther King.

obamalaraza.jpgObama’s anti-white agenda goes beyond his endorsement of Communist La Raza when he saluted them during his presidential campaign. Obama is now authorizing the resettlement of Palestinians inside the United States, complete with welfare benefits. Yep, Hamas terrorists are going to get the full welfare-state treatment, thanks to Obama.

Communist racist Obama is the most dangerous man in America. He is importing terrorism to America. His open border policies and preferences policies are a war against white Americans. Obama has already appointed one member of La Raza, Sonia Sotomeyer, to the Supreme Court. But the slow, legalized takeover of America isn’t enough for La Raza. They want a race war in the streets.

Anti-white-male discrimination is never discussed in the media. The Left never even conceptualizes a “white community.” In this case they are right, there is no white community. Under forced integration it is impossible to create one.

The formation of white communities is all that stands between us and slavery under black-power and La Raza racial supremacist socialism. But Obama plans to finish off the white race by forcing integration in all residential communities.

This is an anti-white race war. You are being swamped, taken over, discriminated against, and dumbed down. How long do you think the white race can survive in America?

Now that white children have become minorities in many big-city school districts, all of them are subjected to race-mixing propaganda under the Left’s politicization of race. In the near future, the majority of children are going to be race-mixed, some shade of brown. Race-mixing causes identity problems (Mommy, am I white or black?), but the Left also has the solution in place. All mixed brownies will be directed to a “search” for their “radical roots.” In other words, they will mimic Barack Obama’s radical indoctrination into Marxism when he was a child. They will select their non-white parent as their racial identity, and then add to this identity their globalist Communist identity. Communist brainwashing.

In the future your children and grandchildren will be brown, given a radical race identity, forced to sing Obama songs, colonized under socialist equality propaganda, feminized, and buggered in the ass. That is, if you are allowed to reproduce. Remember, Obama’s science adviser favors strict population control. Will that include racial preferences? How could it not?

“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards. Sure, blacks and whites mingle at the workplace or in the marketplace, on the subway or in line at the deli, but voluntary segregation is still rampant. …This nation has still not come to grips with its racial past nor has it been willing to contemplate, in a truly meaningful way, the diverse future it is fated to have.” Attorney General Eric Holder, threatening whites with forced integration.

Oh, did you think the socialist takeover was going to be uplifting? No, they want to bring us all down to their level. Marxism has always intended to destroy religion and the family and Western culture. Now add the anti-white agenda. Everything of human value will be crushed under their tidal wave.

Add to the anti-white discrimination of the Left the problem of falling white fertility rates, the planned destruction of the family under feminism. We notice that the TV talkers never mention that this is the New World Order agenda linked to European integration and the North American Union.

Demographers estimate that Negroes will comprise about 12 percent of the U.S. population for decades to come. So, why does Attorney General Holder insist that America is fated to have a diverse future? Answer: The Obama administration will make sure whites become a minority by supporting illegal Hispanic immigration. Importing Islamic terrorists is the cherry on their sundae. When fighting breaks out in the streets, who will step in and control it? “Homeland Security.”

Do you believe in an “imaginary Mexico” where hard-working people just up and decide to leave for the United States to seek opportunity? That’s not what it is about. It is about the concentration of landholdings in Mexico among a few elite families, the destruction of the family farm in Mexico, and the inability of the Mexican economy to support the massive unemployment that NAFTA causes. We see the Mexican migrants as victims of the New World Order, manipulated by Communist La Raza racial superiority slogans, inflamed with imaginary grievances against all whites, and socialized into Mexico’s crime culture as they cross the border. We don’t see border enforcement or citizenship as solutions, we see destroying the New World Order as the solution. But that would involve removing the corrupt elites in Washington, in Mexico, and in Canada from power and undoing NAFTA and the North American Union. Pretty tough.

It would also involve stimulating a national identity movement in Mexico so that Mexicans could form a movement to build up their own country. We have no idea how to do that, and we can imagine how difficult that would be when Mexico is dominated by drug gang violence and President Calderon is committed to sending his surplus population to the United States.

We hope you can see how the globalist socialist controllers are using race to control the populations of both countries to support their takeover of total power. The controllers are the true enemies of all peoples, but the brainwashed masses seem to obey them without thinking. Why is this propaganda so powerful? We think the propaganda works because people don’t pay attention to their true identity.

Going white is the logical defense mechanism when one is faced with socialist discrimination under identity quotas and New World Order immigration strategies.

We feel a little foolish having spent all those years researching New World Order history just to arrive at a pro-white position, and yet, here we are. You don’t have to know New World Order history to recognize that whites don’t have a future in America, but we do believe understanding the history of the New World Order can add additional insights into the global scheme of Marxist identity politics.

Let’s take a look at how white identity is popping up on the web. It’s the new big trend.

Cordelia for Lear: sharp commentary, historical orientation, news of interest. Hilarious photos of beauty contest winners. More important, struggling toward warrior spirituality. We want to guide you toward warrior spirituality, and we are looking for allies who have explored this ground a little.

The Traitors Among Us: Old fashioned right vs left thinking, arriving nowhere.

Thug Report: depressing crime stories from the street, the stories the media won’t report. We think it’s enough to know there is a lot of black crime, Hispanic crime, and immigrant crime without wallowing in the details every day. The Sanctuary Cities foment racial crime. Big cities are anti-white. You must flee from the big cities. By the way, black violence against white people is not a hate crime. Did they accidentally overlook white people in the law? Nope, they wrote the law to discriminate against whites on purpose. Civil rights laws are anti-white discrimination. If you think only whites can be racist, tune in to rap music and La Raza propaganda.

Obama and Citigroup fund La Raza.

Time Warner, EMI, and other large corporations profit from threats against whites in black music.


Nation of Cowards: Hip and comprehensive race news.

White Survival: A new site struggling to find a form.

Signals from the Brink: News with commentary. Worthwhile.

Anti-white Media: Long overdue look at anti-white racism in commercials. But, once you figure it out, there is no need to watch TV any more. You should be boycotting multinational corporations anyway. They are all anti-white.

Kissing Los Angeles Goodby: La Raza infiltrates California. California is a failed New World Order socialist state, bankrupt and devolving into socialist anarchy because of its budgets supporting illegal aliens.

Unqualified Reservations: We confess, we don’t get it. But you might. High Victorian something or other.


The West’s Darkest Hour: impressive scholarship on the history of infanticide. A big Kevin MacDonald fan. Promising in-depth site.

EnWhiten: smart thinking.

Kinism: Christian ethnic nationalism.

NewNationNewsforEurope: reporting on the anti-white agenda in Europe.

“We need your participation in the Caucasian assassination.”

Pilgrimage to Monsalvat: wide ranging

White Civil Rights: David Duke, with bite.

What’s Wrong with White Men? Kevin MacDonald is a leading voice in white identity, but we are not enthusiastic about evolutionary theorizing. Liberals do this to excuse their monkey behavior. Still, Kevin MacDonald is a major voice in white studies, and you should know who he is.

Occidental Dissent: Best of the best as far as we can tell.

Occidental Quarterly: In-depth companion site.

La Racism Antiblanc, in English. France is ahead of us.

Alternative Right: We are very impressed with their readership and funding. If we knew websites could grow this fast and actually get contributions, we wouldn’t have bothered with New World Order planning.

SpiritWaterBlood: various controversies.

Review of Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique.

The other side


Mexica rejects national borders.

Black reparations movement

Black footsoldiers

More footsoldiers against whites at Underprivileged.

We are not interested in racial rhetoric against other races. We want all ethnics to determine their own destiny with control over land and government. This is about the politicization of race and gender and the necessity of self-preservation from a toxic government. Remove the politicization of the Left and there would be plenty of reasons to get along, cooperate, make friends, and welcome other races into community.

However, the other races are not committed to building up their own economy and culture. They want to infiltrate and take over the institutions the whites built, then get rid of the whites. Notice that their anger is directed at white people who never exploited them rather than at the New World Order exploiters. Can we educate other races to understand who is really exploiting them? We doubt it. We don’t know of any blacks or Hispanics who are warning against socialist New World Order identity politics.

The Left’s agenda of white race destruction makes it necessary to become “newly racist” for protection and survival. In other words, the white agenda is political rather than personal. It means, you can’t trust or cooperate with anyone who votes Democratic or you are just helping them destroy us.

Organizing for self-defense is the only hope for white racial and cultural preservation.

Sorry to arrive at white preservation so late. We were busy trying to save the world from world government. Now we just want to save white people from Obama.

Find your way. The key issue is identity. Whatever you identify with becomes your identity. We understand that the problem of identity is difficult for people of mixed race, but the solution isn’t to identity with the “colored part” and then immerse yourself in Communist brainwashing. No one’s ethnic heritage is Marxism.

For our best students:

Tomislav Sunic

Remedial reading:

Fernando Pena on Progressive anti-white agenda.

No problem with anti-white threats in the media.

The Left attempts to assess race traitors. How much black culture do you have to embrace to be considered black when you are really not black? And, how long do you get to be an “honorary black” before they turn against you? Not our problem.

A more interesting question is, how will the blacks get along with the Hispanics when the Hispanics are the majority, socialism bankrupts the United States, and white institutions collapse under the weight of the sheer numbers who want access to white civilization? Now you can understand the predictions that America must divide into squabbling ethnic communities as a result of Obama’s anti-white policies. For a precedent, look at the treatment of whites in South Africa.

New World Order studies has much to contribute to understanding the anti-white socialist agenda. For today, we shall simply make one point. There is not going to be a racially mixed socialist world because the Han Chinese, the Jews, and the Japanese are racial supremacists who reject race mixing. The Jews and the Chinese are committed to ruling over the entire world. There isn’t going to be a peaceful global multicultural society under a world government. White guys who believe in the myth of globalism and multiculturalism are brainwashed dupes.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “Going white”

  1. Jean says:

    The Jews held a global party when they and their freemasonic traitors killed my country back in 1994.

    Boer genocide is happening daily and self defending Boers end up in jail.

    Our economical situation is the same as elsewhere… By you its minority rights, here its previously disadvantaged magority rights.

    From Zimbabwe and Somali milions of negroids are flussing `what was once called illegal` into my country and thrasing my culture.

    Lucky we have hope in Christ.

    He will come and destroy the nations and redeem His people – true Israel.

    I hope by now you know the piggs calling themself Israeli`s today are our father Jacobs bastarddized brother Esau`s children.

    We, white Israel nations of the world, have a Savior, Praize God Almighty!!

    Jean Ras

    Probably the biggest problem in early Christianity was that Jesus did not return. So they made up a story that Jesus will return in the future. So far everyone has been disappointed, but no one seems to catch on that it’s just a fable.

    Why would Jesus turn from a pacifist into a future warrior smiting your enemies? Doesn’t make sense to me. He had the chance to do it once, but he didn’t smite or chain anybody.

    If you can get past this fable, you could become a warrior. If you can’t get past it, you’ll probably do nothing and just essentially commit suicide like the Buddhists.

    If you’re stuck on believing that every word in the bible is true, you could start investigating who wrote the bible, and what their motives were. This will bring you out of your “faith trance.” It doesn’t mean you have to stop being a Christian.

    If you hate the Jews so much, why do you believe that white Christians are “Israel”? We don’t.

    We’re interested in defeating the New World Order, and we have zero interest in any prophecy. We’ll be posting soon on problems with Christians, so don’t go away.

    We probably can’t convince you of anything, but we’ll leave you with this idea. The bible is not history, it’s false history written by Jews, who were notorious liars. Why hold on to it?

  2. Allisio Rex says:

    Excellent presentation. The White race and civilization must survive at any cost not only in the Unites States but in all the other White Countries. Hopefully, the critical explosion point will be reached the sooner the better and will spark the irrevokable hate for vengeance and liberation of our people.
    I cannot foresee and accept a mulattoed “White” race with third class citizenship getting darker and darker and darker until total extinction.We must not allow this to happen. But it’s exactly what is happening before our eyes with the approval of our traitors in the U.S. Congress, the Media, all of the Churches (Religions) and the extra-liberal , brainwashed White population.
    God Was Right. There is a Divine Meaning to the existence of the White Race. Many Evil White men and women have declared War on the Creator by propagating and establishing the One-Race, Inter-Racial, One-World Union and the downgrading of all White-European institutions and achievements.

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