Going Green requires therapy

The New York Times reports on family and relationship tensions around going Green. This happens because many people apply the false ideas of “one-world environment” and “resource shortages” to their personal lives. There are very few resource shortages, and these scarce resources are always manged by price, which leads to substitution. The world isn’t a single environment. Starting with false assumptions will lead you to false conclusions. Let’s call this kind of thinking “green logic.”

Green logic goes something like this. If I turn my thermostat down in winter, I’ll use less electricity or gas. There is an energy shortage. Therefore, everyone should save energy. Repeating my personal decision on a mass scale will have a large energy-saving effect. Therefore, everyone should be forced to turn down their thermostat in winter. This will help “the planet.”

There are a lot of fallacies in this line of thinking. Here is one important fallacy: When people save energy, the energy is simply consumed by someone else for some other purpose. Energy saved is not energy saved. People use more and more energy every year, there are no real “energy savings” in the sense of energy remaining “in the ground.” The energy you don’t use gets used by somebody else. You have no control over who that somebody else is because energy is a market.

Greenies falsely assume that there is some moral aspect to saving energy. Let’s say the energy you save gets used by a Communist Chinese factory to manufacture poisoned dog food, which you then buy and poison your dog. How are you doing with your “moral” energy savings now?

Here is another fallacy: There is no relationship between low energy consumption and “clean” natural environments. If you think there is, you are simply thinking in pictures they gave you. You aren’t really investigating. Actually, advanced economies use much more energy than poor economies, and they have less pollution.

You can continue with this Green logic and all that will happen is, you will become a bore and a nag. Thinking in the Green concepts they have given you makes you a narrow little fanatic. Green directives divide people and put social life into a contested debate format. Thinking in this narrow, anti-human way ignores the frauds the Green ideologues perpetuate. But there are more serious consequences than turning away from prosperity and turning every country into a socialist prison camp. The Green Agenda is the world depopulation agenda. Green is evil. Green kills.

They are selling you Green as a moral agenda when in fact it is profoundly immoral.

Why the “climate change” myth condemns Africans to death.


The “renewable energy” scam.

And the case for coal.

Abundant natural resources can’t be tapped.

The “environmental justice” lie.

How the liberals lie to control you.

From Infowars, Obama orders World Bank to refuse loans for coal-fired power plants.

Related: On Africa’s corruption.

Greenies fail to focus on the false propaganda and on the background of the people who put forth the propaganda. Once you learn their true motives, you can cheerfully ignore the endless Green propaganda.

The elites are playing the Greens for suckers by giving them a reason to be poor. They are playing the rest of us for suckers by empowering the Greens to nag and control us.

Green was supposed to be about socialist control over capitalist production. Now all the big corporations are on board with Green initiatives. Why the change? Two reasons, so the corporations can collect government subsidies and so they can engineer efficiencies in production. Energy efficiencies are eagerly adopted by “the system of production.” This has nothing to do with taking a “moral stance” toward “preserving environment.” It has to do with increasing production efficiencies wherever possible to maximize production and profits. The production system constantly innovates efficiencies, including energy efficiencies. Green consumption controls are false solutions to phony problems.

Green thinking is not scientific thinking.

Science is not a search for truth. In its best times science was a search for evidence to support hypotheses. Today science has become so corrupt that it is mainly a search for funding. Socialism elevates science because it desires to appear to be a science rather than an ideology, thinking in slogans. At this nexus where science meets socialism is where you will find corruption, not scientific socialism or socialist science. Most importantly, you will never find any human-centered thinking here.

Imagine spending your time talking about your personal impact on environment rather than how to defeat the New World Order. Could anything be a greater distraction and waste of time? But this agenda serves the ruling party. They cannot manage the economy to prosperity, so they want everybody to think that getting poorer is in the service of some greater cause — indeed, that there is a crisis which getting poorer will alleviate. Once they get you to go down this path, there will never be an end to it. It is a permanent control mechanism which you internalize to save them the trouble of controlling you with naked force.

Green tensions are not the only tensions the Left causes. Their whole program is to split people away from each other so that they can control imaginary radical communities. When the imaginary communities become numerous and militant enough, they will take everybody over.

Notice that The New York Times considers therapists as authorities on family squabbles. Therapists are just as vulnerable to Green propaganda as any other retarded liberal. Green thinking + therapy for the problems that going Green causes = another $$ therapy bonanza for Marxist therapists.

Therapists are not relationship experts or environment experts. They are just as brainwashed by the media controllers as everybody else. The controllers have set up therapists to displace the old community authorities, the priests and pastors and counselors and doctors and mothers and grandmothers. Psychology is a pseudo-science elevating a class of morons as experts.

If you persist in thinking that psychologists are experts in mental health, consider this question: Why are there more and more mental illnesses even as there are more and more psychologists and psychiatrists?

We don’t think that “Green therapy” will last very long. Personal disputes are a temporary phase of the takeover. Disputes can be ended by a complete Green bureaucratic agenda of controlling personal habits, enforced by cameras, spying and reporting, fines and trials, the old Soviet Communist control paradigm. This is your Green future, with all personal choice removed.

Actually the liberals cause most of the problems related to environment with their green biomass schemes, poisoned lightbulbs, refusal to allow natural wildfires, banning of DDT, restrictions on oil drilling, subsidized alternative energy schemes such as wind farms, global carbon tax ripoffs, recycling scams, not to mention the proliferation of liberal junk science and the brainwashing of young kids who don’t know any better.

Environmentalism isn’t a science, it’s an ideology.

Be thankful you’re not involved with liberals who are going Green. Disciplining children is difficult enough these days, imagine disciplining these obsessive, childish Green liberals who want to monitor everyone’s personal habits. Actually, that is what they are best at. Recall our previous posts on life inside the Soviet Union. It is always the most psychologically unstable personalities who become the petty bureaucrats under socialism. They can’t create anything or produce anything of value, so they go to politics to act out their control fantasies.

The real therapy for Greens isn’t therapy, it is historical knowledge of the Green agenda, its origin in eugenics and the Left’s world population reduction agenda of the last century. Once you understand how evil it really is, you won’t worry about going Green. Undoing Green propaganda is the real agenda of progress. NWOU delivers peace of mind along with superior knowledge of history. Your real therapy project is to liberate yourself from all of the crazy-making socialist propaganda that keeps you anxious, worried, and confused. Become liberated from socialist lies and socialist control, not from society. Socialism will ruin your relationships and enlist you into becoming a change-agent so you can ruin everybody else’s relationships. Restoring and honoring social norms will make your relationships better. A little superior knowledge plus a short period of remorse and adjustment, leading to formulation of positive life-goals, is all the “therapy” you need. We guarantee you that entering therapy won’t solve any problem around Green relationship tensions. Understanding that they fooled you is therapeutic. You are capable of coming out of the Green fog as well simply by reading this post and visiting the links. And, you’ll be easier to get along with once you stop acting out socialist obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Of interest:

Hopis ban environmentalists from reservations.

Associated Press reporting on the story.

First Peoples coverage.

The pro-enviro response.

The enviros are interested in splitting and controlling everybody, even the native tribes. The Hopis and Navajos are ahead of us. They have sovereignty and can kick out the enviro buttinskys before they completely impoverish the tribes. The Indians and the Africans need to reject the Green agenda to survive.

We can personally reject the Green agenda, but we can’t throw the Greens out of power. We are going to have to suffer under the directives of the poverty-producing socialist radicals because, unlike the Indians, we don’t have sovereignty.

Will the federal government send therapists to the Africans, Hopis and Navajos? We don’t think they have the nerve to do it. They can’t sell “therapy” to people who have real cultures. They can only pull their psychology on whitey because whitey has been “educated” to surrender his brain to radical thinking. Having given up his culture and society, whitey is now conditioned to put up with their lies.

Educate yourself. The radicals have infiltrated the climate bureaucracies.

The weather station reporting climate fraud.

Green Hell

Climate Realists

CFACT: Green will make you poor

Climate Change Fraud

Global Weather Update

World Climate Report

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


4 Responses to “Going Green requires therapy”

  1. it is always a good idea to go green because we always want to help the environment ~*`

    What you really mean is, you want to help the global Communists control the world.

  2. nice. i could use ideas from webmasters like yourself to get my blogs up to par. good info, well constructed.

  3. Going Green says:

    Thank you for the post and for the website. More and more people are revealing the truth about NWO and the aliens who rule our planet.

    No aliens here. Try to read more carefully. You will find some intellectual dishonesty in some of the comments, however.

  4. I stumbled onto your blog and read a few post. I like your style of writing.

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