Global economy turning?

The Chinese government is trying to pop its real estate bubble.

Faber predicts China market decline. Commodities “feel heavy.” Australian commodity stocks decline, then rebound. China’s real estate may mark down 20 percent. Prices have increased 20 percent in one year. 60 percent of China’s economy is devoted to construction.

Removing China’s commodity bid makes it harder for other economies to grow by exporting. How about restructuring economies for the benefit of the people? Novel idea, and very anti-New World Order.

Pakistan on the edge of bankruptcy.

Rising Australian interest rates may pop housing bubble.

How much the various state economies are shrinking. Nice analysis of the economic impact of the gulf oil spill at this site, and Florida’s dead tourist industry.

Darling, Geithner pulled into IMF bailout plan. Why are national leaders committed to more global financial integration under IMF control? Because this is the master plan for global takeover even though financial integration has already crashed the global economy. They aren’t really national leaders. And, they don’t learn.

The IMF wants more global financial integration to keep nations from acting in their self-interest. Nations are becoming wary about the IMF loot and control game, but are they powerful enough to resist?

The PIIGS need $3 trillion to stay afloat, but the IMF doesn’t have it. Funding the bailout accelerates every other nation’s decline. Throwing imaginary money after bad socialist overspending. Really, the world’s leaders are psychotic. And we’re not using the term loosely. Studies of NWO leaders show they are mainly psychopaths with no conscience.

Sovereign debt projections from the BIS. When debt defaults ripple, it should quickly form a giant wave that brings down corporations and governments. Many organizations are seeking “immune status” from a future tidal wave of bankruptcies, but global financial integration is proceeding faster than nations are waking up to its faulty design.

Argentina seizes private pension funds to stay afloat. As governments become more desperate for money, they will eye savings pools for confiscation. As governments become more predatory, those who fell for the false promises of socialism will take to the streets, for a while, in the hope that their parasitic positions can be maintained. Then what? Large pools of disillusioned socialist masses will become a festering sore you will need to negotiate around. Stay safe.

Police departments seize property to stay afloat. Your local government may be as dishonest and desperate as the federal government.

How investors profit by selling short government bonds as governments go bankrupt. Lighting fire to the Titanic.

Naked Capitalism on the Fed’s shift in policy to purchase more Treasuries, agency bonds. The Fed is propping up the government, and can lie about it and get away with it. We don’t discount the possibility that the central banks can hold the house of cards together for the indefinite future, but we are less focused on the staying power of the financial structures and more focused on the millions of people who are finding out that the financial system doesn’t work for them, the government isn’t going to prop them up, and they have been chasing a foolish dream. We have a book for them to read, but we don’t imagine they will find it. Instead, there is going to be a lot of social destruction and acting out of negative emotional states.

John Williams of Shadow Statistics on the coming hyperinflation. A sober and well-reasoned Bear. There are many Super Bear financial advisers, but their predictions of catastrophe have not yet materialized. At the moment, it’s about global money flows, currency wars, and behind-the-scenes realignment of national loyalties and commitments. These are hard to track. Our best sources aren’t really that well informed of the maneuvering at the top of the pyramid.

Jim Guy Tucker reports that the Bilderbergers plan another year of recession. We’ll be interested to find out what comes of the Bilderberger meeting, but we’ll take it with a grain of salt. Bilderbergers are smart enough to issue disinformation, and the big trends may be above their pay grade.

What Obamacare will do to the health industry.

Ellen Brown’s conspiracy theory. Handle with care. Global Research is global socialist and unreliable. The Left has its own version of conspiracy that omits the global socialist conspiracy altogether. For entertainment purposes only.

Bob Chapman on the state of the world economy, focusing on the Goldman scandal and Greece bailout. You will need to interpret events from this stream of news in terms of weakening financial markets over time. It’s unlikely that Greece will suddenly collapse, change governments, exit the EU, or successfully restructure its economy. If this is the global financial turning point, you will only recognize it in retrospect by choppy market action turning bearish.

Don’t rely on us to keep you up to speed with the economy. We have other things on our mind. Do your own research.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “Global economy turning?”

  1. consultant says:

    The economy is so bad, a picture is only worth 200 words these days…lol we can still afford to laugh a little, right?

    Maybe you can. When we think about the people who did this to us, we don’t laugh.

  2. Terrific work! This is the type of information that should be shared around the web. Shame on the search engines for not positioning this post higher!

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