Glenn Beck steps up

We’re not too excited about any of the “conservative” talkers, but today we want to give a nod to Glenn Beck for stepping up. On his Fox TV show last week, Beck provided evidence of the Communist background of some of Obama’s czars, including Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, and Jeff Jones. In our previous posts on Obama, we provided evidence of Obama’s Communist background and Communist associates.

Beck has also been reporting on the network of Marxist organizations supporting Obama, which Obama is in turn funding. These groups include ACORN, STORM, and Apollo. The Apollo group wrote the stimulus bill that passed Congress earlier this year. Congress didn’t write the stimulus bill or the health care bill. These legislative agendas are written by Marxist radicals, then presented to Congress in a spirit of “emergency.”

In Friday’s show, Beck offered several principles for opposition to the Democrat agenda, designed to unify the teaparty movement around a few core ideas. Beck has been a supporter of the tea parties and is pushing a march on Washington for September 12.

Follow Glenn Beck at and The 912 Project.

Beck has made two departures from cautious conservative orthodoxy. He called Obama a racist, and he came this close to calling Obama a Communist.

In our previous posts we have pointed out that Obama is a Communist racist. Anyone who promotes identity politics (feminism, black power, Reconquista) is a Communist anti-white racist.

But NWOU is a small potato, while Glenn Beck is a nationally known TV and radio personality. Let’s give credit to Glenn Beck for stepping up and breaking the glass wall of silence about Obama’s Communism and racism.

You know the Left is going to smear Beck with protests of denial. That’s what the Left does. One of Beck’s guests on Friday’s program pointed out that the Left acts like a drug addict caught using drugs. First they deny, then they accuse you of lying, then they say it’s not important, then they attack you personally, then they try to silence you and ruin you. They will try any tactic except actually dealing with the facts.

So far Beck’s charges remain unrebutted, and we expect them to remain unrebutted. There is simply too much evidence of Marxist influence in the White House to ignore. It can’t be explained away. They won’t explain it away, they will use slurs and name-calling to discredit the messenger so that they can carry on their takeover agenda and marginalize anyone who speaks out.

This charge of racism against the Left disturbs a lot of people because it is rarely pointed out. The Left has had the field to itself, charging whitey with racism and getting away with it. Beck broke a TV barrier and exposed himself to a lot of liberal unhappiness about unmasking the racist Communist agenda of the New World Order. This line that refuses to expose the racist agenda of the Left is a line you will also have to deal with by getting better informed about Marxist identity politics and the racial takeover. You can start with our post, The politicization of race: white ignorance and work your way back to our posts on Reconquista and Eurabia.

The immediate response was a threat of boycott against the Glenn Beck show by multinational corporate sponsors. A radical group called Color of Change has been leading the boycott attempt. Coverage here, and here, and here, and some really silly writing here.

It’s interesting that a radical race group and the multinational corporations are cooperating in boycott, no?

This latter post brings to mind that the Left really doesn’t get the teaparty movement or Beck’s opposition to the Obama agenda. They think it has something to do with the Republican party! But we can’t be worried about the varieties of liberal delusion.

We don’t really care about the advertising boycotts against the Beck show, either. You should be boycotting these multinational firms anyway as they are the major players in the New World Order takeover. Big corporations are entirely taken over by Communist identity politics, quotas and affirmative action, speech codes, and anti-white male bias. The big corporations traded away their right to hire and fire whomever they wish, and their national identities, for the privilege of exploiting emerging economies and investing in Communist China. These corporations are no longer building blocks of national economies, they are global exploiters of cheap labor, destroyers of small business, and inside negotiators at the table lobbying for profit opportunities from socialist takeover.

Support Glenn Beck here and here.

Newsmax has fuller coverage.

Glenn Beck’s politics don’t exactly mirror NWOU’s struggle to find a way out of this globalist mess. But at the moment he represents the most courageous public opposition to Obama’s agenda, so we’ll give him our support. In the days ahead, watch who supports Beck and who doesn’t, on the Right. Much of the Right remains in the grip of “free trade” ideology and supports the big finance exploiters, the Wall Street banks and global corporations, who siphon off profits from small investors and create sophisticated new financial instruments to disguise their greedy pillaging. And, many Republicans are fooled by the Marxist “human rights” agenda into supporting anything with the name “rights” on it, including new rights for women and minorities that remove rights from fathers and whites. Beck is beginning to define a New Right agenda in America that should lead to a third party movement and rejection of the Republican party.

Glenn Beck doesn’t have the knowledge of history of NWOU, but we’ll suppress criticism of Beck’s knowledge base and approach until an appropriate time, if it ever really makes a difference. At the moment he’s the best of a timid lot of conservative talkers.

Meanwhile, let’s stay calm about the prospects for success. So far we see mainly seniors, women, and children at the tea party protests. Until the young and middle-aged men step up and lead, this movement is going to stay on the sidewalks. This movement is really based on outrage over the Left funding the Left instead of stimulating the economy, running up huge deficits, and the revelation of the death committees in Obama’s medicine takeover bill. Seniors are rightly fighting back, but it will take more than seniors to turn back the tide of the Left.

The idea of a “leaderless movement” to avoid charges of being an organized mob plays into the Left’s hands and keeps the Right weak. The Left organizes violence in America and can put violent extremists in the street at any time. Beck’s idea of confronting public officials with a list of demands and principles isn’t going to alter American politics. Most of the public officials are bought and sold. They represent monied interests and radical pressure groups, not ordinary folks in their districts. As more public officials are confronted, more will cancel public events. We actually prefer the slogans on the signs in the street to Beck’s talking points. Slogans work better than sentences in public movements. But Beck is mobilizing public opinion and creating converts, and we really need a little honest grass roots political outrage right now to stall the socialist takeover. Beck is the one person on TV who is actually doing research into Obama Communism and exposing the networks, and for that he deserves our support.

Prepare yourself for the Tea Party Movement to be less than successful even as you participate. We need Teaparty X10 just to get into the game.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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