Getting past 9/11

NWOU is not a 9/11 truther, researcher, or advocate. We came to New World Order studies from our research into the history of secret societies, where the plans for the New World Order were developed. We have not investigated 9/11 conspiracy theories in depth because we have other research priorities. The best book we have read on the subject is Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert. It’s a long read, but it does offer detailed investigative reporting that indicates 9/11 was an inside job. Ruppert points the finger of blame at Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Another line of reporting on 9/11 points to Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad, or to Pakistani intelligence as the planners and facilitators of this tragedy.

If you want to revisit the 9/11 conspiracy theory, you can visit Ruppert’s website and review his work. Remember PROMIS software, Condoleezza Rice’s claim that there was no advance warning, Peak Oil, Valerie Plame, the Rudi Dekkers flight school, pre-9/11 insider trading, Enron, Cynthia Mckinney, Charlie Sheen, David Corn advising the Left to shut up? Looking at Ruppert’s reporting again, we see it is contaminated with false lines of thinking. That doesn’t mean all of his reporting is flawed. We’ll leave it to you to judge.

You can also visit, or run your own search. You probably already have. We don’t really encourage you to review this material, but we want to remind you of it. Our simple conclusion is, investigating 9/11 will take you into a murky world that reveals a shadowy network of CIA operatives, terrorists, drug cartels, oil and pipeline politics, surveillance software, arms trading, and political alliances operating behind the scenes. While you might not be able to take away from this investigation solid proof that stands up in court, the 9/11 truth movement has come up with enough interviews and quotes from authoritative sources to reveal the outlines of power relations behind the scenes that make mainstream journalistic reporting and official statements laughable.

Recently we came across some reporting at Washington’s Blog that bears on the question of 9/11. The evidence is thin, but the Comments are interesting, particularly the quotes from Osama bin Laden and Dick Cheney saying that Osama had nothing to do with the attacks. All right, this post falls short of proof, but it raises a question or two.

Washington Blog’s post on Congresswoman Jane Harman sheds further light on evidence withheld from the 9/11 Commission. The 9/11 Commission was staffed by New World Order insiders who can’t be trusted. Remember, ubercontroller Henry Kissinger was supposed to head the commission, but he was forced to withdraw due to public outrage. We don’t believe that anybody believes in the authority of the 9/11 Commission Report, even Lee Hamilton. Certainly the 9/11 victims’ families don’t. Harman withheld videotapes of torture of the 9/11 suspects from the commission. You’re not too surprised that the 9/11 Commission failed to get all the facts, are you? That’s what commissions are for.

Recently American Free Press reported an interview with former Italian president Cossigna, who claimed 9/11 was orchestrated by Mossad and the CIA. Maybe yes, maybe no. Come to your own conclusions about 9/11. We want to move you past it, because what happened after 9/11 is more important.

Let’s look at the present state of public opinion regarding 9/11. We are guessing that about 80 percent of Europe, and a high proportion of the rest of the world, believes that 9/11 was an inside job. Probably a majority of Democrats so believe. Maybe half of Republicans so believe. Who does this leave believing in the official story? At most half of the Republicans. That’s a pretty small minority of public opinion.

“I really don’t want to know who committed the atrocities of 9-11 because if my country committed 9-11, then I don’t have a country.”

Much hinges on who caused 9/11 because the patriots on the Right base their support for the war against terror and the invasion of Iraq and Afganistan on the overwhelming need to counter the threat of terrorism. But many on the Right now believe that 9/11 was an inside job, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not worth the price in lives and treasure. The main psychological wall against believing 9/11 was an inside job remains the problem that, if we admit it was, we are left without a country at the mercy of grand deceptions.

We are left without a country, at the mercy of grand deceptions.

But Obama has recently dismantled the “war against terror” rhetoric while upholding future initiatives in Iraq and Afghanistan. So it’s Barack Obama’s war now. Funny, Obama ran for president on his position against the Iraq war, now he wants to perpetuate it. See the report by Eric Margolis on President Obama’s long-term war planning against terrorism. Isn’t it strange that Obama wants to change the “war on terror” language at the same time he is planning a long-term war perpetuating Bush’s policies? Obama seems more “afraid” of Islamic terrorists than he is of Communist China’s military threat. Why is that?

Recently Iraq and Russia signed an agreement calling for a New World Order. See the story at China View. Was this the outcome the conservatives wanted when they backed Bush’s invasion of Iraq? What is America’s purpose in Iraq and Afghanistan? We can’t find a reason for being there. Does it have something to do with controlling the heroin trade or pipeline politics? We’re stumped. But we don’t believe Bush could have sold the war in Iraq to the American people if he had told them that China would be developing Iraq’s oilfields and Iraq and Russia would be negotiating agreements on energy and security.

Is the patriotic Right going to maintain the same enthusiasm for Obama’s war that they had for Bush’s war? We think not, and there doesn’t seem to be much discussion of these wars on the Right these days. The Left, of course, is stunned into silence that Obama has betrayed them.

Right-wing commentators such as Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh have erred in believing the war on terror and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were the proper response to 9/11. If 9/11 was an inside job, they got conned. If 9/11 was set up by foreign intelligence services without Bush administration knowledge, the result is essentially the same–Bush was given an excuse to attack phantom terrorists operating under the name al-qaida but really false fronts set up to inflame public opinion against Islamic nations.

But we know Bush was no “conservative” because he pursued the North American Union, integration with the European Union, open borders, free trade, big spending, centralized education, an expensive Medicare drug benefit plan, etc. Bush’s response to 9/11 is about the only prop that maintains his credibility on the Right. Remove that, and all you have is Bush fooling the people who voted for him. Once the holdouts on the Right figure out that the response to 9/11 was designed to implement New World Order plans, the Right can unite and fight the real enemy.

So let’s go right to the bottom line. Even though we can’t prove to everyone’s satisfaction that 9/11 was an inside job, a lot of evidence leads to this conclusion. The response, the war on terror and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, are not nationalist responses to attack, they are New World Order wars. They are part of a larger network of New World Order connections and are designed to bring Iraq and Afghanistan into the New World Order. Mission accomplished.

The other important response to 9/11 was the establishment of Homeland Security and the Spy Society. That is what we have to deal with today. Homeland Security is a greater threat to Americans than the threat of Islamic terrorism. That is why we want to get everyone, and particularly the apologists for Bush, past 9/11 and united in fighting the greater threat, the surveillance network operating inside the United States against U.S. citizens.

Notice the dead silence on these initiatives from any U.S. government official. The government proceeds, with relative secrecy, to put into place more spy technologies and undo civil liberties, regardless of whether the administration is Republican or Democrat.

Kingsley Dennis at Information Liberation has a seminal article that describes the initiatives following 9/11 that set in place a total system of worldwide communications monitoring and control. First, the Total Information Awareness Office, then the Space-Based Infrared System, then the IKONOS surveillance satellite, RADARSAT, and KEYHOLE 11 satellites, the USHomeGuard surveillance system, leading to Full Spectrum Dominance. What this means is that the U.S. Homeland Security and military intelligence can track the movement of anything anywhere on the globe, the Global Information Grid. All of these spy systems are integrated with military planning, including psychological warfare strategies.

The success of this system allows the U.S. military to view the planet as a “seamless battlefield.” For the strategy to work optimally, stuff and people need to be tagged with sensors for tracking. This explains initiatives to place GPS tracking units in automobiles and children. A program under way in Wales will track children by satellite and encourage children to spy on each other.

The philosophy behind this total control network that now spans the globe is to redefine each person as a node in the network rather than an individual in a society. That is why the elites of both the Left and Right are committed to this project of total global control. They expect to benefit from your slavery under the global system. With the entire planet wired with sensors, and every object and person tracked, there is little opportunity to escape the controllers or even to influence them.

China has its own global surveillance network, called GhostNet. China has penetrated 103 countries with its cyber-espionage technologies. Reporting at the Telegraph. China feels it is in an information war with the United States. This war atmosphere drives innovations in spying on both sides.

The Mail has a report by a Russian journalist, who says the level of spying inside Britain is worse than in Russia under Communism. As in the United States, the official excuse for the security system is the need to fight terrorism or crime. Modern states have managed to improve on the Soviet system of neighbor spying on neighbor, children informing on their parents, etc. with technological upgrades.

Upcoming FEMA exercises in July will focus on information coordination. FEMA has taken local law enforcement under its control and coordination. Local law enforcement agencies are forbidden to take action in emergencies without FEMA authorization.

Rogue Government reports on how the Obama administration seeks to undercut court decisions protecting civil liberties.

The Telegraph reports that Britain intends to track every phone call and email and website visit.

We are more concerned about the global tracking system and the ability of the United States government to monitor the movements and communications of U.S. citizens than we are about Islamic terrorism, and that is why we want to get you beyond 9/11, to understand what came after, and get you to recognize the real enemy, the elites of both parties supporting the global information grid under the New World Order.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


3 Responses to “Getting past 9/11”

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