Gates opens U.S. military to Chinese

It’s difficult for us to get a comprehensive view of foreign affairs today. One reason is that there are so many global meetings negotiating in secret. Another reason is, we haven’t found anyone with superior knowledge who shares our pro-nationalist, anti-New World Order position.

We aren’t privy to any inside information, but we have found a few stories of interest about emerging trends.

The larger outline is clear: The globalists are committed to carbon trading markets and cap and trade schemes that will transfer wealth from your pockets to the cleverest globalist criminals. Al Gore, for example, is positioned to make over $1 billion from these new globalist agreements. The UN and the European Union are taking the leading role in the globalist “climate change” takeover. Kenny explains who is, and who funds climate protests.

Relations between individual countries are less clear. However, we believe a trend of U.S.-China integration is under way.

Peter Brown describes commitments for further integration of the U.S. and Chinese military. Given the massive transfer of military technology to China under Bill Clinton and the large number of Chinese spies inside the United States, we view this invitation to the Chinese as inviting the fox into the henhouse.

CNOOC has gained drilling access to the Gulf of Mexico. Notice the “foreign firm as intermediary” theme. U.S. globalist traitors have used foreign intermediary firms to profit from shipping weapons to enemies of the United States. Multinational corporations are often involved in the ACORN and UN NGO shell game of passing the pea. Related story: Major U.S. and British banks finance production of banned weapons.

A case study on viral internet marketing in China. The Chinese internet is very closely controlled. We believe this control model will be applied in the United States, making internet mass manipulation more feasible.

China’s syphilis problem.

Spengler ruminates about the lack of a coherent U.S. foreign policy and frames a few issues in an interesting way. We don’t endorse Spengler’s “realist” solution, or his admiration for Defense Secretary Gates. And, we don’t believe that open capital markets will promote “human rights” in China, or that a U.S.-China alliance is in America’s interest. We’d support Tibet and the Uighurs and any anti-Communist group. We wouldn’t trust Russia on nonproliferation or on cooperation against Iran. We’re not impressed with Spengler’s forecasts for “ruined” nations. The potentially “ruined” nations may become the most decentralized anti-NWO nations, and nice places to live. Spengler’s article epitomizes the problem of thinking in terms of power relations rather than the interests of all the various peoples of the globe.

ASEAN wants to expand into a Greater East Asia free trade zone. This is really the third foundational leg of the New World Order according to plans laid during World War II.

A little good news on economic nationalism and the breakdown of “free trade” agreements. However, there is no official opposition to these treaties from any national leader. Just the opposite, there is official enthusiasm for ensnaring every nation under the globalist network of neo-federalism.

More good news: The World Bank is running out of funds. The bad news: They won’t go out of business, they’ll just get more money from the U.S. taxpayer.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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