Frankism subverts Islam as well as Christianity

The following interview with Youssef Hindi appeared at the website euro-synergies. It originally appeared at This is a Google translation with a little clean-up.

We are reprinting this interview because it provides a gentle introduction to the idea that Sabbataean Frankism was devoted to the subversion of Islam as well as the subversion of Christianity. Its geopolitical strategy has been secularized and promoted as “the clash of civilizations.”

Interview by Youssef Hindi in Patriotic Algeria: Reformists want to bring their poison as a remedy for Wahhabism

Independent historian, writer and researcher Youssef Hindi advocates a return to “a sound study of the texts of Islam, beyond reformism and Wahhabism” and to “use the Islamic corpus to understand the meaning of history and make a critique of modernity.” For him, one should not “submit Islam to the modern world” but “propose an alternative to the globalist, totalitarian and destructive project.”


AlgeriaPatriot: In your book Occident and Islam: Sources and Genesis of Messianic Zionism; From Medieval Europe to the Clash of Civilizations, you speak of the roots of kabbalistic messianism and its influence on the three monotheistic religions, from the thirteenth century onwards. What role did Wahhabism and the Muslim Brotherhood play in the subversion of the Muslim religion by the kabbalistic tradition?

Youssef Hindi: It is impossible to understand the historical role of Wahhabism and the Muslim Brotherhood without recounting the genesis of Islamic reformism (from which comes frerism) and its historical and ideological link with one of the kabbalistic movements of Sabato-Frankism. The two founding pillars of the Kabbalah — from its formation in the first century — are, on the one hand, the study of the end of time (the apocalyptic) and, on the other, esotericism and mysticism which encompass a reflection on the world of here and beyond, to which we must add the purely kabbalistic notion of evolution towards the revelation of hidden knowledge, inducing the idea that the Kabbalah progresses and with it history. A historical advance in successive stages leading straight to the messianic times, towards the end of time and the climax of the chosen people.

In the second chapter of my book, I retrace the history of Wahhabism, Islamic reformism and Christian reformism, highlighting their common roots: Sabbato-Frankist antinomic messianism.

Born in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, with the false messiahs Sabbatai Tsevi and Jacob Frank (one falsely converted to Islam and the other to Catholicism), this apocalyptic messianism opposed God and the natural law, through the massive conversions of the Sabbatians to Islam and the Frankists to Catholicism, will promote atheism at the heart of these two worlds, especially via masonic lodges.

Jacob Frank

The first principles of a historical movement determining its ends, the foundations of the Kabbalah conditioned the form of messianism from which it sprang, and subsequently gave Sabbato-Frankism its character. Sabbato-Frankism was the inescapable consequence of the evolution of the Kabbalah, the fruit of the history of Jewish mysticism at the ideological, intellectual, political and moral levels.

In the same perspective, the apocalyptic program of the clash of civilizations is an integral part of the Jewish messianic design. The project of destroying Christianity and Islam found in the thirteenth century in the Zohar led several centuries later, following attempts to lay the foundations for it, to Sabbato-Frankism towards this goal.

Islamic reformism had as its anchor the Sabbatean regions, and its expansion took place via the masonic lodges infiltrated by the Sabbatarians. From the eighteenth century, the lodges spread to Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, Egypt and Syria.

Sabbatai Tsevi

For his part, the father of Wahhabism, Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab (like reformers ranging from Afghani to Hassan Al-Banna, via Abduh and Rashid Ridha) claimed to return to Islam by massacring Muslims, with the help of the Saud, to impose its ideology.

When Cromwell, who in the seventeenth century, with the Old Testament in his hand, made a parallel massacre of Irish and Scottish Catholics, destroying the churches, massacring prelates, men, women and children, in order to impose a new religion, and Mohamed Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab a century later, there are more than a few similarities. It’s exactly the same pattern. Abd al-Wahhab claimed to return to the Islam of origins, like the Protestants who presented themselves as fundamentalists, true supporters of Christianity, by renewing the Old Testament. In fact, Abd Al-Wahhab and his followers of yesterday and today show a devastating hatred of Islam, the Prophet and his companions, whose fervent efforts they have made to systematically destroy the tombs and both religious and cultural heritage.

Islamic reformism forms with Wahhabism two sides of the same project, completing each other under an apparent opposition, namely a heresy with two faces according to what I call an infernal dialectic.

Since the appearance of Abd Al-Wahhab, Malkun Khan (the first great reformist), Afghani and Abduh, and their followers up to the present day, Wahhabism and its liberal reformist slope, whose ultimate avatar are the Muslim Brotherhood, acted as corrosive agents and factors of material and spiritual decomposition of Islam; and we are now witnessing the final stage of this historical process of subversion.

The Wahhabis and the Muslim Brothers play an essential role in this great geopolitical chessboard in which the strategy of the clash of civilizations applies: the fanaticized Wahhabi troops destroy the Muslim cities and states guided by preachers and pseudo-Wahhabi scholars and Brothers Muslims, while the Muslim Brotherhood piloted, financed by the Western Arabs as well as European and American, are brought to power as in Egypt and Tunisia.

In your two books West and Islam and The Founding Myths of the Clash of Civilizations, you describe the clash of civilizations as a programmed doctrine. Who is at the origin of this strategy which aims to confront the civilizations?

My research shows that this strategy was developed by a Kabbalist by the name of Solomon Molcho — following the rabbinical and eschatological interpretations of the Bible — which in the 16th century attempted to launch the Church and then the Holy Roman Empire into a war against the Ottoman Empire, in order to expel the latter from Palestine and rebuild the Kingdom of Israel. This is precisely what the British did after the First World War, by the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the Jewish home in Palestine (1919-1920) following the promise made by the British to Zionists in the Balfour Declaration (1917).

Molcho’s project took four centuries to complete, but it was finally realized. This is one of the proofs I offer as a demonstration of the permanence of the messianic project and the intrinsic link between Zionism and the strategy of the clash of civilizations, the second being the prerequisite for the realization of the first.

In 1957, Bernard Lewis, the master of Samuel Huntington, “secularized” this messianic strategy by giving it a scientific cladding to erect it in theory. Lewis, worthy heir of Molcho, with the aim of fomenting wars between the (post) Christian world and the Muslim world, decrees then that these two great religions would be ontologically vowed to confront. It was this same Bernard Lewis, a Jewish and Israeli, British and American nationalist, who worked in the early 2000s to convince Dick Cheney, then vice president of the United States, to send America to war against Iraq.

This clash of civilizations fabricated from scratch is at bottom merely the false nose of what I call a “world ideological shock” opposing the Old Testament world — covering the Anglo-Thalassocratic bloc, its formerly Catholic vassals of the Old Continent, Wahhabi petrarchies and Israel — to the rest of humanity.

Wahhabi ideology, Daech and Western propaganda have largely contributed to distorting non-Muslim perceptions of Islam. What distorting myths rests on this false perception?

The myths fabricated over the centuries around Islam are very numerous, but in my second book The Founding Myths of the Clash of Civilizations , I deconstruct the main ones on which the strategy of the clash of civilizations is based. I have chosen five myths, which I think are the most important, that I have covered in five themed chapters.

These myths and accusations relate in particular to the relationship between Islam, violence and war. My study starts with a historical contextualization of the birth and expansion of Islam, combined with a careful exegetical study. There is a focus on the often unrecognized or forgotten relationships between Christianity and the Muslim world and the place of women in the Muslim religion.

My work ends with a fundamental reflection, namely, what is the true place of God and religion in human societies, this being directly related to the notion of sovereignty. For it is assumed that the fundamental problem of the Muslim world and its delay would be due to the fact that it would not have carried out an aggiornamento, a complete separation of the religious and the political.

You affirm that if Islam is rejected in the West, the fault lies with the Westerners who have not understood this religion. Can we blame them for the fact that the alternative discourse to the extremist and violent Wahhabi ideology is totally inaudible?

I did not say that. I explain that the rejection of Islam is largely due to its demonization by the major Western media, ideologues and intellectuals as well as politicians. This demonization is achieved through the dissemination of old myths forged in historical, political, and geopolitical contexts from the Middle Ages, combined with the propagation of Wahhabi ideology in the world — via several channels and financed by petrodollars, media, university chairs, mosques — which began after World War II and the Quincy Pact (February 1945) between U.S. President Roosevelt and Saudi Arabian King Abdelaziz Ibn Saud, with the aid and the blessing of the Western world, the United States in the lead. Without the petrodollars and Anglo-American support for Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism (and its terrorist avatars) would not have become Muslim orthodoxy in the eyes of Westerners and a number of Muslims.

Wahhabi and Western media propaganda make the speech of traditional scholars and scholars who have studied the history and role of Wahhabism utterly inaudible.

Thinkers agree that we must go to a refounding of the theological thought of Islam in order to thaw all the theological glaciations. What is your opinion on this issue?

These Muslim thinkers, whose speeches are accompanied by ideologues who want to bring down Islam, are the heirs of the Freemason reformers (Malkun Khan, Afghani, Abduh and their pupils) who began this work of diluting Islam in modernity.

Reformers are jostling themselves today, in the logic of this dialectical movement between Wahhabism and reformism I have been talking about, taking as a pretext the atrocities of Daech and other terrorist groups, to bring their poison as a cure for a disease they never name: Wahhabism.

My opinion is that we must return to a sound study of the texts of Islam, beyond reformism and Wahhabism, and use the Islamic corpus to understand the meaning of history and criticize modernity; not to subjugate Islam to the modern world, but to propose an alternative to modern ideologies and to the globalist, totalitarian and destructive project, under the guise of progressivism, that they have generated.

According to you, Eric Zemmour, Bernard-Henri Levy and Alain Finkielkraut obey the same movement that exists in the Jewish tradition, namely the assimilationist or “Haskalah” movement. What is this movement? What are its objectives ?

In a recent conference, I explained that Eric Zemmour is part of this movement (Finkielkraut can also be included to some extent), but not Bernard-Henri Levy. The Haskalah is a movement initiated in 1780 by the German Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786). It proposes to the Jews of Europe to assimilate in appearance to the European cultures, but while preserving their identity. The Haskalah belongs to the Frankish movement, which advocates assimilation by conversion to Catholicism and/or by the dissimulation of belonging to Judaism, to destroy the Christian world from within.

Moses Mendelssohn

In my first book, I quote the historian Gershom Scholem, who is the greatest scholar of Kabbalah and its history, and who writes about the doctrine of Jacob Frank and his purposes (and the Haskalah):

“The conception of Jacob Frank assumed a resolutely nihilistic aspect. Under the seal of silence, the true believer (that is, Frank’s partisan), who possesses God in the secret of his heart, can pass through all religions, rites and established orders without giving his adhesion to, No, on the contrary, by annihilating them from within and thus establishing true freedom. Constituted religion is only a mantle that must be endorsed and then rejected on the path of ‘sacred knowledge,’ the gnosis of the point where all traditional values are annihilated in the current of life. He propagated this nihilistic cult under the name of ‘the way to Esau’ or ‘Edom’ (the Western Christian world), inciting assimilation without really believing it, hoping for the miraculous rebirth of a messianic and nihilist Judaism emerging in the Pains of the birth of a universal upheaval.

These conceptions opened the way for the fusion between the last phase of messianism and the Sabbateic mysticism on the one hand, and on the other, contemporary rationalism and secular and anticlerical tendencies. Freemasonry, liberalism and even Jacobinism can be seen as other ways of striving for the same goal.”

The destruction of Christianity by the Frankists on the one hand, and that of the Sabbatarians by Islam, on the other hand, were carried out in parallel via similar channels: Integrating the kabbalistic concept of redemption through evil, that of the clean slate, to destroy in order to rebuild, penetrated the Christian and Muslim worlds by passing through kabbalistic masonic lodges.

It is by understanding the origin of this movement and its ends, which are summarized in the total destruction of the West (spiritually and physically), that one can understand the discourse of a Zemmour, who presents himself as a patriot assimilated, more French than the French, and which paradoxically has for years fanned the flames of civil war in France, just as BHL works like his co-religionist Bernard Lewis for the destruction of the Muslim world.

Interview by Mohamed El-Ghazi

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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