Finding freedom

Claire Wolfe has done more thinking about finding your freedom than we have. She has a backwoods survival site, and she is part of a larger organization called the Free State Project. The Free State members voted to move to New Hampshire. We’ll pass on New Hampshire, but relocating might help you avoid the socialist control machine for a while. We found the following posts of interest:

Finding your own freedom

Living the outlaw life

Freeing your inner outlaw

A list of Claire’s columns

Claire is far ahead of us on many topics as we don’t live a backwoods life and we haven’t flexed all of our freedom-seeking muscles. And, we wouldn’t move to New Hampshire. We like the West. But we recognize a freedom-loving ally when we see one. Claire is actually doing something about it. We hope you find something useful at Claire’s site.

The reason we are sending you to this information is because we need to reinforce one main idea that keeps getting implied in our posts. Our elected representatives do not represent us, they represent big corporate interests and global socialism. President Obama spends most of his time outside the country trying to rig together more restrictive global federalism. He is devoted to funding global Communism with our tax dollars. He definitely is not governing in our interest. The Democrats are spending money we don’t have and driving our country into debt peonage. There is no reason for any U.S. citizen to continue to support the federal government or obey the volumes of laws that the Democrat Congress passes through deception, bribery, secrecy, and parliamentary gamesmanship.

Folks who identify with the “greatness of America” are deluding themselves. The government has been hi-jacked by global socialists, and the culture is infantile Cultural Marxism operating under the key concept of “forced retardation.” Continuing to identify with this system or its possibilities is delusional. The best we have to offer as an alternative is the best you can find in the historical greatness of Western civilization. We don’t mean the sequence Declaration of Independence, Federal Constitution, Emancipation Proclamation, women get the vote, Roosevelt allies U.S. with Soviet Russia, formation of United Nations, women get the right to abort, global free trade agreements, Hillary steals the White House furniture and promises $500 billion to foreign governments. We mean whatever you can find in your ethnic culture that joins nicely with the elevated values of that stream of culture that flowed into Europe and is worth preserving against the one-world socialist takeover. This stream of values even has a name in textbooks, it is called the Great Tradition.

This is an identity reorientation on your part, not a prescription on our part. It goes far deeper than the feuding free-trading founding fathers, the Liberty, Equality, Fraternity slogan of Freemasonry, the illegal federalist takeover, trading in stocks and bonds, and victory in modern wars. Whatever you identify with is your identity. Pick the best.

The Russian author Leo Tolstoy once wrote that he was more free as a Russian subject than an American is because he knew he did not make the laws of Russia, but Americans suffered from the delusion that they were responsible for their laws because democracy made them feel obligated to support the laws under the concept of citizenship. Knowing that he was not responsible for the czars’ laws made Tolstoy feel free to ignore them. This is not a self-indulgent rationalization for criminal behavior, it is a recognition that higher values reside outside the modern state. It is also a recognition that U.S. federalism trumps local and state policy-making and attempts to restrict local democracy and freedoms. Global federalism simply makes things worse as the criminal and wealthy elites have figured out that global governance will enslave the people of all the nations.

Notice that the Left obeys whatever laws it wants to, ignores the rest, and consistently engages in street violence. Sanctuary cities thumb their noses at the federal immigration laws and protect immigrant criminals. The Left always finds sly ways to reject laws that the Left wants to flout. We can learn something from these weasels. Loyalty to the laws and institutions of the modern corrupt secular state is hampering your progress toward a real identity and real liberation from secular materialist slavery. We’d like you to struggle with this a bit and come out the other side. Who exactly are you serving when you accept their socialist control programs and their debt slavery?

Related links on survival skills:

The 5 basic survival skills.

Surviving in the wilderness.

On homesteading.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


3 Responses to “Finding freedom”

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