Failing socialist states

An overview of states’ budget problems at Dollars and Sense. States are running revenue shortfalls that average 24 percent. The big problems: states run welfare programs employing vast numbers of bureaucrats. The federal government currently supplies around 20 percent of states’ budgets, for Medicare. Neither of these trends is sustainable. Each state is faced with the problem of declining tax revenues and is urgently searching for more income. Unfortunately, most of the thinking at the state government level is how to maintain existing programs rather than how to maintain state solvency by eliminating programs and bureaucrats.

“California is worst off, but hardly alone. Others include Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island and Wisconsin.”

Ten states, representing about one third of the U.S. population, are in serious trouble. Reports by Lendman and Corsi.

More from the Pew study of the states.

The states’ budget shortfalls for 2010 and 2011 are projected at $350 billion. Revenues fell in 2009 by 17 percent. Some of this shortfall was made up by stimulus money. But the economy lost 11 million jobs over the past two years, and unemployment is rising. The states’ formula for survival is “spending cuts and tax hikes.” Neither of these policies favors economic recovery, even if the Obama administration hadn’t blown the cash on the big banks and the big wars.

The states also face a $2.7 trillion debt owed to overpaid state bureaucrats for their retirement.

California is in the worst shape because it has the highest percentage of its population on welfare of any state, and California supports illegal aliens. California pays its state employees three times more than the cost of the California higher education system. Socialism costs a lot of money and doesn’t produce anything. The huge unfunded public employee pension liability. Start cutting there. There is no reason public employees should retire and receive full salary and benefits.

Schwarzenegger and the Democrats refuse to face reality and deal with the problems. Schwarzenegger is asking the federal government for an $8 billion bailout to close a $20 billion shortfall.

California can’t afford to fund any more projects with state debt. Are you listening, Democrats? You’ve stolen all our money, there isn’t any more. No one in California even keeps track of the state’s debt obligations. The real debt is probably around $600 billion.

Small businesses are closing up shop at an increasing rate.

How state bankruptcy could be an opportunity to start over and put up firewalls against socialism. But state bankruptcy is illegal. Debt default is the next step.

What the state treasurer says: “We are running out of tricks.” Maybe overseas investors can be suckered into buying California’s paper.

California’s unemployment fund is $7 billion in the red, and headed to $18 billion next year.

Obama invites the UN to study California’s new homeless.

“America is one of the richest countries in the world. For me as a citizen and a person of colour I think it’s important to let the rest of the world know what’s going on here.”

Why the poor don’t get it: America is one of the most indebted nations in the world, and the U.S. funds the corrupt UN. But notice that the UN can get support and sympathy just by listening. The poor aren’t going to be any help to us because they are blinded by socialist propaganda, looking to failed institutions and failed philosophies to provide support.

Tens of thousands leaving California.

Case study: San Francisco. What happens when you let liberals run a city.

Arizona’s budget crisis is closely linked with illegal immigration. See the links at the end of the article indicating a flurry of activity centered in Arizona. We love the metaphor in the Comments, “waking up at the edge of a cliff.” Liberals won’t wake up even when they go over a cliff.

It will be interesting to see how Obama handles failing states rebelling against federal mandates and declaring state sovereignty.

Our thinking about the New World Order takeover is changing as a result of these developments. States crashing toward bankruptcy may be the locus of resistance against the federal government. Socialism may collapse simply because they ran out of other people’s money to spend. People have very little power, but angry state governors and legislators might undo this corrupt system.

Don’t let Progressives migrate to your state and run their corrupt game on you.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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