Europe’s grouchy Marxists

We are in the New World Order mini-era characterized by the global financial crash and its various responses. This is a time when people are looking back and asking what happened while suffering the effects of the recession and wondering what’s next.

The election of Barack Obama is a kind of red herring that smears disinformation and false thinking over the global financial meltdown and puts it into background. Obama was elected while the markets were falling fast, but no one blames Obama for the financial crash even though he has surrounded himself with the elite global criminals who caused it. Obama pleased his globalist controllers by endorsing TARP and stimulus spending to fund the bankers and the Left. His foreign policy of apologizing for America while not mentioning the predatory bankers and aligning himself with globalist Green initiatives has played well with the global elite. The global financial controllers have decided that the U.S. criminal bankers and the Federal Reserve need to come under the control of the IMF, and Obama is aiding their efforts. Calls for a global currency to replace the dollar are signaling the end of U.S. dominance of the world economy down the road. The big corporations plan to make big profits out of government-subsidized Green energy schemes and control everyone through a “carbon footprint” global tax system that will finance the last leg of the global takeover. Obama is just one agent cooperating in this takeover agenda.

Meanwhile European leaders are buffeted by two competing forces, the need to preserve some national economy in the face of free trade agreements, high debt service, and the impending passage of the Lisbon Treaty while also dealing with popular discontent clamoring for justice against the bankers and the EU controllers. The European welfare state can only deal with the varieties of human suffering resulting from high unemployment, falling house prices, falling exports, low demand, and other manifestations of the real economy for a short term.

In the face of these pressures we expect few of Europe’s leaders to survive the wave of discontent. Gordon Brown should be the first to go, next year in May. Bloomberg reports on Brown’s low poll numbers. Bloomberg does not report on Brown’s difficulty in handling criminal scandals involving Labour party leadership dipping into public funds to finance their perks. Labour party election fundraising may be Labour’s last chance to siphon money out of Britain’s pockets. We expect the Conservatives to benefit from the election, and for Britain to remain peaceful, despite white-hot anti-government feelings against political correctness, immigration, and the police state at any British blog you’d care to read.

The New York Times gathers a few remarks about Europe’s suffering socialists in this mini-era. On Sunday, German Chancellor Merkel won a victory in German elections. Merkel has emerged as Germany’s, and perhaps Europe’s, most popular politician on the basis of refusing to get stampeded by Brown’s urgent demands for Europe-wide funding of a bank bailout and stimulus package late last year. Merkel is a frumpy and unremarkable woman, inarticulate, a lucky beneficiary of a scandal in her party, a poor leader, a politican without an idea who simply responds to others’ pressures. It’s hard to believe she will be around for long, but she might survive if European politics remains within the banks of squishy do-nothing socialism.

Michel Winock’s quote in this article is a misinterpretation:

“When Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Germany’s Angela Merkel condemn the excesses of the “Anglo-Saxon model” of capitalism while praising the protective power of the state, they are using Socialist ideas that have become mainstream, he said.”

No, Merkel and Sarkozy were simply acting in their national interest and holding the line against further looting by the British and American bankers. They are still left to grapple with the problems socialism causes, in this case the underfunded welfare state. There is no “mainstream,” it is just a metaphor for nothing. There are those fooled by socialism and those who are a little awake, that’s all.

Here is the quote of interest:

“The Socialists can’t adapt to the loss of their basic electorate, and with globalism, the welfare state can no longer exist in the same way,” Professor Sartori said.

Globalism destroys national industries through low-wage labor and low-priced competition. Both Europe and America have attempted to deal with this problem by stimulating mass migration (Moslems and Hispanics) to destroy the white culture and ensure socialist victories in elections. The rich white elites are counting on cheap migrant labor to staff their factories and businesses and preserve their fortunes while they build the global “community organizing” machinery to control dissent at the local level. For this to work, they have to control and discredit white anger in the working class and middle class.

Unions keep white workers pacificed and under Marxist control, and political correctness keeps the students, teachers, and bureaucrats muffled.

NWOU likes to create “word equations” involving time, because time is the factor most trend watchers ignore. In Europe the equation goes something like this: Can Europe’s socialists stop their squabbling and factionalism and unite to control the masses through political slogans and elections long enough to force through the Lisbon treaty and build the police state? If they succeed in retaining power, will they be satisfied to be controlled by the rich bankers and multinational industrialists? Or will Europe’s working classes become so angered by anti-white immigration policies and politically correct control policies that they refuse to be bought by welfare-state promises and throw the socialists out?

The answer to this “competition of trends” will constitute the sloganeering and posturing of Europe’s parties and go a long way toward determining who exercises power from elections. But increasingly Europe’s national leaders are bound by the regional and global control mechanisms and negotiation protocols. Europe’s leaders don’t really have much power. If the real economy stabilizes, the bankers and the EU controllers will win and put Europe under a rigid dictatorship. If the real economy gets worse and unemployment rises, well-informed street mobs could play a role in forcing more drastic undoing of the multinational agreements, the welfare state, the police state apparatus, and the Social Democrats who have feasted on the people. As you know, Undoing is real progress, and this would be even truer in Europe, where the people actually understand who has robbed them and sold them out to globalism. The United States will be taken over completely because its white population is a couple of decades behind Europe’s street consciousness. White America is entirely controlled by the integration/quota/immigration subversion model. White men in America are cowed by the word “racist” and by feminist control over men. White Americans identify with the founding fathers, the Wall Street financial looters, a victory in World War II, and Bush’s foreign wars and are too busy looking in the rear-view mirror and pursuing their economic self-interest to resist the takeover. In America the Marxists are fat, happy, rich, and united because they are finally getting to do to America what Lenin did to Russia, loot the Treasury and control everybody.

In this mini-era America, too, throws up its own false analyses of politics and economy. Without a proper understanding of the causes of the takeover, you can hardly recommend some course of action that would begin to alleviate the damage. Remaining wedded to the institutions that have now been corrupted and taken over is one recipe for irrelevance. David Brooks shuffles tired, worn-out concepts and offers his version of angst at The New York Times.

If you think that a lack of personal self-restraint lies at the heart of America’s problems, we can’t help you.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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