European allies

We like to surf European websites for news of the takeover, and we are always pleased to discover a new site. All of the sites linked below are superior.

Wonderful writing and incisive commentary at Marxist By-Products.

A few quotes of interest:

On capitalism: “It’s socially unjust, and must be stopped in our lifetime – so we can be free to be slaves of the state.”

“The next few months will be decisive for the European Union’s future economic health, with the bloc set to agree a new 10-year economic plan in a bid to leave the recent recession behind, and chart a fresh course towards steady growth and job creation. If 5 year plans never worked, how is a 10 year plan supposed to work?”

“The problem with ‘our’ new president and foreign minister is not that they are nobodies, but that they are unelected, unaccountable nobodies.”

“The perpetual rigamarole surrounding the formation of the EU over the past 4 decades is rather more revealing of the state of the European political mind than one thinks. It’s an accounting of unredacted reactions, expressions of instincts, and the willingness to live with broad, warm-sounding feelings of communatarianism that wants to magnify it’s power around the world for no reason, while all the parties act like they want to take their ball, leave the sandbox, and go home.”

“Any detailed account of EU history reads like an endless list of failures, disappointments, backtracking, non-compliance with commitments, unfulfilled expectations, hard bargaining, dull and unimpressive bureaucrats, selfish national leaders, egoistic states, ever-growing scepticism, blatant behaviour of large member states, a ridiculous common agricultural policy, etc ., etc.”

“Far from being a denouement of human advancement and the superiority of impotently wishing for good in the world, it’s a mere sign of incremental evolution from being a culture at war with itself and the rest of humanity for a millennium, an exporter of the most murderous ideas, especially that of the subservience of the man before the power of the state, only to construct an increasingly undemocratic super-state that takes the power people can have over their lives further away from them into a vague multi-lingual babble where one never knows what is getting lost in translation.”

“From the opening ceremony’s video of a little girl running from an earthquake to the promises of emissions reductions, everything taking place in Copenhagen is contrived. The outcome of climate talks — no treaty, no emissions reductions — was known in advance. And yet participants pretend there is an unfolding drama. As such, Copenhagen is history’s first completely postmodern global event. It’s a festival of phoniness. With the ambitions of Versailles but the power of Davos, Copenhagen creates a cognitive dissonance for its creators, which results in ever-more manic displays of apocalypse anxiety and false hope. In the end, Copenhagen tells us more about ourselves — our post-American world, our fragmented media environment, and our hyper-partisanship — than about any attempt to slow global warming.”

Transatlantic Intelligencer

Englands Freedome

Ambush Predator has figured out that the socialist state intends to displace parents in the name of children’s rights. This is a crucial issue. Socialist legislation is being used to destroy families and communities. When was the last time you spoke to a strange child? We are all being treated like potential abusers while the real child abusers often get away with it.

“The transformation of the relationship between adults and children into one of caution, suspicion, confusion and fear will outlast many other Labour reforms.

“Stealthily, and without open political debate, we have moved from the assumption that all adults have a role in socialising children, towards a new and uncertain world in which contact with children is increasingly regulated by officials and the state. It is a kind of collective madness, in which the boundaries of what we are allowed to do shift too fast and too secretly for us to keep up.

“It is no longer the proper role of adults, even those in a tiny village, where everyone knows everyone else, to discuss the behaviour of children. It is for the state to define who may speak and who must be silent.”

Report at The Guardian

TEAM Europe Of interest: Iceland’s president rejects EU bank deal, will hold referendum. Latvian court rules Latvian constitution must take precedence over international treaties. Greece rejects IMF proposal for Irish-model pay cuts. Adoption of the Lisbon treaty means that European states lose their sovereignty.

Reporting on American politics at E-nough!

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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