Europe rejects U.S. financial plague

We’re just musing today over economic events of the last couple of weeks. There is some good economic news. European banks mostly passed their stress tests, so Europe is feeling more confident in its short-term credit flows. The euro is bouncing up against the dollar. Many big corporations reported high profits, so the stock market has gone up. Housing starts were up in the U.S. But there is still a big debate going on about “recovery” versus the double-dip, and none of the good news noted above is actually good news.

Let’s make our bias clear. We are rooting for the failure of the euro, the breakup of the European Union, and the restructuring of all European economies around ethnic nationalism with a national currency. This means rejecting free-trade agreements, hobbling global corporations, and rejecting the “everyone needs to export” model of the New World Order. We also favor trials for treason for the socialist leaders currently in power in street tribunals, with fireworks afterward.

Actually, we are in the camp that thinks there isn’t going to be a recovery. Obama is making sure there isn’t one.

Let’s get past the “good news” that the largest and most predatory global corporations have survived the financial crisis nicely and are able to post record profits. We’re not rooting for them to get bigger and more powerful and more profitable. Next they will start gobbling up the smaller fish. The logic of this will eventually be, one big global corporation. Well, not really. More like two big global corporations enslaving everyone. With a very large unemployed population.

Our favorite gloomsters:

Bill Sardi on the economy. Things aren’t going so well.

Roubini on the double-dip recession. Maybe, maybe not. They can chew this topic over until it doesn’t matter. It only matters if you lose your job, or can’t find one.

China: “The U.S. is insolvent and faces bankruptcy.” China objects to the high ratings on U.S. debt and is creating its own rating agencies to compete with corrupt U.S. bond rating agencies.

Why the banking crisis (credit crisis) is far from over. Actually, it’s just starting. Next up: how are the shakier banks going to raise capital? (We don’t care.)

Cameron visits Obama to learn how not to govern a country. Or to give Obama some much-needed advice. But Cameron is a New World Order free-trade idiot making a spectacle of himself jetting about pleading for investment in Britain. You can thank Gordon Brown’s horrible management of the economy for Cameron’s embarrassing position.

Even though housing starts were up, home foreclosures rise. Real estate prices predicted to fall. Fine with us.

Predicting a further decline in housing prices. Well, how much did housing prices inflate, and why should a depreciating asset inflate in price anyway? The rise in prices was merely a measure of the devaluation of the currency combined with easy credit.

Homeowners abandon Obama’s aid program. You can’t say they have addressed the housing crisis.

Bob Chapman (one of the best) on why Europe’s banks are still in trouble: They are still holding the toxic products American banks sold them. A very nice in-depth analysis of how this is going to turn out. Required reading.

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard on Europe’s “deflationary vortex.” We love new phrases, and price deflation is fine with us. That is how excesses (bubbles) work themselves out. The phrases we really like are, “walking away from the European Union” and “impeaching Obama.” But seriously, the debate of the moment is whether the Fed will be able to inflate prices to aid debt issuers. There is still an economic war going on, it’s just a little bit “papered over” at the moment.

Economic trends slam Britain’s economy. But Germany seems to be doing better, if by Germany you mean big German corporations and banks.

U.S. cities to cut jobs. The most predictable headline of the year.

Bill Gross catches up with Demographic Winter and figures out that stock prices can’t rise if population falls. He fails to mention that feminism is to blame for drastic world depopulation trends. They all fail to mention feminism, it’s New World Order etiquette. That’s one reason you are so blind to the deadly threat of feminism.

Humanity doesn’t have a future as long as feminists exist.

Russia slams energy sector with huge tax. Australia tried that already with its metals companies. Governments are so desperate for money, they are willing to kill the economy. Everybody knows there are big new taxes ahead.

James Quinn believes we are past the point of no return, blames everybody.

Banks financing drug trade. Don’t be too shocked that bankers aren’t honest.

Why economics is a pseudo-science.

Even worse, Keynsians are in the White House setting policy. Ruinous.

Obama favors job-killing free-trade agreements.

Warning of economic collapse at Pak-Alert. Economic collapse? Probably not. We think they can finesse the debt and stay in business.

Financial regulation bill requires financial institutions to discriminate against white males. That’s why they don’t want Congress to actually read the bills.

The single bit of good news:

Europe freezes out Goldman. They had to, Goldman is too evil. They are squeezing out Obama and the Fed, too. This gives Europe a chance to survive.

Of interest:

Sarkozy: “Obama may be crazy.” Sarkozy may be crazy, though not for making this remark. For wanting to get rid of the white race.

The George Soros relationship map. Dr. Evil’s circle of influence.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the global warming scam.

Obama’s Communist friends.

Obama plans to seize 10 million acres from Western states. The federal government already owns over 60 percent of Western land, so conservation isn’t the goal. What is the goal, to cripple the economy and make sure nobody can make a living? The United States could experience an economic renaissance simply by forcing the federal government to open its lands to private development.

Obama mobilizes National Guard for eleven states. To make sure nobody resists his Commie takeover.

UN celebrates World (De)Population Day.

The United Nations is so corrupt it may fall apart. We wish.

Gordon Brown says Saddam Hussein was “in the way of the New World Order.” We keep trying to tell you that these wars are New World Order wars, and the U.S. government is the bad guy, but you don’t listen. One day we’ll be gone and you’ll be sorry you didn’t pay closer attention.

TechnoFascism on how computer games will become part of the global police state. We notice the controllers are offering lots of “small-dollar incentives” to cooperate with them. What’s your price?

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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