England announces end of nuclear family

When we hop across the pond to see how the takeover is progressing in England, we always start with Centurean2, a site so comprehensive that we can’t understand how he does it. Centurean reports that new European Union President Herman von Rampuy is being directed by the Bilderbergers, as is EU Commission President Jose Barroso. Von Rampuy plans to “tap off green income,” but he also has a backup plan, a Europe-wide tax. This one-two punch of tax increases can only slow EU economic recovery. How greedy are these socialists?

Everything at Centurean is worth a read.

Radical Moslems in England are demanding that the legal system switch over to sharia law. Strangely, Islam4UK wants to remove Gordon Brown from power. Actually, Labour has enabled Moslem immigration. You would think the radical Moslems would appreciate this, but New World Order politics are very unstable.

MigrationWatchUK reports six key facts about immigration:

  • Net immigration has quadrupled since 1997 to 237,000 a year.
  • A migrant now arrives nearly every minute.
  • We must build a new home every six minutes for new migrants.
  • England is already the most crowded country in Europe (except Malta)
  • Immigration will add 7 million to the population of England in the next 20 years – that is 7 times the population of Birmingham.
  • To keep the population of the UK below 70 million, immigration must be reduced by 75%. Government measures so far may reduce it by 5%.

Migration is how they will destroy England.

Burning Our Money has a post on Climategate. Burning also takes a look at public sector employment statistics and discovers that one out of four employed Brits works for the government. Also on page 1, a report on neglect in the health care service resulting in unnecessary deaths. Burning also tracks cost overruns of various government projects. By now we all know the socialists underestimate costs and approve the overruns later. Their friends really really appreciate this. Next story: How immigrants with fake documents get hired at the National Health Service. One official has been arrested for skimming money from the illegal immigrants. So far, in the United States, the talk has been of extending health care benefits to illegal immigrants. In England the real scam is, the government hiring illegals to work in the health service and taking a cut of their wages.

England’s debt to GDP ratio is worse than that of Ireland or Iceland.

From English Rose, Labour’s Coun Hassan Ahmed has been arrested for sexual assault. Labour is funding radical Islam in Britain.

How state control over education and healthcare will work together as an integrated control system.

England’s head of the Family and Parenting Institute announces the end of the nuclear family. Dr. Rake wants to make sure the government doesn’t try to support nuclear families with subsidies and tax breaks. Half of all childbirths in England are illegitimate, and 70 percent of women work.

Climategate updates and discussion:

“Climategate is a frozen moment when everyone sees what is on the end of every fork.”

Barking Spider (caution, raw language)

Englands Freedome

WattsUpWithThat? has very thorough Climategate coverage.

England is very strange department:

Robert Plant joins Jimmy Page of Led Zepplin as honorary British royalty. What do the satanists talk about in polite company? Global warming, of course.

England is a nation of harmless occult eccentrics, ya? The Reverend Bromfield warns about aggressive satanism.

Are young lads getting a bad press?

Australia officially apologizes for abusing British children shipped over after the war.

Of general interest:

PoliceStateUK has thorough police state coverage.

Muffled Vociferation is an expat arguing against England’s EU membership.

BigBrotherWatch covers local stories of politically correct tyranny.

NationalDeathService covers England’s health care follies.

All Seeing Eye keeps an eye on the controllers.

Your new phrase for today: “Hiding the decline.”

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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