Drug lord bails out NY Times

From Madcow, background on Carlos Slim and his financial rescue of the New York Times. Why would the New York Times agree to take money from a South American drug dealer? Well, the bigger picture is that the laundering of drug profits through U.S. banks is the main source of “new money” keeping those banks afloat. While the global economy has crashed and many big banks are undercapitalized, drug dealing remains the most profitable global business, a source of ready cash. That’s where the money is.

Shamus Cooke writes at Global Research on the status of Mexico and Pakistan, two narco states. Cooke believes that Mexico’s war on drugs is a cover for a war against Marxist groups working for the overthrow of the Mexican government, but Cooke is wearing Marxist spectacles. Cooke predicts that the U.S. military will enter Mexico as a pretext for peacekeeping and will enforce Bush-era policies to control the Mexican population. Meanwhile, the people of Mexico are suffering from the wave of narco-violence and are beginning to organize themselves into self-defense groups. U.S. trade with Mexico has drastically declined, as have the remittances from Mexicans working inside the United States. Poverty and drugs are creating an explosive situation in Mexico.

More reporting on Mexico from Richard Skaff.

Stephen Lendman puts the drug violence in context with NAFTA and the SPP. Although the SPP is in a dormant phase now, it is not dead. Canada is updating its SPP poicies by calling for a controlled internet in North America by 2010. The idea is to charge a fee for access to each internet site. The most popular web sites will be bundled together for a small fee, following the cable TV model. Bell Canada is behind this plan. NAFTA control over the internet would be a way to end free speech once and for all.

The Obama administration appears to be following Bush’s policies in Mexico, favoring amnesty for illegal aliens, open borders, and continuation of Mexican drug cartel influence on both sides of the border. But the wave of violence spilling over into the southern border states may force Janet Napolitano to put U.S. troops on the border to protect American lives.

John Warnock analyzes the drug trade in Afghanistan and blames President Carter and the CIA for financially supporting the Taliban and the opium trade. The CIA was also involved in the opium trade through Pakistan, trading arms for drugs. Afghanistan’s President Karzai and his circle are heavily involved in the opium trade. Senator John Kerry has recently lined up a big aid package for Pakistan according to the Times of India.

Jackie Jura has background on Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin’s involvement in the cocaine trade.

The hottest hot spots on the planet right now are Mexico, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, the centers of the drug trade. Will Obama support the drug lords and keep the game going? Stay tuned.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


5 Responses to “Drug lord bails out NY Times”

  1. Clemans says:

    Thanks for this. Bookmarked.

  2. Terrel says:

    Nice entry, thanks for the information.

  3. Cranmer says:

    Nice entry, thanks for the information.

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