Detroit schools face bankruptcy

The Wall Street Journal reports that Detroit’s school system may file for bankruptcy in the coming weeks. Of course, by any measure of good education, the public school system has been “bankrupt” for decades now. Putting liberals in charge of anything is a huge mistake because they are so corrupt. The Democratic Party is simply a gangster mafia. It needs to be taken down before anything good can happen in the United States.

“In June, Mr. Bobb’s new team of forensic accountants found DPS paychecks going to 257 “ghost” employees who have yet to be accounted for. A separate Federal Bureau of Investigation probe in May led to the indictment of a former payroll manager and another former employee on charges of bilking the district out of about $400,000 over four years.”

“I have yet to meet a parent in Detroit who is not an advocate of their child getting a top-notch education,” Mr. Bobb says.

Anyone who imagines their child is getting a “top-notch” education in public schools is living in fantasy land. Wealthy and not so wealthy parents send their children to private schools so they can just get a minimal education in the United States. Even then, private schools often teach Marxist history and Marxist activism. Only about half of public school students in Detroit graduate from high school in four years. Financial questions aside, the Detroit public schools are a prime example of failure, even without the corruption of school officials.

Thanks to all of you who bought Toyotas and Hondas for your contribution to the decline in the Detroit school system. Isn’t the New World Order great? You can support foreign industries and corrupt Democrats and completely destroy your economy and society just by following the line of least resistance.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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