Community organizing in Afghanistan, too

The corrupt top-down community organizing model is also being used in Afghanistan. If you are wondering where your tax dollars go, well, Afghanistan has its own chain of corruption. In Afghanistan they are called Joint Regional Teams. They get the money and decide where it goes. A lot of it goes into their own pockets. This is how you will be governed in the future. Budget Insight has the story.

It seems one difference between the Soviet Communist model and the New World Order model is that workers are allowed to take drugs under the NWO model. Pacification, community uplift, district or regional governance, community penetration, security assistance, anything with the word “cooperation” in it are your keywords for reorganization under socialist global control. In Afghanistan they are focusing on construction projects and military pacification. In America the Joint Regional Teams will focus on making you and your community Green and multicultural.

The Left’s community organization model isn’t really about community organization. It’s about lots of money, preferably from the federal government, going to a network of shell organizations that form bureaucracies of control and corruption. The “community” is the lowest level of the pyramid of power. It’s just the opposite of democracy and freedom. Authority and money flow from the top. The agenda of the organizers has more to do with their own power and the opportunities for extortion and graft than providing aid.

The counterinsurgency tactics of the U.S. military are being applied both abroad and at home. Pacification and control are better descriptions of their objectives than nation-building and community organizing. Local governments are bypassed or infiltrated and corrupted. The controllers preserve appeals to local democracy and “the will of the people” so that you will think you are living in some nineteenth-century museum rather than a socialist prison camp. Don’t worry, you will still have Coca-Cola.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Community organizing in Afghanistan, too”

  1. Arsento says:

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