Climatescam update

We confess to being bored with the New World Order global warming climatescammers, but we came across a few stories post-Climategate, so here we are again with a few links of interest.

First, a little history about who is behind the world depopulation program.

You need to know who the enemies of humanity are, the same crowd who pushed Climatescam. The common error is “debating science” when you should be investigating the history of the controllers behind the scenes. Once you grasp this point, you can launch into the correct worldview and avoid being fooled by global socialism. Investigative history, not science, is the key to knowledge of the Climatescam propaganda stream.

“Every environmental resource must be measured. What can be measured can be managed under the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment Project.” Joan Peros

France rejects its carbon-tax legislation at the last moment. There is a pattern in many such bills. When the top corporations are exempted, the tax falls mainly on smaller businesses. Leaving aside issues of constitutionality, much legislation suffers from “watering down” the original intent to the point where legislators and special interest groups lose interest in it. Notice that Sarkozy was counting on carbon tax for revenue. The socialist governments are hungry for money, any excuse will do, and carbon taxes are so tempting. France’s rejection of the tax appears to us as a small miracle within the wider framework of the Green socialist takeover.

Corporate interests behind Climatescam.

Guess which big corporations are in the carbon tracking business? Carbon tracking is really control over the whole economy, isn’t it?

Pajamas Media follows the money.

The head of the UN’s IPCC has no scientific qualifications, but he does have carbon investments.

Up to 90 percent of carbon trading in Europe has been fraudulent according to Interpol.

Corsi investigates the “being paid not to produce” scheme at the heart of carbon trading.

Revisiting Copenhagen. World leaders stiffed Obama at Copenhagen, that’s why he was grim and his “ride to the rescue” fell as flat as his bid for the Chicago Olympics. Obama’s final accord was “noted,” not approved. Obama’s “I will negotiate with anybody” pledge means nothing because world leaders are avoiding him. Now you can put Obama’s statement at Copenhagen into its proper context, braggadocio and lies, the same old pattern of deception.

The recycling scam.

“[In China] Parents who get divorced sometimes abandon their child because policy prevents parents from having another child in a new marriage. Abandoned children become destitute and illegal, with no access to health care or education. The same happens to children whose parents did not obtain a birth permit.”

Communist China’s brutal population control policies are the model for the world. Abortions and sterilizations are mostly forced in China. Thanks, feminism, for these brutal anti-human policies. Don’t be surprised if China’s policies are adopted here. Remember, Obama authorized U.S. funding for China’s forced abortions and sterilizations in 2009 at a time when China’s economy was booming and the Democrats were driving the United States into unpayable debt peonage.

“…[Chinese policy measures include] exorbitant fines, coerced abortions and sterilizations, arbitrary detention, torture, and sometimes child abduction. A social compensation fee is the most common method; those who have unplanned pregnancies can be fined from one half to ten times their annual salary.”

This is what you are supporting when you support Obama and the feminist death culture. The socialist claims of “universal human rights” and “children’s rights” don’t quite ring true now, do they?

In 2000, the East Anglia Climatescammers predicted an end to winter snowfall in Britain. Their claim:

“Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community.”

You need to understand that the “international community” is the community of New World Order insiders, not a collection of scientists around the world. That is how they fool you with their rhetoric.

Wikipedia editors have altered over 5000 articles online to correspond to warmist claims. We warned you that Wikipedia was a liberal disinformation project, avoid it.

Cllimate Change Fraud

Junk Science is profiling the worst Climatescam offenders.

PlanetGore carries news on the warming scam, propaganda initiatives on the Left, and resistance.

A little research on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The junk science of CO2 and warming.

Global cooling in 2009.

And, in case you hadn’t noticed, the whole world is experiencing an extremely cold winter. Where exactly is that warming, again?

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


3 Responses to “Climatescam update”

  1. gmarris says:


    Excellent advice. I’m going to post a link of this New World Order University Forum ” Climatescam update articles about child psychology articles on my blackboard website on Saturday for my students. Everything you said works for discussion boards to…

  2. Pinoy says:

    Our community needs this kind of advices. Keep it up!.

  3. colonies says:

    great blog. I found it on google and i think i will come back later

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