
They are calling the email scandal at East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit “Climategate.” OK, we’ll go with that name. There has been a lot of media coverage, but we’ll cover it here as there are new developments we don’t want you to miss. Phil Jones, director of the CRU, admitted that he had altered climate data to mask the actual decline in world temperatures. This might seem like a small scandal, but it turns out that the CRU supplied the data used by the IPCC (UN). Jones has led the team of scientists that has stifled debate about global warming. His admission that he had deleted raw data and would rather delete raw data than hand it over on a Freedom of Information request was damning evidence that Jones is sitting atop the most important global warming fraud team.

Newsmax ties Obama’s science and technology czar John Holdren to the email controversy courtesy of Tim Ball and the Canada Free Press. Holden favors drastic depopulation by force. More by Tim Ball here.

Melanie Phillips takes a look at the email correspondence.

The Financial Times responds to the scandal with an editorial condemning scientific secrecy.

Mark Steyn weighs in on the fallback position of the warming alarmists, “peer review of studies.” Peer review is just as vulnerable to takeover by crooked scientists as data analysis.

David Greenfield on phony warming.

Pressure is mounting on the CRU crooks. Now the CRU alarmists have agreed to release their data. Wouldn’t it be great if fraudulent scientists finally got prosecuted?

“It is worth reiterating that our conclusions correlate well to those of other scientists based on the separate data sets held by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.”

This is the big lie. The Oceanic and NASA data show no warming of the upper atmosphere.

Christopher Booker editorializes about the scandal and the “hopelessly compromised scientific establishment.”

Readers of The Hidden Masters understand that the scientific establishment has been engaging in scientific fraud for a long, long time. But for some reason the press and investigative types ignore the scandals and fraud and act as if the National Academy of Science were the oracle of truth. The fraud is systematic. Fraud is built into the bias of the National Academies. If you are one of those who imagines that science is the “objective” study of nature’s laws by “disinterested” scientists working to discover “truth,” here is your wake-up call.

How does scientific fraud benefit the New World Order agenda? Here is the quote of interest, by Jacques Monod, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1965:

“Science has molded our whole society, by technology, but even more by the creation of new ideas and new outlooks at the universe, and the fact that this is not fully understood and recognized by the general public and governments and the Church and the universities and the philosophers is one of the causes of what we might call the neurosis of modern societies.

“For a number of generations at any rate a deadweight of the dull, silly, underdeveloped, weak and aimless will have to be carried by the guiding wills and intelligences of mankind. There seems to be no way of getting rid of them. The panics and preferences of these relatively uneducable minds, their flat and foolish tastes, their perversities and compensatory loyalties, their dull gregarious resistance to comprehensive efforts, their outbreaks of resentment at any too lucid revelation of their inferiority, will be a drag, and perhaps a very heavy drag, on the adaptation of institutions to modern needs and to the development of a common knowledge and a common conception of purpose throughout mankind…. The struggle of intelligent and energetic minds throughout the world to clear out their own lumber and get together for the conscious control of the affairs of the strangely mingled multitutde of our kind to develop the still largely unrealized possibilities of science and to organize a directive collective will is the essential drama of human life.”

Time to wake up. Big science is an evil, elitist, tyrannical force devoted to eliminating inferior people from the planet so that the scientific elite can rule unopposed by human values. The common purpose Monod is serving is the New World Order. All of those “backward,” unscientific cultures need to be destroyed so that science can have the field of humanity open to its experiments. The general term for this scientific vision is transhumanism, the vision of humans altered by technology and collectivized to receive their instructions from the central computer. These anti-human frauds are so elitist they don’t care anymore what you think, even though your taxes fund their pet projects and their elite lifestyles. Science funded by socialism and serving socialism.

There is no need to respect scientists. Science is an occupation without ethics and without human values. Science has no interest in history, in culture, in democratic values. Big science is devoted to elimination of all institutions and points of view that conflict with their drive for total power. Remember, these guys invented the most destructive weapons in human history, threatening all of life on this planet. Do you think they invented all those weapons for your own good? Who are they serving? The New World Order controllers. Now you know what they think of you, cattle to be eliminated.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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