Climategate reaction

Climate fraud controller Phil Jones of East Anglia University has been placed on leave pending an investigation of his emails. This investigation is scheduled for next spring. They hope it will be forgotten by then. Note at the end of this Daily Tech article that James Hansen’s NASA data has also been discredited as fraudulent.

Threat of a lawsuit against NASA.

Christopher Booker at the Mail has a long piece on the global warming fraud. Booker fails to link the fraud with the depopulation agenda of the world controllers, but otherwise his reporting is solid.

Christopher Monckton gets it right. The warming alarmists are globalist criminals.

The Wall Street Journal looks at how climate research is funded. Whew, $3 billion from Europe alone to fund global warming “studies.” That’s how bad they want control over the world economy. What they will make back in green tax schemes is, of course, many times their investment. Anyway, it’s your money they are spending, no problem for them.

Even the BBC can find a financial scandal by attempting to track the money. By now you should know that the United Nations is corrupt, and big money movements are just an opportunity for various criminals to slice off a piece.

Australia’s Parliament has voted down the global cap and trade scheme.

Delingpole’s reaction.

Jonah Goldberg criticizes media complicity in the scandal.

Saudi Arabia calls for an investigation as the Copenhagen conference begins.

Senator Inhofe calls for an investigation of the UN IPCC. Inhofe is our best-positioned opposition leader in the United States. Support him.

The UN opens the conference with predictions of catastrophe for humanity. Day 1: a scandal arises over bait-and-switch tactics.

The Copenhagen conference is going to last until December 18. This is now mainstream Marxist news, so there will be plenty of news coverage. We will not cover it closely, so do your own searches or visit your favorite blogs for developments.

Our greatest fear is, of course, that they will reach some sort of agreement and carry it out. A global climate bill, cap and trade legislation, and health care will deal us a triple blow in a brief period of time and signal a new era of corrupt global socialism. What we really care about is how much freedom and how much money we will have left after they pass these laws and set up their control committees. We can’t do anything about the control and the corruption, but we can explore ways to maximize our freedom under this socialist prison camp. That is where we will be putting our efforts in the days ahead, not on the day-to-day developments. We don’t care about how they do it to us, we just want to survive it.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Climategate reaction”

  1. I liked it. So much useful material. I read with great interest.

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