China’s police state

Communist China has become the largest and most efficient police state in the world. All of the technological innovations developed in the West are being exported to China by multinationals–Honeywell, GE, IBM, and other tech giants–for population control. China calls its electronic surveillance system the “Golden Shield.” It is the model for the global police state of the future. Catch up with what is going on inside China at Rolling Stone, “China’s All-Seeing Eye,” by Naomi Klein.

There isn’t any significant difference between the Chinese police state and the U.S. police state. Here the All-Seeing Eye is sold to the public as “homeland security.” The National Security Agency has a supercomputer called The Black Widow that scans all telephone conversations and emails for interesting language. See the report at The Final Hour. The NSA gets its feed from AT&T. Are you doing business with AT&T, Honeywell, IBM, or GE? Why would you want to support corporations that are using their technologies to spy on everyone and build a global police state?

Blacklisted News has an article about NOX technology, which allows anyone to be tracked without their knowledge. Surveillance technology is progressing so fast, it’s hard to keep up. Since all of these technological advances are combining to support the global controllers, NWOU hopes you will call into question the very concept of technological progress.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


10 Responses to “China’s police state”

  1. Despino says:

    Not many people think the same way as you. That includes me.. sorry 🙂

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  3. Cap says:

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  10. Gaynor says:

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