Black Marxists going gay

| October 17, 2010

Black radicals reach out to radical gays. The idea that blacks disapprove of homosexuality, as reported in polling, is misleading. The leaders are cooperating in the pervert takeover, and the black masses will vote along racial lines for pervs and criminals.

Identity cleansing

| September 4, 2010

“If you are not aware of being manipulated, you are being manipulated.” We are following up on our review of Descartes’ Error with a few helpful tips for undoing your liberal brainwashing and reclaiming your true identity. First, understand that brain science is conducted by materialist determinists and so all theories about mind/brain interaction will […]

Warning for America

| August 29, 2010

Warning For America From South Africa By Gemma Meyer (Gemma Meyer is the pseudonym of a South African journalist. She and her husband, a former conservative member of parliament, still reside in South Africa.) People used to say that South Africa was 20 years behind the rest of the Western world. Television, for example, came […]

Paradise Lost

| August 9, 2010

The high Tibetan plateau is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It is a vast and rugged landscape. You can’t farm at these high altitudes, the entire economy is based on yak-herding. Tibetan Buddhism has overlooked its prohibition against eating meat because yak-herding is the only sustainable economy on the plateau, and […]

White nationalism update

| July 18, 2010

We think white nationalism is necessary for survival of the white race. But ooohhh, is this position hated by every talker in the media, including the neocon Republicans, who remain committed to “individual rights” and the forced integration of the masses. White nationalism is the big political faultline in U.S. politics. Update your knowledge base.

Spiritual racism

| June 13, 2010

“We now hold the monopoly on rebel thinking.” The anti-modern thinkers represented at Cordelia for Lear hold the keys to conservative thinking. This site is a rich resource for thinking about the great heritage of Western civilization and for reorienting your identity away from the modern crud. If you are going to survive the socialist […]