News for July 25, 2021

| July 24, 2021

Best news of the week: Rand Paul initiates criminal charges against Dr. Fauci. The covid death data war: The claims that there are more covid deaths among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated are based on CDC data. The media are reporting the opposite and are ginning up a fear campaign against the unvaccinated among […]

News for January 3, 2021

| January 2, 2021

“What are you faggots going to do when election comes and the polls are right and Trump loses? Off yourselves? Riot? Leave the country? Start the civil war you’ve been whining about since 2008? Oh, that’s right. You won’t do shit. You never, ever do. You will cry about the white race and say the […]

News for November 22, 2020

| November 21, 2020

Our other website, World Depopulation Agenda, was hacked and taken down. This site will disappear soon. This is the age of censorship. If you find something of value here, download it to your computer now. Google, Facebook, and Twitter coordinate with each other on their censorship policies. Trump legal team press conference on Thursday, November […]

News for August 30, 2020

| August 30, 2020

Portland riots stop, FBI investigations credited. Or it might be that the polls are turning against Biden/Harris. What took the FBI 90 days to step up their investigations? 600-car MAGA caravan counter-protest reaches Portland August 29. Lots of coverage here. Following this rally, one Trump supporter was murdered in Portland. We have it that Trump is […]

News for April 19, 2020

| April 19, 2020

The coronavirus outbreak is taking place within the overall framework of the war between China and the United States. China believes that the virus outbreak was caused by a U.S. soldier attending military games in Wuhan, China. The United States government believes the virus outbreak was caused by weaponized virus research at the Wuhan Institute, […]

News for April 11, 2020

| April 11, 2020

As the global control system weakens, China becomes more aggressive. The U.S. war with China in the South China Sea. Very informative video. Catch up. The U.S. Navy has an aircraft carrier problem: China says it will give medical supplies to France if France adopts Huawei technology. Unfortunately, medical goods shipments from China have mainly featured […]

News for April 5, 2020

| April 5, 2020

Why sars coronavirus is different from the flu: “The ability to infect nerve cells is, while not unheard of, extremely rare. It is common knowledge that HSV integrates itself into nerve cells, effectively “hiding” beyond the reach of the immune system. HIV similarly hides in immune CD4+ T-cells and remains latent for years. Herpes is […]